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Making friends online, inducement to fraud
Everyone beware of romance scams and protect your personal funds. If you are being scammed, report to the police quickly. You can share your experience so that others can avoid becoming victims. The picture above is the person I met. This person talked to me and pretended to be a successful person, saying that his wife cheated on him and ran away with someone else. He tried to gain my sympathy and get closer to us. He let you down and then dragged you to the stock group. Then there are their gangs in the group, sharing how much money international gold makes every day. Then they recommend managers to you and open international accounts. They send you some information to introduce that they are a formal platform. They cheat money under the guise of MT5 exchanges. They take you to invest in international gold (London gold), and senior shares price positions to make you make money first. You can withdraw cash. Slowly you lose money and your account is frozen. Then you are asked to recharge to unblock it before you can withdraw the money. After you recharge, you still cannot unblock it, and they try every means to make you continue to recharge. You may not be able to withdraw cash in the end. I recharged more than 60,000 US dollars. There are more than 200,000 US dollars in the account. You can't withdraw a single cent, and your account will not be unblocked. Slowly, you can't log into your account. It's best not to touch this kind of foreign platform. The money you recharge is their private account abroad. The police can't get it back, and then they find reasons to kick you out of the group and delete you. This lesson made me want to die. I hope everyone will not be like me. Don't trust others too much. I also hope that I can adjust my mentality, let go of this matter as soon as possible, and start a new life... Everyone must be careful and invest with caution!
I was cheated and cannot withdraw money.
How could such a profitable platform take our money away? There were two seniors in the group. One was Lao Mo pretending to be a good guy, and the other was Kunpeng pretending to be a bad guy. Zhang Liang played the role of our good friend. Zhang Liang told me that Kunpeng said that Mt5 has a one-click follow-up function. As long as we tell him the account number and password, we will also make money when he places an order. Zhang Liang first sent me a screenshot and said how much money the senior helped him make today. I was a little tempted. So I told the senior my account number and password. My friend also followed the senior with me. My friend and I each recharged more than 60,000 US dollars, and the transaction doubled to more than 200,000 US dollars in five days. Zhang Liang recharged more than one million US dollars and turned it into 3.5 million US dollars. Just when we said we would withdraw the money the next day, we saw that the account was frozen in the morning. What was the reason? Kunpeng explained that the system triggered the protection mechanism. We are not fools, we can all see that this was intentional. He asked us to find Manager Liu. Manager Liu told me to deposit 22,000 US dollars before my account could be unblocked, and I could only withdraw the money after it was unblocked. I borrowed money from everywhere and collected 22,000. After depositing it, I still couldn't get my account unblocked. Manager Liu said it was not enough. I had to deposit another 60,000. At this time, the police station called me. They said my account was abnormal. They asked me why I had transferred so many money recently? They asked me to explain it immediately. I was not sober at the time. I was still thinking about how to raise money to unblock my account. The police told me not to be fooled again. They checked all the chat records on my phone and said I was cheated. This platform is a scam platform. I can't withdraw money even if I continue to deposit money. I realized it and quickly told the other two friends not to deposit money. I don't know if other people in the group are the same as us. I asked the two seniors to help us unblock our account. I would return it to them after I withdraw the money. They refused. They could do it, but they didn't help. It was obvious that they just wanted our money. They asked us to continue to deposit money, but they would not let us withdraw the money in the end. I went to Zhang Liang and he also lost money. I asked him, isn't this your uncle's friend? You can ask your uncle to help us. He said his uncle would not help. Let us not embarrass him. Then I understood. They are in the same group. One-click follow-up is a scam, and Zhang Liang's account may also be a demo account. Two or three days later, the seniors saw that we did not continue to recharge, so they found a reason to kick us out of the group. Now we can't even log in to the account of that software, nor the MT5 foreign exchange platform account. The goal was achieved, and Zhang Liang disappeared. My friend and I became penniless overnight. We owed a lot of debts to unblock the account.
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