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CB Bank

Vietnam|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| High potential risk


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Influence index NO.1

Vietnam 6.28
Surpassed 15.10% brokers
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+84 (272) 3524 639
145-147-149 Hung Vuong Street - Ward 2 - Tan An City - Long An


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered region
Operating period
5-10 years
Company Name
Vietnam Construction Commercial Bank Co., Ltd
Contact number
Company website
Company address
145-147-149 Hung Vuong Street - Ward 2 - Tan An City - Long An
Biz Area
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name CB Bank
Registered Country/Area Vietnam
Years 2-5 years
Regulation Unregulated
Services Transfer money, Content of agreement on opening, management and use of payment accounts at banks, and International money transfer service - Western Union
Customer Support Ticket and Phone: 19001816
Deposit & Withdrawal USD and VND

Overview of CB Bank

CB Bank, operating in Vietnam, has been in operation for 2-5 years. As an unregulated entity, it provides various services to its customers. These services include access content agreements on opening, managing, and using payment accounts at banks, as well as international money transfer services via Western Union.

For customer support, CB Bank offers assistance through Ticket submissions and a dedicated phone line reachable at 19001816. Deposits and withdrawals are facilitated in both USD and VND currencies。

Overview of CB Bank

Regulatory Status

CB Bank operates as an unregulated trading platform. Without regulatory oversight, there's a higher risk of financial loss due to fraudulent activities, mismanagement, or insolvency.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Wide range of services offered Unregulated status may pose risks
International money transfer via Western Union Limited regulatory oversight
Convenient deposit & withdrawal options Limited customer support options
Accessibility through Ticket system and dedicated phone line Lack of transparency in operations
/ Potential for currency exchange rate risks


  1. Wide range of services offered: CB Bank provides customers with an array of financial services, for various banking needs such as international money transfers and demo accounts.

  2. International money transfer via Western Union: Customers can conveniently send and receive money internationally through reputable Western Union services, enhancing accessibility to global transactions.

  3. Convenient deposit & withdrawal options: CB Bank offers customers convenient deposit and withdrawal options in both USD and VND currencies, providing flexibility in managing their finances.

  4. Accessibility through the Ticket system and dedicated phone line: Customers can easily seek assistance and support through the Ticket system or by contacting the dedicated phone line, ensuring accessibility to help when needed.


  1. Unregulated status may pose risks: As CB Bank is unregulated, customers may face higher risks related to the lack of oversight and protection typically provided by regulatory authorities.

  2. Limited regulatory oversight: The absence of regulatory oversight may result in limited consumer protection and transparency in the bank's operations, potentially exposing customers to financial risks.

  3. Limited customer support options: While CB Bank offers customer support through a Ticket system and dedicated phone line, the options may be limited compared to banks with more extensive support channels such as live chat or in-person assistance.

  4. Lack of transparency in operations: The unregulated status of CB Bank may lead to a lack of transparency in its operations, making it challenging for customers to fully understand the bank's policies and practices.

  5. Potential for currency exchange rate risks: Customers dealing with multiple currencies may face risks associated with currency exchange rate fluctuations, potentially impacting the value of their transactions and investments.


Transfer Money: With an extensive network spanning across Construction Bank, customers can conveniently and securely transfer money within Vietnam. Leveraging SmartBank's advanced information technology, online transactions are facilitated throughout the Construction Bank system. Whether depositing funds in one location, receiving them in another, or transferring money within Construction Bank's network, transactions occur instantly. This service supports both cash and bank transfers, allowing customers to transfer funds to relatives, friends, or partners with or without accounts at Construction Bank or any other financial institution. Moreover, customers enjoy free money transfers between accounts within the same Construction Bank system in the same area, with no limitations on transfer amounts.

Content of Agreement on Opening, Management, and Use of Payment Accounts at Banks: The agreement outlines the terms and conditions governing the opening, management, and utilization of payment accounts at Construction Bank. Customers, whether individuals or organizations, opening an account (referred to as NHXD) at Construction Bank are subject to the terms outlined in this agreement. Key terms include definitions of account types, such as joint payment account holders (TKTTC), closing accounts, temporary locks, account blockades, and account documents. Additionally, it stipulates requirements such as minimum balances, allowed balances, and procedures for account closure and documentation.

International Money Transfer Service - Western Union: CB Bank facilitates both the receipt of Western Union money and international money transfers abroad. To receive Western Union funds, recipients visit the nearest CB-Western Union transaction point and complete a Money Receipt form, providing details such as the receiving money code (10-digit MTCN), recipient's name, sender's name, sending country, and expected amount to receive. Upon verification of identification documents, the teller processes the transaction, enabling the recipient to receive the funds promptly.


How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with CB Bank is a straightforward process that can be completed online in a matter of minutes:

  1. Visit the CB Bank website and click “Open Account.”

  2. Fill out the online application form: The form will request your personal information Be sure to have your identification documents (passport or ID card) and proof of address handy for uploading.

  3. Fund your account: CB Bank offers various deposit methods, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and e-wallets. Choose your preferred method and follow the instructions to complete the deposit.

  4. Verify your account: Once your account is funded, you'll need to verify your identity and address. This typically involves submitting scanned copies of your ID documents and proof of address.

  5. Start trading: Once your account is verified, you're ready to explore the CB Bank trading platform and start making trades.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Deposit type: USD

Deposit Procedure: Customers have the option to deposit funds directly into their accounts or through a third party. However, any foreign currency deposited into the customer's account must be accompanied by confirmation from border customs.

Cash Withdrawal: Customers can withdraw cash directly or authorize others to withdraw funds at transaction points of Construction Bank across the system, subject to management regulations. For withdrawals involving foreign exchange in Vietnam, authorization procedures follow the Construction Bank's guidelines. Customers can also opt to use checks issued by Construction Bank, designating the authorized withdrawer for each specific transaction.

Receipt of Transfers: Customers can utilize their foreign currency payment deposit accounts to receive transfers, whether domestic or international, from within the country or abroad.

Payment Transfers: Customers can use their payment deposit accounts to transfer funds domestically or internationally for personal purposes, adhering to the foreign exchange management regulations set by the State Bank of Vietnam. Additionally, funds can be transferred to term savings accounts held at Construction Bank for the account holder's benefit.

Deposit type: VND

Deposit Procedure: Customers have the option to deposit funds directly or through intermediaries.

Cash Withdrawal: Customers can withdraw cash directly or authorize others to withdraw funds at Construction Bank's transaction points across the system. Authorization procedures adhere to the bank's regulations in Vietnam. Additionally, customers can register to use checks issued by Construction Bank for specific transactions.

Receipt of Transfers: Customers can utilize their payment deposit accounts to receive money transfers from any other payment deposit account opened at Construction Bank or from other banks.

Payment Transfers: Customers can use their current deposit accounts to transfer funds for various purposes, such as purchasing goods, and services, or depositing money for a fixed term. Additionally, they can use these accounts to pay off loans held at Construction Bank.

Customer Support

CB Bank offers two main channels for customer support: Ticket and Phone.

The Ticket system provides a convenient online platform for customers to submit queries, requests, or complaints, allowing for efficient tracking and resolution.

Additionally, customers can reach out to CB Bank's dedicated support team directly via phone at 19001816. Whether it's inquiries about account services, assistance with transactions, or any other banking-related issues, CB Bank's customer support team is readily available to provide prompt assistance and guidance to ensure the banking experience for all customers.

Customer Support


In summary, CB Bank provides a range of services, including international money transfers with Western Union, easy deposit and withdrawal options, and accessible customer support via a Ticket system and dedicated phone lines.

However, its unregulated status may pose risks, and there's limited oversight. Additionally, there could be currency exchange rate risks, and transparency in operations might be lacking.


Question: Can I deposit multiple savings books (STK) at the same time and participate in multiple promotions at the bank?

Answer: You can open multiple savings books at the same time and participate in promotional programs (depending on the specific conditions of each program).

Question: I am opening a savings book at the bank and want to deposit more into the already opened book.

Answer: You can only deposit additional money on the opening date or maturity date (except for specific CB products issued from time to time).

Question: Currently, what types of domestic debit cards does CB issue?

Answer: CB only has 1 type of domestic debit card branded CB Connect24. It is a contactless chip card and a magnetic card (fallback).

Question: I forgot my PIN, what should I do?

Answer: You can go to any CB transaction point to request a PIN reissue. The PIN re-issuance fee is 9,090 VND/time/card (VAT not included).

Question: My card is broken and cannot be used, what should I do?

Answer: You can go to any CB transaction point to request a replacement card. The card issuance/replacement fee upon request is 45,454 VND/Card (VAT not included).


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • High potential risk
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