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FP Markets

Entry Time 2021-08-02

Time Machine

2023 years 2 Month
Time2023 years 2 Month
Pyramid scheme complaint

FP platform not only won't let me withdraw my normal trading profit, but also directly deducts the trading profit in MT4, won't let out the profit and request to return my profit.

Rights platform: fpmarkets foreign exchange platform (Chinese name: Ausforex platform, Chinese and English name for short: FP Ausforex platform) FP Ausforex platform rights MT4 account number: 63511492 rights person's name: Fei Song (Song Fei) rights person registered email address: songfeiwaihui@163.comFP澳福平台维权所 Involved MT4 order number: 52279857, 52279858, 52279859, 52279860, 52279861, 52279862, 52279863, 52279864, 52279865, 52279867, 52279868, 52279869, 52279871 52279872, 52279873, 52279875, 52279876, 52279877, 52279878, 52279879, 52279880, 52279881, 52279882, 52279883, 52279884, 52279885, 52279887 52279888, 52279889, 52279890, 52279891, 52279893, 52279894, 52279895, 52279896 FP Aofu platform background financial deduction of the so-called illegal profits MT4 order number: 52366845 (this order is FP Aofu platform has been December 29, 2022 29 without my consent in the MT4 deducted a reasonable profit of $ 17925.63) rights involved in the amount of disputed funds: $ 17925.63 I in the FP Australia and Ford platform MT4 account number: 63511492 in December 22 to December 23 two days deposit a total of $ 5600, and normal trading profits of about $ 23702.2, but FP AoF foreign exchange platform told me that the violation of the transaction, which violation of the transaction amount: $ 17925.63, and sent me an email email content as follows (the following attached software translation of the Chinese content): Dear FP Markets may in its sole discretion decide to restrict access to the trading platform and nullify any future or past profits, if there has been any indication that the client’s trading strategy seeks or partly aims to benefit financially in a risk-free manner. Furthermore, abusive trading shall also include any trading strategy that harms our systems infrastructure or aims to take unfair advantage of the way we construct our Bid/Offer prices.According to Clause 27.2 (g) of the Client Agreement we reserve the right to cancel profits gained through abusive trading.As outlined above we have determined that the trading activity on your account is abusive trading and will reverse the trading profit of 17925.63$ on account 63511492 effective immediately. You should be closing the existing positions by tomorrow end of day and may withdraw the remaining balance through your client portal. Otherwise, the positions will be closed by our team on Monday at market price and you should be able to withdraw the remaining In accordance with Section 1.1 of our Client Agreement, we define abusive trading as follows: "abusive trading" includes, but is not limited to, arbitrage trading, arbitrage, arbitrage, manipulation or use of any trading platform offered on the Trading Platform between one or more clients on individual accounts, multiple accounts or multiple profiles and/or FP markets. any temporary and/or minor inaccuracy in interest rates or prices, a combination of faster/slower feedback, and/or possible abuse, arbitrage trading, reverse trading, substantial rebates, swap arbitrage and/or breach of good faith, use of any robot, spider or other automated data entry system on the trading platform (unless the client obtains the firm's express written consent prior to activating the robot), breach of the client Obligations under paragraph 2 of Appendix A. FP Markets may, at its sole discretion, limit access to the trading platform and cancel any future or past profits if there is any indication that the Client's trading strategy seeks or partially aims to gain financial benefit in a risk-free manner. In addition, abusive trading shall include any trading strategy that impairs our system infrastructure or aims to take unfair advantage of t he way we constr uct our Bid/Offer prices. According to Clause 27.2 (g) of the Client Agreement we reserve t he right to cancel profits gained through abusive trading. As outlined above we have determined that the trading activity on your account was abusive and will immediately reverse the trading profit of $17925.63 on account 63511492. You should close your existing positions by the end of tomorrow and can withdraw the remaining balance through your client portal. Otherwise, our team will close the position at market price on Monday and you should be able to withdraw the remaining balance. If you disagree with our decision, you may reply to this email, providing clear reasons and evidence for our consideration. Kind regards to the MT4 order numbers involved in the email: 52279857, 52279858, 52279859, 52279860, 52279861, 52279862, 52279863, 52279864, 52279865, 52279867, 52279868, 52279869. 52279871, 52279872, 52279873, 52279875, 52279876, 52279877, 52279878, 52279879, 52279880, 52279881, 52279882, 52279883, 52279884, 52279885. 52279887, 52279888, 52279889, 52279890, 52279891, 52279893, 52279894, 52279895, 52279896 After receiving the email FP AoF platform directly deducts the amount of $17,925.63 of reasonable and legitimate profit without my consent back office finance, the deduction involved in FP Australia and the Fortuna platform MT4 order number: 52366845, all the above transactions are reasonable and legal compliance transactions, no scalping, hedging violations or push and delayed trading, are in accordance with the platform rules manual orders, and did not use EA trading, and there are no violations of any transactions, and generate profits of $ 17925.63, FP Australia and the Fortuna platform they do not have any evidence to prove that I violate the platform Any rule that causes great damage to my reputation as well as credibility as well as financially is a completely unwarranted violation of the rules, and I ask you to work together to distinguish and restore my personal reputation and personal credibility. At this point, I reserve my opinion to follow the content of the email sent to me by FP Ausforex back office to first guarantee the withdrawal of the remaining balance of $11,376 after deducting reasonable profit, this withdrawal of the balance requested of $11,376 has been paid out on January 3, 2023, and the subsequent remaining disputed defense funds of $17,925.63, requesting FP Ausforex platform to restore my legal right to withdraw funds, giving all explanations reasonably available to me and add the balance of $17,925.63 to my MT4 account, while granting me normal withdrawal privileges for this amount.

2023-01-03 15:15


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