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63 pieces of exposure in total


First, liquidate your account and ask you to deposit to close position

Let someone help you to liquidate your position, then let you deposit funds, and ask you to deposit margin after closing the position

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Unable to Withdraw

Liquidation and cannot withdraw

The night before yesterday, Mr. Zhang Hongye led the operation, and hedging could not operate the withdrawal, which was a typical fraud. Real name report, my name is Tang Hualong, account number 22153

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw. Induce fraud. The teacher are Xu Youcheng and Chang Xiaosa. Get the indicators from Kuaishou, and then use qq to download Jianchao, step by step to trick me

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15


Chang Chisa, Xu Youcheng, Zhou Fang, Li Yong, Hong Jie, Zhang Qing. It's a gang. Everyone pay attention. Don't deposit money. Report the case now. It is a fraud

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15


Several accounts were originally normal. They know that after the Mid-Autumn Festival today, I will withdraw so they operate a liquidation for me and let you deposit the margin for 310,000. It made me feel wrong so I called the police. People who feel scammed should immediately report to the police. They will change the server in the next few days.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

No matter how much you deposit, you can’t withdraw it, so don’t be fooled.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Unable to Withdraw

The margin is deposited and then there is remote login which require another 50k RMB

Exposing the platform that does not keeping promises, and you can't ask others to deposit money to solve the problem of logging in abnormally. The identity verification is normal, and you need others to keep depositing money. It's an obvious scam. I don't know what else will happen later. One trick after another

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15

Unable to withdraw. Need to pay margin

Xu Youcheng, Chang Xiaosa and Li Yong are definitely a scam group. Many people have been deceived. The account was operated by Li and place couple larger orders to hedge. Then, ask you to pay margin to unlock the position. Otherwise, you cannot close the position or withdraw.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15

After giving the deposit, he said that the ip address needs to be deposited for remote login.

This Mid-Autumn Festival event, I believe everyone has deposited for the event. After that, I operated it for Li Yong, increasing the leverage, and the account was blocked. Unblocking requires money. After giving it, I said that the ip address was registered many times in different places. I have said that I have operated it for others, and they need this fee even if they know it clearly.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15

Meta Trader 5. This is the Android version of the APP they let to download!

Hard-earned money was scammed! Can't withdraw! He also asked to deposit the certification fee. I just paid 30,000 yuan to unlock position, and here is another 20,000 certification fee. How do I survive! help me! help me! Thank you so much! ! ! !

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14

Xu Youcheng is a big liar

A few of the same accounts were originally normal, until after the Mid-Autumn Festival today, I have to withdraw money in the middle of the night, and I will operate a liquidation for you to charge the margin. 310,000 I made my charge feel wrong. Suddenly, I called the police directly. The scammers will immediately report to the police. It is estimated that he will change the server in the next few days.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal requires margin

Withdrawal requires margin. It requires a 50k margin to withdraw.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Unable to Withdraw

I can't withdraw, deliberately said that it is a remote login, and I have to pay 50,000 RMB to withdraw. I ask the platform for an explanation. The bank card is my own.

I can't withdraw cash to your own bank card. How can you do this? If you log in abnormally, how can you deposit? Now you use various reasons to deny withdraw.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Unable to Withdraw

Xu Youcheng, how much you deceive?

Do not add position! Your money will be goine. It is a fraud

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Unable to Withdraw

Add position

On the Mid-Autumn Festival night, the position is good, and it is added ont he second day for 170,000 yuan. The guy who guide me is called Xu Youcheng and Chang Xiaosa.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14

Guys, lets join together to ask for a explaination

Are you all guided by Xu Youcheng? Add a contact information together, more people are more powerful. Otherwise they run away

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Severe Slippage

The teacher operates it privately, the name is Xu Youcheng

In the middle of the night, he operated privately. He had enough funds, and he was going to deposit 1 million after withdrawing the money. Who knew that they were too impatient to directly operate me from more than 30,000 US dollars to more than 90,000 yuan, and hedging and locking me. Now they tell me to deposit me I don't dare to enter, I have to wait until I unlock it for me. I'm sure that this platform is safe to withdraw money. I'm rushing to play. I'm not sure whether to rush.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Unable to Withdraw

Romance scam

Romance. Do not allow you to withdraw during the Mid-Autumn festival and place a large order for you, and ask you to pay margin.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-14

A romance scam

The same account as the above was originally normal. They know that after the Mid-Autumn Festival today, I will withdraw money so they liquidate your position in the middle of the night and let you deposit the margin. It makes me feel weird for 310000. so I called the police.. Suggest those who were deceived immediately called the police. It is estimated that they will change the server in the next few days.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-13
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-13

Increase the position

I can buy the position, which means that my margin is enough, so why the position is locked. I don’t lose much in my position. I bought 120 lots, and I have more than 90,000 left. The platform is locked and cannot be traded

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-13
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-13
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