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Induce fraud. Serious slippage. Abnormal funding
I met a woman on a dating app (the first picture) and introduced a trader biggloballtd to join so that I could make money quickly. At first, I saw that it would not be deceptive to use foreign exchange score, and after the trader opened stored value, there were Provides 7 days of free analyst guidance to place an order (the third picture), the first 7 days of trading are normal, and then the experience is over, the customer service said that if you want to keep the analyst, you need to have a full amount of 10,000 US dollars to continue the guidance, but I told this guy After the woman, in order for me to make money earlier, she used his analyst to place the order and told me to place the order until I liquidated (the fourth picture 2022/4/22), and the customer service immediately showed me a message telling me to Make up for the amount of liquidation, otherwise there will be what he calls the "delay fee" credit problem. (Fifth picture) (I will be sued for not paying the fee? I don’t know for newcomers) At that time, there was not enough money to deposit, so a delay fee was incurred. Finally, after a total of 30,000 New Taiwan Dollars were stored three times (2022/6/2), the customer service said that the account would be successfully credited and the account would be reset to zero. As a result, the customer service speech changed into simplified characters and would not respond, only to find out that it was a scam (the sixth picture). Figure), I checked the foreign exchange WikiFX to know that his score has directly changed to -1 point. Before that, I didn’t see other whistleblowers pointing out that there was a problem until 2022/6/2. I didn’t know that his score became 1 point, and the current account is fundamentally There is no return to zero (the seventh picture). In addition, I don't know if there will be a delay fee or whether there is a credit problem or not. I was cheated out of my hard money. Please see the time and score for the last picture. Also, I do not knwo if they have a credibility problem. They just scam all the money that I earned.
Induce fraud
I met a woman on a dating app (the first picture) and introduced a trader biggloballtd to join so that I could make money quickly. At first, I saw that it would not be deceptive to use foreign exchange score, and after the trader opened stored value, there were Provides 7 days of free analyst guidance to place an order (the third picture), the first 7 days of trading are normal, and then the experience is over, the customer service said that if you want to keep the analyst, you need to have a full amount of 10,000 US dollars to continue the guidance, but I told this guy After the woman, in order for me to make money earlier, she used his analyst to place the order and told me to place the order until I liquidated (the fourth picture 2022/4/22), and the customer service immediately showed me a message telling me to Make up for the amount of liquidation, otherwise there will be what he calls the "delay fee" credit problem. (Fifth picture) (I will be sued for not paying the fee? I don’t know for newcomers) At that time, there was not enough money to deposit, so a delay fee was incurred. Finally, after a total of 30,000 New Taiwan Dollars were stored three times (2022/6/2), the customer service said that the account would be successfully credited and the account would be reset to zero. As a result, the customer service speech changed into simplified characters and would not respond, only to find out that it was a scam (the sixth picture). Figure), I checked the foreign exchange Tianyan to know that his score has directly changed to 1 point. Before that, I didn’t see other whistleblowers pointing out that there was a problem until 2022/6/2. I didn’t know that his score became 1 point, and the current account is fundamentally There is no return to zero (the seventh picture). In addition, I don't know if there will be a delay fee or whether there is a credit problem or not. I was cheated out of my hard money. Please see the time and score for the last picture.
Induce fraud. Serious slippage
I met a woman on a dating app (the first picture) and introduced a trader biggloballtd to join so that I could make money quickly. At first, I saw that it would not be deceptive to use foreign exchange score, and after the trader opened stored value, there were Provides 7 days of free analyst guidance to place an order (the third picture), the first 7 days of trading are normal, and then the experience is over, the customer service said that if you want to keep the analyst, you need to have a full amount of 10,000 US dollars to continue the guidance, but I told this guy After the woman, in order for me to make money earlier, she used his analyst to place the order and told me to place the order until I liquidated (the fourth picture 2022/4/22), and the customer service immediately showed me a message telling me to Make up for the amount of liquidation, otherwise there will be what he calls the "delay fee" credit problem. (Fifth picture) (I will be sued for not paying the fee? I don’t know for newcomers) At that time, there was not enough money to deposit, so a delay fee was incurred. Finally, after a total of 30,000 New Taiwan Dollars were stored three times (2022/6/2), the customer service said that the account would be successfully credited and the account would be reset to zero. As a result, the customer service speech changed into simplified characters and would not respond, only to find out that it was a scam (the sixth picture). Figure), I checked the foreign exchange WikiFX to know that his score has directly changed to -1 point. Before that, I didn’t see other whistleblowers pointing out that there was a problem until 2022/6/2. I didn’t know that his score became 1 point, and the current account is fundamentally There is no return to zero (the seventh picture). In addition, I don't know if there will be a delay fee or whether there is a credit problem or not. I was cheated out of my hard money. Please see the time and score for the last picture. Also, I do not know if they have a credit problem. They just scamed all the money that I earned.
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