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Belarus|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| High potential risk


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Influence index NO.1

Belgium 3.32
Surpassed 15.30% brokers
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No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

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Operating Period
5-10 years
Company Name
Belagroprombank OJSC
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Company Summary

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Company Summary

Belagroprombank Basic Information
Company Name Belagroprombank
Founded 2000
Headquarters Belarus
Regulations Not regulated
Products and Services Diverse, including retail banking, SME support, corporate services, and collaboration with financial institutions
Fees Not specified
Customer Support Phone, fax, telex, live chat
Education Resources “Своими руками” program for small business support

Overview of Belagroprombank

Belagroprombank, established in 2000 and headquartered in Belarus, stands as a prominent financial institution offering a comprehensive array of banking services. As a leader in the Republic of Belarus's retail banking market, the bank focuses on providing a wide range of financial solutions tailored for individual customers. This includes diverse cash and settlement services in both local and foreign currencies, retail banking services such as deposits, card transactions through Belcard, Visa, and Mastercard, and specialized packages like the “Salary Package” for employees and the “Care Package” for pensioners. The bank also embraces technological advancements, offering remote customer services like internet banking, mobile applications, USSD-banking, and the SP “Electronic Trading Platform.”

Beyond serving individual customers, Belagroprombank extends its support to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through a suite of services encompassing credits, deposits, payment for banking operations, salary projects, and access to an e-banking system. For corporate clients, the bank leverages its extensive network, qualified personnel, and personalized service models like the Personal Management System and the Customer Management System. Belagroprombank further positions itself as a reliable partner for financial institutions, emphasizing stability, high capital adequacy, liquidity ratios, and a conservative approach to risk management, particularly navigating the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The bank welcomes collaborations with domestic and foreign financial institutions, offering services ranging from managing correspondent accounts to providing comprehensive information to investors.

In addition to its core financial services, Belagroprombank distinguishes itself through its educational initiative, the “Своими руками” (“With Your Own Hands”) program. This program aims to support small businesses from ideation to development, offering an all-inclusive package of services, special rates, a grace period, and financial, legal, and consulting support. The program fosters a community of entrepreneurs through events at IGrow centers, providing participants with a valuable reservoir of knowledge and creating a collaborative space for learning and growth. Overall, Belagroprombank's multifaceted approach positions it as a pivotal player in the Belarusian financial landscape, catering to diverse needs across individual, business, and institutional domains.


Is Belagroprombank Legit?

Belagroprombank is not regulated. It is important to note that this broker does not have any valid regulation, which means it operates without oversight from recognized financial regulatory authorities. Traders should exercise caution and be aware of the associated risks when considering trading with an unregulated broker like Belagroprombank, as there may be limited avenues for dispute resolution, potential safety and security concerns regarding funds, and a lack of transparency in the broker's business practices. It is advisable for traders to thoroughly research and consider the regulatory status of a broker before engaging in trading activities to ensure a safer and more secure trading experience.


Pros and Cons

Belagroprombank offers a broad spectrum of financial services, establishing itself as a prominent player in the retail banking sector in Belarus. The bank caters to diverse clientele, including individual customers, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), corporate entities, and financial institutions. Its robust retail banking services, specialized packages for different customer segments, and a commitment to supporting SMEs through initiatives like the “Своими руками” program are notable strengths. However, the absence of regulatory oversight poses a concern, as Belagroprombank operates without recognition from financial regulatory authorities. This lack of regulation may raise questions about fund safety, transparency, and avenues for dispute resolution. Additionally, the limited information on specific fees requires potential customers to seek detailed clarity directly from the bank or through official documentation.


Pros Cons
Diverse financial services Lack of recognized regulatory oversight
Leading position in retail banking Limited international presence
Support for SMEs through special programs Unspecified fees, necessitating direct inquiries
Personalized service for corporate clients
Educational initiatives for entrepreneurs

Products and Services

Belagroprombank offers a diverse range of products and services catering to individual customers, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), corporate customers, and financial institutions. For individual customers, the bank is a leader in the retail banking market in the Republic of Belarus. The services include comprehensive cash and settlement services in both local and foreign currency, a variety of retail banking services such as deposits, transactions using Belcard, Visa, and Mastercard bank cards, specialized packages like “Salary Package” for employees and “Care Package” for pensioners, and various remote customer services like internet banking, mobile applications, USSD-banking, and the SP “Electronic Trading Platform.”

Small and medium enterprises benefit from a range of services, including credits, deposits, payment for banking operations, cash and settlement services, salary projects, letters of credit and bank guarantees, acquiring services, and access to the e-banking system. Corporate customers can leverage Belagroprombank's extensive network and qualified personnel for a full spectrum of high-quality banking services. The bank offers personalized service through the Personal Management System and the Customer Management System.

For financial institutions, Belagroprombank acts as a reliable partner in uncertain times, implementing measures to ensure the safety and health of employees, clients, and partners amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The bank maintains stable high capital adequacy and liquidity ratios, adhering to a conservative approach to risk management. Belagroprombank is open to establishing and expanding mutually beneficial cooperation with domestic and foreign financial institutions, providing services such as managing correspondent accounts, documentary operations, banknote operations, transactions in the financial market, and offering comprehensive information to investors.


How to Open an Account?

To remotely apply for a banking payment card at Belagroprombank, you need to follow a few steps. You can submit an application on the official website of the bank, providing the necessary information. Alternatively, you can log in to the Internet banking system and use the “Card Management” or “Issue, Reissue, Open an Account” function in the “Cards” section.

The application process involves providing the required personal information, selecting the type of card, and confirming the request. In the Internet banking section, you can monitor the status of your application and receive notifications upon completion of the process.

It's essential to ensure that the provided information is accurate and meets the bank's requirements. After successfully completing the application procedure, you can use your banking payment card for various financial transactions, including payments, cash withdrawals, and other banking activities.



For individual customers, fees may be associated with services like card transactions, wire transfers, and account management. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) may encounter fees related to credit services, deposit handling, and other business-oriented transactions. Corporate customers might face charges for more extensive financial services and specialized corporate banking solutions.

To obtain precise details about the fee structure, it is recommended to directly consult with Belagroprombank or refer to their official documentation, which typically includes a comprehensive list of fees associated with different banking services. Customers are encouraged to be aware of the applicable fees and thoroughly review the terms and conditions to make informed decisions regarding their banking activities.

Customer Support

Belagroprombank, with its legal address on Zhukov Ave. 3, Minsk, 220036, provides customer support through various channels. The bank's contact details include a fax line at +375 (17) 218 57 14 and a telex service at 252 514 APBRBBY. Clients can reach the bank via phone calls at 136, +375 (17) 218 57 77, +375(29) 198 57 77 (A1), +375(29) 888 57 77 (MTS), and +375(25) 999 57 77 (Life). The Contact Centre operates during specific hours, from 8:00 to 20:00 on weekdays and 8:00 to 18:00 on days off and holidays. Calls are charged at standard rates based on the mobile service provider.

Additionally, Belagroprombank offers a live chat option for customer support, providing a real-time and convenient channel for clients to seek assistance. This multi-channel approach reflects the bank's commitment to ensuring accessibility and responsiveness in addressing customer inquiries and concerns.


Educational Resources

Belagroprombank offers an extensive educational program known as “Своими руками” (“With Your Own Hands”), designed to support small businesses from the inception of an idea to full-fledged development. The program aims to assist entrepreneurs and legal entities in achieving their business goals efficiently.

Key features of the “Своими руками” program include an all-inclusive package of services, special rates from partners, a 3-month grace period, and financial, legal, and consulting support from the bank. The program provides a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs, offering informational support for those looking to venture into business. The benefits encompass free opening of a current (checking) bank account, a user-friendly internet client interface, corporate cards, and a grace period.

Financial support is available from the start and for ongoing development, creating a foundation for business success. Participants in the program gain access to a reservoir of knowledge, serving as a ready-made recipe for business. The program encourages learning through case studies and participation in events at IGrow centers, which act as hubs for attracting business enthusiasts.

Participants become part of a partnership community, enjoying special conditions from corporate clients for their businesses. To join the program, individuals can submit an application by selecting banking services, providing contact details, and joining the initiative.

This comprehensive educational initiative from Belagroprombank not only provides essential financial and operational support but also fosters a collaborative community for entrepreneurs to learn, grow, and succeed in their ventures.



In conclusion, Belagroprombank stands out as a major player in Belarus's financial landscape, offering a diverse range of financial services and demonstrating a commitment to supporting small and medium enterprises through innovative programs. Its strong presence in retail banking, personalized corporate services, and educational initiatives showcase a customer-centric approach. However, the absence of recognized regulatory oversight is a notable disadvantage, raising concerns about fund safety and transparency. The limited information on specific fees is a potential inconvenience, necessitating direct inquiries for precise details. Prospective customers should weigh the bank's strengths against these considerations when making financial decisions.


Q: Is Belagroprombank regulated by financial authorities?

A: No, Belagroprombank is not regulated, which means it operates without oversight from recognized financial regulatory authorities.

Q: What services does Belagroprombank offer for small and medium enterprises (SMEs)?

A: Belagroprombank provides a range of services for SMEs, including credits, deposits, payment for banking operations, cash and settlement services, salary projects, letters of credit and bank guarantees, acquiring services, and access to the e-banking system.

Q: How can I open a banking payment card remotely with Belagroprombank?

A: To open a banking payment card remotely, you can submit an application on the official website or log in to the Internet banking system, using the “Card Management” or “Issue, Reissue, Open an Account” function in the “Cards” section.

Q: What educational initiatives does Belagroprombank offer for entrepreneurs?

A: Belagroprombank's “Своими руками” program supports entrepreneurs with an all-inclusive package, special rates, a 3-month grace period, and financial, legal, and consulting support. It also provides informational support for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Q: How can I contact Belagroprombank's customer support?

A: Belagroprombank's customer support can be reached through various channels, including phone calls at 136, +375 (17) 218 57 77, and other specified numbers. The bank also offers a live chat option and can be contacted through fax and telex services.


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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