Tiếng Việt
Bahasa Indonesia
Lời nói đầu:On November 24th, 2019, WikiEXPO successfully wrapped up at Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. With over 5,000 attendees, over 30 forex brokers and 30 well-known keynote speakers of the forex industry, the event has been a roaring success. With its constantly growing influence, WikiEXPO aspires to join hands with investors and forex professionals to create a safer forex investment environment.
On November 24th, 2019, WikiEXPO successfully wrapped up at Marriott Marquis Queens Park Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. With over 5,000 attendees, over 30 forex brokers and 30 well-known keynote speakers of the forex industry, the event has been a roaring success. With its constantly growing influence, WikiEXPO aspires to join hands with investors and forex professionals to create a safer forex investment environment.
Bangkok is the third and last stop of WikiEXPO‘s serial expositions in Asia this year. In order to offer the investors and professionals the best participating experience at the event, WikiEXPO team spends approximately two months preparing for every exposition. Following the last exposition in HCMC, Vietnam, WikiEXPO Bangkok was hosted at an even larger venue covering 3,000m2, in order to offer brokers, investors and other professionals a high-quality platform to share their expertise and forge business connections. Meanwhile, WikiEXPO’s collaboration with 5 prestigious local forex media groups had enabled local investors to further understand the forex market through more diversified channels.
On 24th at 9am local time, attendees entered the venue after registration and the host opened the event with a splendid welcoming address.
WikiEXPO understands the significance of market exposure for exhibitors and strives to provide the 30+ participating brokers more branding opportunities in the agenda and venue arrangement. As the host of the event, WikiEXPO showed much dedication and consideration, which was evident in many details at the venue. From the posters on the pillars to logos on charging stands and drink booths, the exhibitors were given more opportunities to display their brands and logos, while investors learned about them more directly by engaging in more efficient interactions with brokers.
Taking full advantage of the venue, WikiEXPO thoughtfully arranged two speech sections and three salon sections that allowed brokers presentations and KOL speeches to run in parallel, thus increasing time efficiency of the Expo. Investors had more choices during the same period, while more brokers also benefited from having adequate time to introduce their brands. Guest speakers shared their expertise and insights about forex trading, market trend and global financial context through fascinating speeches, such as “Elliott Wave Made Easy”, “Money Management” and “Forex Industry Trends Nowadays”, kindling wild applause in a warm and lively atmosphere.
During the event, WikiEXPO also arranged tea breaks for the participants, as well as several lucky draws that offer great prizes such as HUAWEI Mate30 Pro and Huawei P30 Pro. Investors were very pleased as they not only learned plenty about forex but also got the chance of winning exciting prizes.
At 6pm, the event concluded in a warm and pleasant mood.
The successfully close of the Bangkok Expo also marked a satisfactory ending of WikiEXPOs journeys in 2019. WikiEXPO team will review the achievements in 2019 and get ready for the upcoming events next year. In the past, WikiEXPO left its trace in Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh City and Bangkok; looking ahead, WikiEXPO will continue to carve out more new frontiers and achieve even greater success.
Miễn trừ trách nhiệm:
Các ý kiến trong bài viết này chỉ thể hiện quan điểm cá nhân của tác giả và không phải lời khuyên đầu tư. Thông tin trong bài viết mang tính tham khảo và không đảm bảo tính chính xác tuyệt đối. Nền tảng không chịu trách nhiệm cho bất kỳ quyết định đầu tư nào được đưa ra dựa trên nội dung này.
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