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FMS Markets

Finland|2-5 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| High potential risk


Rating Index


+358 9 31587448
Hevosenkenkä 3 katutaso, 02600 Espoo, Finland


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered Region
Operating Period
2-5 years
Company Name
FMS Markets Brokers LLC
Customer Service Email Address
Contact Number
Company Website
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name FMS Market
Registered Country/Area Finland
Founded Year 2010
Regulation Unregulated
Market Instruments Forex,Commodities,Indices,Stocks,Crypto currencies
Trading Platforms Meta Trader 5 trading platform
Demo Account Available
Customer Support,Phone: + 358 9 31587448
Deposit & Withdrawal Credit/debit card,cryptocurrencies,bank transfer
Educational&Tools Forex trading introduction,forex caculator,video tutorials

Overview of FMS Market

FMS Market, established in 2010 and based in Finland, is a brokerage firm offering a range of trading options including Forex, commodities, indices, stocks, and cryptocurrencies. Despite being unregulated, it provides trading services on the Meta Trader 5 platform, a popular choice for traders globally.

FMS Market meets both beginners and experienced traders, offering a demo account for practice. Customers can reach support via email at or phone at +358 9 31587448. The firm allows for deposits and withdrawals through credit/debit cards, cryptocurrencies, and bank transfers.

Additionally, it provides educational content through its news resources, aiding traders in staying informed about market trends and insights.

Overview of FMS Market

Is FMS Market Limited Legit or a Scam?

FMS Market, based in Finland, operates as an unregulated brokerage firm. Established in 2010, it does not currently fall under the oversight of any specific financial regulatory body.

While unregulated status can offer certain flexibilities in operations, it also means that the firm does not adhere to the regulatory standards typically enforced by financial authorities.

This aspect is important for potential clients to consider when evaluating the risk and security aspects of trading with FMS Market.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Top-Tier Liquidity Unregulated
24/7 Trading Risk for Investors
No Dealing Desk Limited Customer Support Channels
No Requotes Potential Geographic Limitations
Low Spreads and Fast Execution Lack of Transparency

Pros of FMS Market:

  1. Top-Tier Liquidity: Offers stable and consistent pricing, essential for efficient trading.

  2. 24/7 Trading: Enables trading at any time, accommodating global market changes.

  3. No Dealing Desk: Ensures faster and more transparent trade execution.

  4. No Requotes: Trades are executed at expected prices, avoiding unexpected changes.

  5. Low Spreads and Fast Execution: Provides cost-effective trading with quick execution, beneficial for various trading strategies.

Pros and Cons

Cons of FMS Market:

  1. Unregulated: Being unregulated, FMS Market does not adhere to any financial regulatory standards, which may raise concerns about the security and reliability of its services.

  2. Risk for Investors: The lack of regulation can pose a higher risk for investors, as there are fewer protections in place compared to regulated brokers.

  3. Limited Customer Support Channels: Customer support is limited to email and phone, which may not be as comprehensive compared to firms offering live chat and 24/7 service.

  4. Potential Geographic Limitations: Based in Finland, the firm may primarily attracts European clients, which could be a limitation for traders in other regions.

  5. Lack of Transparency: Being unregulated, there is less transparency in its operational practices and financial reporting, which is often a requirement for regulated entities.

Market Instruments

FMS Market offers a comprehensive range of market instruments for its clients, including:

  1. Forex (Foreign Exchange): Allows traders to engage in the global currency market, offering opportunities to trade major, minor, and exotic currency pairs.

  2. Commodities: Includes trading options in various physical commodities such as precious metals, energy products like oil and gas, and agricultural goods.

  3. Indices: Provides access to trade on major global stock indices, enabling traders to speculate on the collective movements of top-performing company stocks in specific markets.

  4. Stocks: Offers the opportunity to trade shares of individual companies, allowing investors to participate in the equity market of various corporations.

  5. Cryptocurrencies:Meeting the growing interest in digital currencies by providing options to trade in popular cryptocurrencies, which adds a modern aspect to their trading portfolio.

Market Instruments
Market Instruments

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with FMS Market is a straightforward process that can be completed in three easy steps:

  1. Refer: Begin by obtaining your unique tracking link. This is the first step to get started and is essential for tracking your account and any referrals you will make.

  2. Sign Up: Proceed to complete the fast and secure application form. This form will require your personal details, financial information, and trading experience. Make sure all the information provided is accurate to ensure a smooth approval process.

  3. Earn: Once your account is set up, you can track your referrals in real-time. Start trading and earning rebates based on your trading activity and the activity of any referrals you have made. This step marks the beginning of your trading journey with FMS Market.

How to Open an Account?

Trading Platform

FMS Markets Commercial Brokers LLC operates exclusively with the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform, under the license of Stellar Holdings. This powerful and advanced platforms satisfy both traders and investors, offering a secure trading experience.

MT5 is renowned for its comprehensive trade analysis tools, including over 80 technical indicators and 44 analytical objects, accommodating the needs of today's traders.

It allows access to up to 100 charts of currency and stock quotes simultaneously, and for those requiring additional indicators, there is an availability of resources on the MQL5 code base and “Market.”

This platform is well-suited for trading a variety of instruments, including forex with tight spreads starting from as low as 0.0 pips, popular indices, and a wide range of commodities like energy, metals, and agricultural products.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

FMS Market offers its clients flexible options for depositing and withdrawing funds. The available methods include:

  1. Credit/Debit Card: Clients can use their credit or debit cards for convenient and fast transactions. This is a commonly preferred method due to its ease of use and widespread acceptance.

  2. Cryptocurrencies: In keeping with modern financial trends, FMS Market accepts deposits and withdrawals in various cryptocurrencies. This option attracts clients who prefer digital currency transactions, offering a level of speed and potentially lower transaction fees.

  3. Bank Transfer: Traditional bank transfers are also available, providing a secure way to move larger sums of money. This method is often chosen for its reliability and the familiarity it offers to many investors.

These many options ensure that clients can choose the method that best suits their preferences and needs, providing convenience and flexibility in managing their trading funds.

Customer Support

FMS Market offers comprehensive customer support to its clients. For immediate assistance or inquiries, clients can call their support team at +358 9 31587448.

Additionally, support is available via email at for those who prefer digital communication or have detailed queries.

The company is headquartered at the PANORAMA TOWER, located at Hevosenkenkä 3 katutaso, 02600 Espoo, Finland, providing a physical address for any direct correspondence or official matters. This combination of contact methods ensures that clients have multiple avenues to seek support and information as needed.

Customer Support

Educational & Tools

FMS Market seems to offer a comprehensive set of educational resources and tools designed to assist individuals in navigating the world of forex trading. Here's a summary of their offerings:

  1. Forex Trading Introduction: They provide a foundational understanding of forex trading, explaining that it involves the simultaneous buying and selling of currencies. This process relies on predicting currency price movements to capitalize on fluctuations. They emphasize that forex trading does not occur on a centralized exchange.

Educational & Tools
  1. Forex Calculator: FMS Market offers a forex calculator tool, labeled as 'FMS Markets Calculate'. This tool is designed to streamline the trading process, allowing traders to input their account currency and position details to see real-time values. This feature aids in efficient risk management and saves time, reducing the need for manual calculations.

    1. Educational & Tools
  2. Video Tutorials: An array of video tutorials is provided, covering various aspects of forex trading:

    • Educational & Tools
    1. Benefits of Using Candlesticks: This tutorial likely explains the use of candlestick charts in trading, a popular method for representing price movements in a specified timeframe.

    2. Moving Average: A video focusing on the moving average indicator, a critical tool in technical analysis that helps traders identify trends.

    3. Timeframes on Charts: This tutorial probably discusses how different timeframes can be analyzed on forex charts to inform trading decisions.

    4. Trend and Trend Lines: A tutorial dedicated to understanding trends and how to identify them using trend lines in chart analysis.

Educational & Tools


In conclusion, FMS Market is a comprehensive trading platform based in Finland, offering a wide range of trading instruments including Forex, commodities, indices, stocks, and cryptocurrencies.

Operating on the advanced MetaTrader 5 platform, it provides sophisticated tools and analytics for traders. While it is unregulated, FMS Market compensates with a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods, including cryptocurrencies, and provides accessible customer support through phone and email.

The firm also emphasizes trader education, offering education resources and tools for forex trading and market analysis, satisfying both novice and experienced traders. The combination of these features makes FMS Market a versatile option for those seeking various trading opportunities and educational support.


Q: What types of trading instruments does FMS Market offer?

A: FMS Market offers a variety of trading instruments including Forex, commodities, indices, stocks, and cryptocurrencies.

Q: Is the FMS Market regulated?

A: No, FMS Market is an unregulated brokerage firm based in Finland.

Q: What trading platform does FMS Market use?

A: FMS Market uses the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform, known for its advanced features and comprehensive trade analysis tools.

Q: Can I practice trading before investing real money in FMS Market?

A: Yes, FMS Market offers demo accounts for clients to practice trading strategies without financial risk.

Q: What are the options for depositing and withdrawing funds at FMS Market?

A: FMS Market accepts deposits and withdrawals through credit/debit cards, cryptocurrencies, and bank transfers.

Q: How can I contact customer support at FMS Market?

A: Customer support at FMS Market can be reached via email at or by phone at +358 9 31587448.


  • 2-5 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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