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Hyakugo Securities

Japan|15-20 years|
Regulated in Japan| Retail Forex License| Medium potential risk


Rating Index




Influence index NO.1

Japan 5.75
Surpassed 79.50% brokers
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+81 059-222-2105
〒514-8668 三重県津市岩田21番27号


Licensed Entity:百五証券株式会社

License No. 東海財務局長(金商)第134号

VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account

Single Core




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Basic Information

Registered Region
Operating Period
15-20 years
Company Name
Hyakugo Securities Company Limited
Hyakugo Securities
Company employee
Contact Number
Company address
〒514-8668 三重県津市岩田21番27号
Keywords 4
15-20 years
Regulated in Japan
Retail Forex License
Medium potential risk
Biz Area
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Company Summary

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Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Japan
Company Name Hyakugo Securities
Regulation Regulated by the Financial Services Agency (FSA) of Japan
Services Investment products, online trading assistance
Fees Transparent fee structures, various fees associated with transactions
Deposit and Withdrawal Bank transfers, deposits and withdrawals facilitated through Hyakugo Bank
Customer Support In-person consultations, online trading assistance, and a customer desk


Hyakugo Securities, a regulated entity under Japan's Financial Services Agency (FSA), offers a comprehensive suite of investment products and services, including online trading assistance and a wide range of investment options. The company boasts transparent fee structures, although clients should be mindful of various fees associated with transactions. Deposits and withdrawals are facilitated through bank transfers, primarily utilizing Hyakugo Bank for seamless transactions. With a commitment to customer satisfaction, Hyakugo Securities provides comprehensive support services, including in-person consultations, online trading assistance, and a dedicated customer desk, ensuring clients have access to assistance and guidance as needed.



Hyakugo Securities operates under the regulation of the Financial Services Agency (FSA), ensuring compliance with financial laws and standards in Japan. As a registered entity with the FSA, Hyakugo Securities must adhere to stringent guidelines to maintain transparency and protect the interests of investors. This regulatory oversight helps foster trust and stability within the financial markets.


Pros and Cons

Hyakugo Securities offers a diverse selection of trading products and transparent fee structures, providing investors with ample opportunities for portfolio diversification and informed decision-making. However, while the company strives to maintain regulatory compliance and provide comprehensive customer support, clients should be mindful of potential fees associated with transactions and the need for careful consideration of risks involved in investment activities.

Pros Cons
  • Diversified investment products
  • Potential fees for deposits and withdrawals
  • Transparent fee structures
  • Regulatory compliance requirements
  • Comprehensive customer support
  • Risks associated with investment activities
  • Accessible online trading assistance
  • Potential market fluctuations and volatility
  • Regulatory oversight ensures transparency
  • Limited coverage for certain investment options

In summary, while Hyakugo Securities offers various advantages such as diverse investment options and transparent fee structures, clients should be aware of potential fees and risks associated with investment activities, alongside the need for regulatory compliance and careful decision-making.

Market Instruments

Hyakugo Securities offers a diversified selection of trading products, meticulously curated to meet the needs of investors seeking opportunities in both domestic and international markets. Here's a structured overview:

  1. Investment Trusts:

    1. Easily accessible information through the company website, including fund lists, search functionalities, and rankings.

    2. A comprehensive range of investment trusts for effective asset management.

  2. Domestic Stocks, ETFs, and REITs:

    1. Wide coverage ensuring investors can choose from a variety of options to build their portfolios.

    2. Access to Tokyo Stock Exchange-listed stocks, ETFs, and REITs.

  3. Foreign Stocks:

    1. While coverage is selective, investors can explore specific brands offered by Hyakugo Securities.

    2. Opportunities to invest in stocks listed on major US exchanges.

  4. Foreign Bonds:

    1. Available in various currencies, including major ones like USD, AUD, and NZD, as well as emerging market currencies.

    2. Diverse range of foreign bonds, including those issued by governments and corporations worldwide.

  5. Structured Bonds:

    1. Customizable offerings tailored to individual investor preferences and risk tolerances.

    2. Innovative products incorporating derivative transactions such as options, swaps, and futures.

In summary, Hyakugo Securities stands out for its commitment to providing a comprehensive suite of trading products, coupled with accessible information and tailored solutions, empowering investors to make informed decisions and achieve their financial goals.

Market Instruments


Hyakugo Securities provides transparent fee structures for various transactional services, ensuring clients have clarity on costs associated with their investment activities. Here's a breakdown of the fees:

  1. Account Management Fee:

    1. Foreign securities account management: Free of charge.

    2. Domestic account management: Free of charge.

  2. Fees for Deposits and Withdrawals:

    1. Yen coin: Handled by Hyakugo Bank Main Branch (free).

    2. Other financial institutions: ¥880 for yen withdrawals, and ¥2,200 for foreign currency withdrawals from Hyakugo Bank Main Branch (fees vary for withdrawals from other institutions).

    3. Withdrawal:

    4. Yen coin: Handled by Hyakugo Bank Main Branch (free).

    5. Other financial institutions: Fees borne by the customer.

    6. Foreign currency: Handled by Hyakugo Bank Main Branch (fees apply based on transaction amount).

    7. Deposit:

  3. Securities Deposit Exchange (Transfer) Fee:

    1. Fees for transferring stock certificates to financial institutions other than Hyakugo Securities via Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc.

  4. Exchange Spread:

    1. Spread varies based on the settlement amount and currency type.

    2. Applied to transactions with foreign currency-denominated products.

  5. Domestic Stock Trading Commissions:

    1. Online trading offers a 25% discount on face-to-face or telephone orders.

    2. Commission rates vary based on the contract amount.

  6. Brokerage Fee for Convertible Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights:

    1. Online trading offers a 25% discount on face-to-face or telephone orders.

    2. Commission rates vary based on the contract amount.

  7. Less Than One Unit Stock Trading Fee:

    1. Minimum fee applies if commission per unit is less than ¥2,750 (tax included).

    2. Calculated proportionately based on the number of shares bought and sold.

  8. Fee for Requesting Shareholder Meeting Materials:

    1. Fee for requesting shareholder meeting documents: ¥715 per brand (tax included).

  9. Domestic Brokerage Fees for Foreign Stocks:

    1. Fees calculated based on the fee excluding tax; may differ due to rounding.

    2. Local commission fees determined by market conditions and local factors.

    3. Commission rates vary based on the contract amount.

Hyakugo Securities' fee structures aim to provide transparent and fair pricing for its clients, facilitating informed investment decisions. Clients are encouraged to review these fees carefully before engaging in transactions.


Deposit & Withdrawal

Hyakugo Securities facilitates bank transfers for its customers, offering convenience and flexibility in managing their finances. Here's how deposits and withdrawals are handled:


  • Customers can utilize bank transfers to deposit funds into their accounts.

  • Hyakugo Securities supports deposits via the account of Hyakugo Bank e-Pocket branch.

  • Deposits in yen currency at the Hyakugo Bank Head Office are free of charge.

  • For deposits and withdrawals in foreign currency at the Hyakugo Bank Head Office:

    • Foreign currency deposits of more than 10,000 currency units are covered by Hyakugo Securities.

      Foreign currency deposits of less than 10,000 currency units are borne by the customer.


  • Withdrawals in yen currency at the Hyakugo Bank Head Office are free of charge.

  • For foreign currency withdrawals at the Hyakugo Bank Head Office, there's a fee of ¥2,200 (tax included).

  • Customers have the flexibility to withdraw funds in yen or foreign currency, depending on their preferences and needs.

Hyakugo Securities strives to provide seamless banking services, ensuring efficient handling of deposits and withdrawals while offering competitive pricing and transparent fee structures for its clients.

Customer Support

Hyakugo Securities provides comprehensive customer support services to address various inquiries and assistance needs:

  1. Orders, Asset Management Consultations, and Product Inquiries:

    1. Contact information for each store is available on the company website for easy access.

    2. Customers can visit any Hyakugo Securities store to place orders, seek asset management consultations, or inquire about products and services.

  2. Inquiries Regarding Online Trading Operations:

    1. The customer support team is available during business hours from 9:00 to 17:00, excluding holidays, to provide prompt assistance.

    2. For assistance with online trading operations, password reissues, and related inquiries, customers can reach out to the toll-free number dedicated to Hyakugo Securities Online Trade: 0120-007-105.

  3. Other Inquiries, Opinions, and Requests:

    1. The Customer Desk can be reached at 0120-863-105 during business hours from 9:00 to 17:00, excluding holidays.

    2. Customers can contact the Customer Desk for any other inquiries, opinions, or requests they may have.

Hyakugo Securities' customer support services are designed to ensure accessibility and responsiveness, allowing customers to receive assistance promptly and efficiently. Whether it's through in-person visits, phone calls, or online inquiries, the company is committed to providing reliable support to meet the diverse needs of its clientele.

Deposit & Withdrawal


In conclusion, Hyakugo Securities stands as a reputable financial institution committed to providing a comprehensive range of investment opportunities and services while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards set by the Financial Services Agency. With a diverse selection of trading products, transparent fee structures, and seamless banking services for deposits and withdrawals, Hyakugo Securities prioritizes customer satisfaction and support. Clients can rely on accessible customer service channels for inquiries and assistance, further enhancing the trust and stability within the financial markets.


Q1: What types of investment products does Hyakugo Securities offer?

A1: Hyakugo Securities offers a range of investment products including investment trusts, domestic and foreign stocks, bonds, and structured bonds.

Q2: How can I contact Hyakugo Securities for online trading assistance?

A2: For online trading assistance, you can reach Hyakugo Securities Online Trade support at the toll-free number: 0120-007-105.

Q3: Are there fees for depositing and withdrawing funds at Hyakugo Securities?

A3: Yes, there may be fees associated with deposits and withdrawals, depending on factors such as the currency type and transaction amount.

Q4: What are the operating hours for Hyakugo Securities' customer support?

A4: Hyakugo Securities' customer support is available from 9:00 to 17:00, excluding holidays.

Q5: How can I request shareholder meeting materials from Hyakugo Securities?

A5: To request shareholder meeting materials, you can contact the Customer Desk at 0120-863-105 during business hours.

Risk Warning

Online trading carries substantial risk, potentially leading to the total loss of invested funds. It may not be appropriate for all traders or investors. It's crucial to fully comprehend the associated risks before engaging in trading activities. Additionally, the content of this review is subject to change, reflecting updates in the company's services and policies. The review's creation date is also relevant, as information could have become outdated. Readers should confirm the latest information with the company prior to making any investment decisions. The responsibility for utilizing the information provided herein lies exclusively with the reader.


  • 15-20 years
  • Regulated in Japan
  • Retail Forex License
  • Medium potential risk
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