موقع الويب
معلومات تنظيمية غير صالحة ، كن حريصاً من المخاطر
مكان الخادم
الولايات المتحدة
اسم مجال موقع الويب
للخادم IP
المعلومات العامة واللوائح
Richness Empire(أو richness forex) هو تاجر تبادل فوركس مسجل في المملكة المتحدة ، مع عنوانه الفعلي ووقت التأسيس والشركة التي تقف وراءه غير معروفة للجميع. و Richness Empire هو وسيط غير خاضع للتنظيم تم الكشف عنه بالفعل كعملية احتيال محتملة من قبل السلطات المالية في المملكة المتحدة.
أدوات السوق
الأدوات المالية القابلة للتداول المتاحة على Richness Empire تشمل أزواج العملات الأجنبية والسلع والمؤشرات والأسهم والعملات المشفرة.
الحد الأدنى للإيداع
فيما يتعلق بالحد الأدنى للإيداع الأولي الذي يقدمه هذا الوسيط ، Richness Empire لا يوضح هذا الوسيط. على أي حال ، فإن معظم أرصفة Richness Empire تتطلب إيداعات أولية في حدود 100 دولار - 250 دولار.
من حيث الرافعة المالية المقدمة ، Richness Empire يوفر رافعة مالية تصل إلى 1: 1000 ، وهو أمر مفرط وخطير للغاية بالنسبة للمتداولين. قامت معظم الجهات التنظيمية بتقييد الرافعة المالية التي يمكن تقديمها لمستثمري التجزئة إلى مستويات أقل بكثير من 1: 100.
فروق الأسعار والعمولات
Richness Empireتقدم منصة التداول الخاصة بـ "سبريد" ثابت على زوج اليورو / الدولار الأمريكي عند 2.0 نقطة ، وهو أمر غير مواتٍ للمتداولين.
منصة تداول متاحة
لدهشتنا ، ماذا Richness Empire تقدم للمتداولين منصة تداول MT5 المعروفة والشهيرة على نطاق واسع. ومع ذلك ، نظرًا لحقيقة أن هذا الوسيط غير منظم ، فإن توفر أحدث منصة تداول لا تجعلها شركة وساطة ذات مصداقية.
الإيداع والسحب
عندما يتعلق الأمر بطرق الدفع المتاحة ، فهذه معلومة أخرى نفتقدها. في أي حال ، يقبل معظم الوسطاء بطاقات VISA و MasterCard والتحويلات المصرفية والمحافظ الإلكترونية مثل Skrill و Paypal و Neteller وما إلى ذلك.
مخاطر التداول
ليس من الجيد أبدًا العمل مع وسيط غير منظم. هذا لأنه لا يوجد عذر للوسيط ألا يكون لديه على الأقل نوع من الترخيص. الجهات التنظيمية ذات المستوى الأدنى لديها الحد الأدنى من المتطلبات والإشراف ، وليس من الجيد التسجيل مع وسيط برخصة منخفضة المستوى.
ملحقات كروم
استعلام عن تنظيم وسيط فوركس عالمي
تصفح مواقع وسطاء الفوركس وتحديد الوسطاء الشرعيين والاحتيال بدقة
تثبيت الآن
بعد دفع الضرائب ، قيل لي إن هناك أموالاً خارجية تم تحويلها وأحتاج إلى دفع أكثر من 10000 رينجيت ماليزي وديعة
لقد قمت بسحب الأموال في البداية. وبعد ذلك يجب أن أدفع ضريبة بنسبة 40٪.
هذه منصة مزيفة ، لا تنخدع ، لقد غشوا من البداية إلى النهاية ، وما زلت لا أستطيع سحب الأموال
أودعت ما يقرب من نصف مليون دولار في حساب النظام الأساسي الخاص بي ، ولا يمكنني تسجيل الدخول الآن ، ولا يمكنني سحب الأموال بشكل طبيعي. هذه المنصة عبارة عن منصة احتيال
The account has been blocked for one month, the deposit was paid, and it was still impossible to log in and withdraw funds. Please don't trust the margin.
We have to pay 30% to the tax bureau before withdrawing funds. And they said we could get the money in one working day. Isn’t it a scam?
I apply for withdrawal on April 30. And now I was asked to pay 30% to the tax bureau
I have been messaging the customer service for 3 days now about the withdrawal from my account; however, there haven't been any reply yet. I have met this guy in a dating app and said that he would help me increase my principal amount, at first, yes he did help me, but on subsequent trading, he won't help me unless I apply for an overdraft of at least 2000 US dollars, unfortunately I wasn't able to meet his demands so that's why he told me to apply for an overdraft of 3000 - 5000 us dollars and I did. After able to come up with the money, he told me that I cannot withdraw unless I top up another 5000 us dollars in which case I did; thereafter, I decided to withdraw the money but unfortunately, the customer service won't reply to me for 3 days and they have been sending messages with: "Hello, it is being processed for you, please wait a moment". I just have to face the fact that I have lost a lot of money and I'm in a very serious debt issue because of Richness - Forex
I met that charming guy on FB dating and he said he could help me to increase my asset to have a bright future with him. I was so idiot to place truth on him and then download MetaTrader5 app (which is legit), and use Richness Empire as Brokers. I believed that as a Broker listed on the app, it is regulated (basically not). So I made investment with him and even apply for the overdraft trap. So now when I discover that many people are in the same situation and I haven't completed the overdraft, I wouldn't spend any money on it any more. Just have to accept the truth that my money will never come back. I was idiot, please if there're any invitation for investment, check the broker carefully and do not place truth so easily like me. Now I'm broken and did borrow money from my friends, I need to find the way to pay them back!
I've invested $200. After trading for a while, my account exceeds $500. But I am unable to withdraw now.
A friend invited me through social media and trapped me in a trap. My income exceeded US$3,000 and an overdraft of US$20,000 without any warnings. I must complete the payment of the deposited 20,000 USD, otherwise 10% of my money will be deducted every day. This is a complete scam and will affect investors!
Invested 5000 USD and when I gained and tried to withdraw just 1500, they told me that my account is frozen due to “malicious acts” The only way to unfreeze it is to replenish another 20% of my current balance which is horrendous and obviously a scammer move. They even taunt to sue me because I told them that I will report them to police to track their IP address. Good thing I saw in the other exposures that / can help me recover my funds which I really hope that they can.
Ivan Martin
I’m negotiating with their customer service, but they keep on giving me same paraphrased replies. I just want to withdraw my money. To make it worse, I found out that Richness Empire has no regulatory license.
الولايات المتحدة
RE informed me that they have a promotion of allocation loan whereby they would offer a loan of $30000USDT with the condition that I would have to deposit the same amount $30,000 USDT into the account. I have applied to receive this offer. At the time of the application, I already had $7,483.93 USDT in their account, There were no other information that was given about this offer other than the fact i had to deposit $30,000 USDT into the account. It was only after my application was approved they then advised me that I would need to deposit $30,000 into my account before 11.59pm 13/2/21 and it does not include $7,483.93 which i had already deposited. i was sceptical when they indicated that if I don't deposit another $30,000 into the account, they would deduct 20% from my account each day and report me to the Australia Banking committee which may ultimately affect my credit score but before depositing
Ivan Martin
I was about to withdraw 1500 USD, when Richness Empire notified me that my account has been frozen. Take note, this was supposed to be my second withdrawal. They’re requiring me to deposit 2300 USD to unfreeze my account. Beware of this Broker! Search your broker first before you push through.
I have invested for almost $7,000 and earn profit out of it. I tried to withdraw with them 3 times this week and the customer service told me that the platform is under maintenance and upgrade and come back for withdrawal business after 24 hours. Now, this is what happened. See attachments.
They will try to get your heart with a little money then they will try to invite you to overdraft money from them. but the catch is you need to pay them with another money before you withdraw your profits. They will hold your account until you have recharged again from your bank so that you can withdraw PS: there are already many people who reported Richness empire and posted their reports. be aware
Cristine Mae Sanchez
I was withdrawing my funds for 1000 USD and the customer service replied that I need to upgrade my account to VIP that requires additional deposit.
I meet this chinessle guy in FB dating app. He taught me how to do the trading. At first, he showed me that my investment will earn profit and he also showed me how to withdraw my investment to make me believe that their platform is legit. I almost invested 1000 USD and he advised me to request for an overdraft activity. He did not explain everything to me. I just learned that I need to pay the 5000 USD which was credited to my account before I can withdraw the amount that I invested.
الولايات المتحدة
My experience with Richness Empire was a rough one. I invested 20 thousand on the platform and all efforts to withdraw both my capital and profits were futile, I spoke to the support severally but they kept on requesting for more deposit with different excuses like tax, processing fee. Even after you pay the 10% processing fee, nothing happens. Things got from bad to worse when they stopped responding to my mails, this led me to reporting to recovery for a refund. Richness Empire is feeding on Vulnerable people like myself who are pensionable age trying to make a small profit and people are loosing all their savings. It is stealing on a very large scale and the company must be making substantial profit I wonder where this is going definitely not to the investors! Stay clear is my advice.