No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!
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Note: Vanguard Coin Option's official website: is currently inaccessible normally.
Founded in 2020, Vanguard Coin Option is an unregulated brokerage company registered in China. This firm boasts of providing a secured & easy way to trade cryptocurrency, forex and stocks.
Vanguard Coin Option currently does not hold any valid regulatory certificates. Although it is incorporated in the China, it lacks regulation from any recognized financial authority. Opening an online brokerage account can be an easy way to start investing and there are always risks in investing. But we can choose to stay away from certain risks.
Vanguard Coin Option's official website is currently inaccessible. So maybe it's time to find another brokerage.
There is a notable lack of information about Vanguard Coin Option available online. This lack of transparency can really dampen investors' enthusiasm.
Vanguard Coin Option is not regulated by any reputable financial authority. Before choosing a brokerage, remember to consider the risk involved.
On WikiFX, “Exposure” is posted as a word of mouth received from users.
Traders are encouraged to review information and assess risks before trading on unregulated platforms. Please consult our platform for related details. Report fraudulent brokers in our Exposure section and our team will work to resolve any issues you encounter.
As of now, there are two pieces of Vanguard Coin Option exposure in total.
Exposure 1. Scammed in telegram
Classification | Unable to Withdraw |
Date | July 6, 2023 |
Post Country | Mexico |
The user said that he deposited $1000 and could not get it back. You may visit:
Exposure 2. Cannot withdraw
Classification | Unable to Withdraw |
Date | April 26, 2020 |
Post Country | Singapore |
The user said that he can't withdraw on vanguard coin option. You may visit:
Vanguard Coin Option is not a trusted broker because it is not regulated by a financial authority with strict standards. If you want to stay safe, only sign up with brokers that are overseen by a top-tier and stringent regulator.
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