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Triumph FX

Entry Time 2022-04-28

Time Machine

2022 years 5 Month
Time2022 years 5 Month
Time2022 years 5 Month

Triumph FX · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Seychelles
Founded Year Newly established
Company Name TriumphFX
Regulation Not regulated
Minimum Deposit $100
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:500
Spreads Not specified
Trading Platforms MetaTrader4 (MT4), TriumphFX WebTrader, Mobile Trading App
Tradable Assets Forex pairs and commodities
Account Types Standard Fixed Account, Islamic Variable Account, VIP Account
Demo Account Not available
Customer Support Working hours through Live Chat and phone lines, not 24/7
Payment Methods Offshore entity: Debit/Credit cards, Alipay, CryptocurrenciesCySEC entity: Credit/Debit cards, Wire transfer, Neteller, Skrill
Educational Tools Forex Essentials, Forex Glossary, Economic Calendar, Analysis, and News feed.

Overview of TriumphFX

TriumphFX is a newly established brokerage operating in Seychelles. As of now, it is not regulated by any recognized authorities. The minimum deposit required to open an account is $100, and the maximum leverage offered is up to 1:500. The spreads are not specified, and the available trading platforms include MetaTrader4 (MT4), TriumphFX WebTrader, and a Mobile Trading App.

TriumphFX offers a selection of tradable assets, including forex pairs and commodities. They provide three main account types: Standard Fixed Account, Islamic Variable Account, and VIP Account. Customer support is accessible during working hours through Live Chat and phone lines, but it is not available 24/7. The payment methods accepted vary depending on the entity. The offshore entity accepts debit/credit cards, Alipay, and cryptocurrencies, while the CySEC entity accepts credit/debit cards, wire transfer, Neteller, Skrill. In terms of educational tools, TriumphFX provides resources such as Forex Essentials, Forex Glossary, an Economic Calendar, and analysis and news feeds.

It is important to pay attention that TriumphFX is not regulated, which may raise concerns about the safety and security of trading with them. As a result, traders should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before considering this broker.

Is TriumphFX legit or a scam?

When it comes to regulation, it is important to emphasize the significance of being regulated by reputable authorities. In the case of TriumphFX, it has been verified that the broker does not currently fall under any valid regulations. Due to the unavailability of TriumphFX's official website at the moment, only limited information could be obtained.

To ensure the legitimacy of a broker, it is crucial that they are regulated by recognized regulatory agencies such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). It is important to note that TriumphFX is neither authorized nor regulated by any regulatory authorities, which raises concerns about the safety and security of trading with them. As an anonymous entity, there is a risk that they could potentially disappear without notice.

In order to protect your funds and prioritize the safety of your investments, it is essential to exercise a higher level of caution when dealing with unregulated brokers. It is strongly advised to conduct thorough due diligence and research before entrusting your funds to any broker. By doing so, you can mitigate potential risks and ensure a more secure trading experience.

Pros and Cons

TriumphFX offers some advantages and disadvantages that traders should consider. On the positive side, the broker provides trading platforms, including the popular MetaTrader4 (MT4), which offers a range of features and tools for efficient trading. Additionally, TriumphFX offers free educational resources and analysis.

However, it's important to note that TriumphFX is not regulated by recognized authorities. This lack of regulation raises concerns about the safety and security of trading with them, as there is no external oversight to ensure fair practices and protect investors' interests. Another drawback of TriumphFX is the limited selection of trading assets available. Traders may find the options limited, especially compared to other brokers who offer a more diverse range of instruments, including stocks, indices, and cryptocurrencies. When it comes to deposit and withdrawal options, TriumphFX also has some limitations. Furthermore, customer support is only accessible during working hours, and there is no 24/7 support. TriumphFX does not provide a demo account, which can be disadvantageous for traders who want to test the platform and strategies before investing real money. Lastly, the official website of TriumphFX may be inaccessible at times, which can cause inconvenience and hinder traders from accessing essential information and services.

Pros Cons
Trading platforms including MT4 Not regulated
Free educational resources and analysis Limited trading asset selection
Wide range of payment methods Limited deposit and withdrawal options
No 24/7 customer support
Not offering a demo account
Inaccessible official website

Market Instruments

When considering the trading assets offered by au Kabucom Securities, it is worth noting that the selection is relatively limited. According to the information available on their website, clients assigned with the CySEC entity can trade forex pairs such as AUD/USD, GBP/HKD, or GBP/JPY, as well as commodities like silver and gold. However, the broker does not offer CFDs on typical stocks, indices, or cryptocurrencies, which are commonly available with other brokers.

It is unclear whether this limited offering is a deliberate choice by the broker to provide specialized services or if there are other factors influencing their asset selection. Nevertheless, if you are seeking a broader range of trading instruments, we would recommend considering a Tier 1 regulated firm that offers a more diverse selection.


Account Types

TriumphFX offers three main account types for its offshore entity: Standard Fixed Account, Islamic Variable Account, and VIP Account. The Standard Fixed Account and Islamic Variable Account require a minimum deposit of $100, while the VIP Account has a higher minimum deposit of $5,000. The main difference between the Islamic Account and the other two accounts is the absence of swap charges. All account types offer unregulated leverage of 1:500. It's important to note that the offshore entity of TriumphFX does not provide a demo account, so testing the system will be at your own risk.


TriumphFXs maximum leverage is set to a 1:30 for major currency pairs and even lower for other instruments. And of course, we advise to learn how to use leverage smartly in order not to fall under inefficient risks. In case you are a professional trader, there is availability to access high leverage ratios like 1:500, which is available once the status is proved, also via the international entity since regulation is different traders can sign for higher leverage, yet we would advise to learn all risks well.

Trading Platform

TriumphFX offers not only the popular MetaTrader4(MT4), but also proprietary platforms, including TriumphFX WebTrader Platform, and TriumphFX Mobile Trading App.MetaTrader 4

Of course, the TriumphFX trading platform delivers the standard features that any broker has with MetaTrader4. There are many intuitive charting tools and indicators, and theres also a free demo to try it out ahead of time.

TriumphFX WebTrader Platform

The entity based in Seychelles offers its clients a proprietary WebTrader along with MT4. This kind of trading platform has fewer trading tools and is less secure. Once we tried to access it, we were given a blank page and no possibility to log in or register. Therefore, all we can advise is to be quite cautious regarding the broker TriumphFX.

TriumphFX Mobile Trading App

Yes, you can trade with TriumphFX through MetaTrader4‘s popular iOS and Android apps. They have most of the functionality of the desktop app, and they’re easy to navigate and use. Traders will have no trouble getting the apps installed and trading on the go.

Deposit & Withdrawal

TriumphFX broker, under its CySEC entity, offers several payment methods for clients, including credit/debit cards, wire transfer, Neteller, and Skrill. The minimum deposit required is $100, and there are no commissions associated with it.In contrast, the Seychelles entity of TriumphFX accepts debit/credit cards, Alipay, and cryptocurrencies (Cryptos) as payment methods. It's important to note that the regulation and the quality of the payment methods differ significantly between the two entities.We recommend using credit cards as a preferred payment method since it provides the advantage of being able to initiate a charge back within 540 days, offering an added layer of protection for clients.Bonuses

It is important to approach promotional offers from brokers with caution, as they can sometimes be used as a tactic by less reputable brokers to attract unsuspecting individuals. It is advisable for traders to thoroughly research and consider the legitimacy and reputation of a broker before engaging in any transactions or participating in promotional campaigns. This ensures that their investments are placed with reliable and trustworthy brokers who adhere to regulatory standards and ethical business practices.

Customer Support

Lastly, we checked Customer Support, since in case there are any issues you have to resolve it prominently and professionally. TriumphFX supports its clients in various ways, however available only through working hours with its Cyprus office. Even though, the team is not available 24/7 or on weekends, we found its answers quick and relevant via Live chat or phone lines.

Educational Resources

As for the education and learning materials, we found TriumphFXs limited range of learning courses or videos. You will find Forex Essentials, Forex Glossary, Economic Calendar, and research tools with in-house designed Analysis and News feed. Eventually, that is all that is available so for beginners we would recommend signing with a third-party provider or choose another broker for an extensive course to understand trading from the scratch.



In conclusion, while TriumphFX offers certain advantages such as trading platforms, educational resources, and multiple payment methods, the lack of regulation, limited trading asset selection, restricted deposit and withdrawal options, absence of 24/7 customer support, unavailability of a demo account, and occasional issues with the official website are factors that traders should consider a lot when making a decision to trade.


Q: Is TriumphFX a regulated broker?

A: No, TriumphFX is not currently regulated by any recognized regulatory authorities.

Q: What trading assets are available with TriumphFX?

A: TriumphFX offers a limited selection of trading assets, including forex pairs such as AUD/USD, GBP/HKD, and GBP/JPY, as well as commodities like silver and gold.

Q: What are the account types offered by TriumphFX?

A: TriumphFX offers three main account types for its offshore entity: Standard Fixed Account, Islamic Variable Account, and VIP Account.

Q: What are the available deposit and withdrawal methods with TriumphFX?

A: TriumphFX offers various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, wire transfer, Neteller, Skrill, and cryptocurrencies (for the Seychelles entity).

Q: What is the customer support like at TriumphFX?

A: TriumphFX provides customer support during working hours through its Cyprus office. However, the support team is not available 24/7 or on weekends.

Q: What educational resources are available with TriumphFX?

A: TriumphFX offers a limited range of educational materials, including Forex Essentials, a Forex Glossary, an Economic Calendar, and in-house analysis and news feeds.


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