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Prime Markets

Entry Time 2020-10-16

Time Machine

2023 years 6 Month
Time2023 years 6 Month


Pyramid scheme complaint

No data

Prime Markets · Company Summary

Note: Prime Marketss official site ( is currently not functional. Therefore, we could only gather relevant information from the Internet to present a rough picture of this broker.

Risk Warning

Online trading is dangerous, and you could potentially lose all of your investment funds. Not all investors and traders are suitable for it. Please understand that the information on this website is designed to serve as general guidance, and that you should be aware of the risks.

General Information

Prime Markets Review Summary
Founded 2017
Registered Country/Region United Kingdom
Regulation No regulation
Market Instruments Forex, Commodities, Indices, Shares, Bonds, Cryptocurrencies
Demo Account No
Leverage 1:400
EUR/USD Spread 0 – 1 pip
Trading Platforms Sirix
Minimum Deposit 250 EUR

What is Prime Markets?

PrimeMarkets stands as a brokerage firm that offers an array of trading instruments across various asset classes, catering to the diverse needs of traders and investors. However, it is important to know that the PrimeMarkets has no valid regulations and is a counterfeit dealer. The platform features the Sirix trading software, known for its reliability, but it falls short of the more advanced and renowned MetaTrader platform. Notably, the absence of duplicate trading and limited support for automated trading techniques pose limitations for traders seeking to replicate strategies or engage in algorithmic trading.

Pros & Cons

Pros & Cons
Pros Cons
• Diverse Trading Instruments across Asset Classes • Website is Unavailable
• Tailored Account Options for Different Needs • No Valid Regulations
• Counterfeit Dealer
• High Initial Deposit Amount

Prime Markets Alternative Brokers

There are many alternative brokers for Prime Markets depending on the specific needs and preferences of the trader. Some popular options include:

  • Plus500 - A CFD service provider that offers a simple, user-friendly platform and a wide range of tradable instruments, making it suitable for those interested in CFD trading.

  • - As a leading forex broker, it provides a wide range of currency pairs, a robust trading platform, and high-quality research tools, making it an excellent option for forex traders.

  • XTB - Known for its combination of educational materials, comprehensive market analysis, and a custom trading platform, it's an excellent choice for new and experienced traders alike.

Is Prime Markets Safe or Scam?

PrimeMarkets does not have the valid regulations and we find it is a counterfeit dealer. The inclusion of warnings makes it clear that PrimeMarkets is a fraudulent business. This fake broker, while making claims to respectability, has caught regulatory scrutiny. PrimeMarkets has received a warning from the Italian CONSOB particularly for participating in fraudulent operations. Additionally, this warning has been published by other regulatory agencies including FSMA and CNMV to safeguard those thinking about investing with PrimeMarkets. These cautions draw attention to the possible financial costs of doing business with this broker.

Market Instruments

PrimeMarkets stands as a brokerage firm, providing a variety of trading instruments that span across diverse asset classes.

From the forex market, where currencies interplay on a global stage, to the tangible allure of commodities trading, PrimeMarkets caters to investors seeking exposure to various raw materials and resources. The inclusion of indices allows traders to capture the collective performance of specific sectors or markets, while the option to trade shares provides an avenue for those interested in participating in the ownership and growth of renowned companies.

Furthermore, PrimeMarkets acknowledges the importance of fixed income options by offering bonds, enabling investors to engage in the world of debt securities and potentially earn regular interest payments.


PrimeMarkets offers a range of tailored account options to cater to diverse trading needs, ensuring a personalized experience for traders.

The Premium account, with a minimum deposit of 250 EUR, provides a foundational platform for those looking to explore various markets.

For traders focused on minimizing spreads, the Zero Spread account demands a deposit of 500 EUR, granting access to tighter bid-ask differentials.

The Copy account, requiring a minimum deposit of 1000 EUR, is designed for investors interested in social trading and the ability to replicate the strategies of seasoned traders.

For those seeking advanced features and enhanced privileges, the Premium PRO account, with a minimum deposit of 5,000 EUR, offers an elevated trading environment and access to a range of premium tools and resources.



The broker's approach to leverage appears to be rather flexible and dependent on individual circumstances, potentially leading to tailored leverage offerings to incentivize higher deposits. It's noteworthy that the allowance of leverage up to 1:400 for experienced retail traders raises concerns, as this directly contravenes regulations set forth by ESMA.

Spreads & Commissions

The claim of spreads beginning at 0 pips on specific accounts raises skepticism, primarily due to the absence of direct access to the trading platform for verification. While this purported feature might seem attractive, its authenticity remains uncertain without firsthand experience.

It's plausible that this zero-pip spread assertion could be a part of a broader marketing tactic aimed at enticing potential traders. Similarly, the promotional assertion of 0% deposit fees is intriguing, yet the lack of disclosure regarding withdrawal fees warrants consideration. Investors are left wondering if this apparent lack of withdrawal fee information is merely an oversight or if there might be potential undisclosed costs associated with accessing their funds.

Trading Platform

The broker provides Sirix trading software, which is renowned for its dependability across a variety of gadgets. However, it falls short of the well-known and dependable MetaTrader platform since it lacks cutting-edge functionality.

The lack of duplicate trading on PrimeMarkets' platform is a glaring flaw. This can be a useful tool for traders who want to benefit from other people's experience. A further limitation on the usage of algorithmic trading techniques is the platform's lack of support for automated trading options.

Deposits & Withdrawals

PrimeMarkets showcases an extensive array of funding avenues on its website, encompassing bank cards, wire transfers, and e-payment solutions such as Skrill and Neteller.

However, the clarity and accessibility of these presented options warrant further scrutiny. It remains unclear whether these advertised funding methods are universally accessible to all users or if certain restrictions and eligibility criteria apply. Moreover, the absence of comprehensive information detailing the processing time, associated fees, and potential geographical limitations for each funding option leaves potential users in a position of uncertainty when considering their financial transactions through PrimeMarkets.


In conclusion, PrimeMarkets has been identified as a fraudulent broker and has been found to be an unlawful trading platform. The main website of the platform is temporarily down, which raises concerns about possible espionage. And we can discover that it's a counterfeit dealer. These factors make investing with PrimeMarkets very dangerous, thus users should proceed with great caution and avoid using the platform.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Is PrimeMarkets a regulated broker?

A1: No, they are not regulated.

Q2: What is the minimum deposit at PrimeMarkets?

A2: PrimeMarkets requires 250 EUR as an initial deposit.

Q3: Does PrimeMarkets Offer a Demo Account?

A3: No.


No data

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