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Equiti Capital

United Kingdom|10-15 years|
Regulated in United Kingdom| Institution Forex License| Suspicious Scope of Business| High potential risk


Rating Index


+44 203 519 8292
69 Wilson Street London EC2A 2BB


Licensed Entity:Equiti Capital UK Limited

License No. 528328

VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account

Single Core




WikiFX Risk Alerts
  • The number of this brokers's negative field survey reviews has reached 1. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

Basic Information

Registered Region
United Kingdom
Operating Period
10-15 years
Company Name
Equiti Capital UK Limited.
Equiti Capital
Company employee
Customer Service Email Address
Contact Number
Company address
69 Wilson Street London EC2A 2BB
Relevant Enterprises
Company Summary

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Risk Warning

Trading online is risky, and you run the risk of losing all of your investment money. Not all traders and investors are suited for it. Please be aware that the risk factors should be considered and that the material on this website is intended to provide general advise.

General Information

Equiti Capital Review Summary
Founded 2008
Registered Country/Region United Kingdom
Regulation FCA (Exceeded)
Market Instruments Forex pairs, Indices, Shares & ETFs, Commodities, Precious metals, Cryptocurrencies
EUR/USD Spread N/A
Trading Platforms MT4/MT5
Minimum Deposit $500
Customer Support email

What is Equiti Capital?

Equiti Capital is a brokerage firm known for providing a variety of trading instruments across different asset classes. These include Forex pairs, Indices, Shares & ETFs, Commodities, Precious metals, and Cryptocurrencies. The firm provides clients with several trading platforms, including MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5), and Equiti WebTrader, which cater to different trading styles and strategies.

Equiti Capital's home page

We will examine this broker's attributes from a variety of angles in the following post, giving you clear and organized information. Please continue reading if you're curious. To help you quickly comprehend the broker's qualities, we will also provide a concise conclusion at the end of the piece.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Wide Range of Trading Instruments • Limited Information
• Multiple Trading Platforms • The brokerage's FCA regulation status has expired
• Lack of clarity or public information about the types of accounts

Equiti Capital Alternative Brokers

There are many alternative brokers to Equiti Capital depending on the specific needs and preferences of the trader. Some popular options include:

  • Fidelity Investments - A trusted broker with a strong reputation, providing a wide range of investment options, retirement planning tools, and exceptional customer service.

  • Coinbase - As a leading cryptocurrency exchange, Coinbase is an excellent choice for individuals looking to trade or invest in cryptocurrencies with a user-friendly interface and a wide selection of digital assets.

  • Charles Schwab - A reputable broker that offers a variety of investing alternatives, strong research tools, and an intuitive interface for users of all skill levels.

Is Equiti Capital Safe or Scam?

Regulation by reputable bodies such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is a key factor in assessing the legitimacy and safety of a brokerage firm. The License No. Is 528328. Equiti Capital's FCA registration has expired and they haven't renewed it or obtained regulation from another reputable body, it could be a cause for concern. More importantly, there are some users who reflect that the broker is a scam and therefore need to think carefully or find another alternative broker with more authority when investing.

FCA license

Market Instruments

Equiti Capital offers trading in forex, which stands for foreign exchange. Forex trading involves the buying and selling of currency pairs, such as EUR/USD, GBP/USD, etc. With Equiti, traders can participate in the largest and most liquid market in the world.

Indices represent the performance of a specific section of a stock market. Equiti provides trading on various global indices such as the Dow Jones, S&P 500, NASDAQ, FTSE 100, DAX, and many others.

Equiti offers its clients the ability to trade in shares of companies from different sectors and regions. In addition, they provide the option to trade Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), which are investment funds traded on stock exchanges.

With Equiti, traders can also deal in commodity markets. This could include physical commodities like oil, gold, silver, natural gas, agricultural commodities, and others.

Precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium can also be traded through Equiti Capital. These are often used as a hedge against market volatility and inflation.

As the crypto market continues to evolve, Equiti has embraced this trend and offers trading in a variety of cryptocurrencies, including but not limited to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. These digital assets are becoming an increasingly popular investment choice.

Market Instruments
Market Instruments

Connectivity of Equiti Capital

By offering real-time position monitoring, account management, direct access to Tier 1 banks via PrimeXM's XCore at Equinix NY4, LD4, TY3, and low latency liquidity delivery to customers, Equiti Capital manages risk based on the Pre-Trade model. All Xcore liquidity was accessible through MT4 servers at Equinix LD4.


Trading Platform

Equiti Capital offers its clients a variety of robust trading platforms that cater to both beginner and experienced traders. The platforms facilitate efficient trading across various asset classes including forex, commodities, indices, shares, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies.

MT4 is one of the most popular trading platforms globally, known for its user-friendly interface and a vast range of tools. It provides clients of Equiti Capital with real-time access to the markets and allows them to execute trades instantly. The platform offers advanced charting capabilities, multiple order types, and a wide array of technical indicators for comprehensive market analysis. Moreover, it supports automated trading through the use of Expert Advisors (EAs), which can be beneficial for traders who prefer algorithmic trading.

Moreover, Equiti Capital also provides MT5. In addition to the features of MT4, MT5 provides more timeframes, technical and fundamental analysis tools, and more types of pending orders. It also has a built-in economic calendar and depth of market feature. Similar to MT4, MT5 supports algorithmic trading via Expert Advisors and provides the opportunity to buy or rent thousands of apps & EAs from the Market and to order custom applications from professional programmers through the Freelance service.


See the trading platform comparison table below:

Broker Trading Platforms
Equiti Capital MT4/MT5
Fidelity Investments Active Trader Pro, Fidelity Mobile App
Coinbase Coinbase platform (web and mobile), Coinbase Pro
Charles Schwab (web), Schwab Mobile App, StreetSmart Edge, Schwab Trading Services

Deposits & Withdrawals

Equiti Capital Most other
Minimum Deposit $500 $100

VISA&MasterCard are credit or debit card options that are commonly accepted by most brokers. They provide a quick and easy way for clients to deposit or withdraw funds. Deposits via this method are usually instant, allowing traders to get started immediately. However, withdrawals might take a few business days to process due to banking procedures.

The broker also provides the bank transfer as a method which involves transferring money from your bank account directly into your trading account or vice versa. Bank transfers are secure and can handle large amounts, but they may take a few business days to process. Also, some banks may charge a fee for this service.

User Exposure on WikiFX

Reports of fraud and withdrawal issues can be found on our website. Investors are urged to evaluate the risks involved with trading on an unregulated platform and carefully study the information offered. Before trading, you may check the information on our site. Please let us know in the Exposure area if you come across any such dishonest brokers or if you have been the victim of one. We would appreciate that, and our team of professionals will make every effort to help you solve the problem.

User Exposure on WikiFX

Customer Service

Equiti Capital offers customer service support via email at Email allows for detailed queries to be addressed in a written format. This is useful for complex issues or questions that require in-depth responses or written instructions. It also provides a record of the communication for both the client and the company.

The address: 2 London Wall Place, London Wall Place, London, EC2Y5AU

You can also get in touch with this broker on social media of LinkedIn.

Customer Service

Pros and cons of customer service of Equiti Capital make a table:

Pros Cons
• Company address revealed openly • Limited Channels
• Lack of Real-Time Support


In conclusion, Equiti Capital appears to be a comprehensive brokerage firm with a wide range of trading instruments and multiple platform options, which could cater to a diverse set of traders. The flexibility in deposit and withdrawal methods enhances the user experience by providing convenience in financial transactions.

However, potential traders should be cautious and conduct thorough due diligence given the expired FCA regulatory status of the firm, and the absence of information about the types of accounts offered. The customer service, while offering direct email support for detailed communication, lacks other real-time support channels, which could be a potential downside for clients who prefer immediate assistance.

As with any brokerage, it's essential to thoroughly research and understand the services, fees, and risks involved before investing. It is always recommended to consult with a financial advisor or conduct independent research when deciding on a brokerage firm.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What trading platforms does Equiti Capital provide?

A1: Equiti Capital provides MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5), and Equiti WebTrader. These platforms cater to a range of trading styles and strategies.

Q2: What customer service options does Equiti Capital offer?

A2: Equiti Capital offers customer service support via email at This method can be used for detailed queries or issues that require in-depth responses.

Q3: What are the trading instruments available with Equiti Capital?

A3: Equiti Capital offers a diverse portfolio of trading instruments across various asset classes, such as Forex pairs, Indices, Shares & ETFs, Commodities, Precious metals, and Cryptocurrencies.

Q4: Is Equiti Capital regulated?

A4: As of the information provided, Equiti Capital's FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) regulation status has expired. It's recommended to verify their current regulatory status directly with the firm or through independent research.


  • 10-15 years
  • Regulated in United Kingdom
  • Institution Forex License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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