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16 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw. The website is disappeared.

The withdrawal is unavailable. And the customer service has been out of contact for one week or so after the website released the notification.

Taiwan Taiwan 2019-12-24
Taiwan Taiwan 2019-12-24

Disappeared website

FCA has verified that the company is a clone.The customer service has been disappeared.

Taiwan Taiwan 2019-12-10
Taiwan Taiwan 2019-12-10

Induced scam

I am Chen Wenwen. I live in Wanda Plaza, Xiamen. The scam platform, after acquiring my trust through dating software, induced me to trade and made me suffer huge losses of 1800 thousand Taiwan dollars. Who can help me cover the losses? Please be careful!

Taiwan Taiwan 2019-12-08
Taiwan Taiwan 2019-12-08

Stay away the clone broker

The brokerage of the platform and Stone Lion was the same person.Someone will add your Wechat number through FB and then delete the FB account.They will induce you to deposit and care about you much.Once you make losses, they will disappear.I don’t think I am the only victim.

Taiwan Taiwan 2019-12-02
Taiwan Taiwan 2019-12-02
Unable to Withdraw

It seemed to have absconded

There was problems with MT4 and CRM system.The platform was verified as nonexistent on MT4, which seemed to have absconded.Now the platform has changed its name into Match Trade.It’s unable to log in it in the afternoon.

Taiwan Taiwan 2019-12-02
Taiwan Taiwan 2019-12-02
Unable to Withdraw

The withdrawal is still unavailable after verification.

The withdrawal applied on November 5th hasn’t been received yet until 7th.It has been 20 days.No one replies to the email.There is also a frequent slippage with the platform.

Myanmar Myanmar 2019-11-28
Myanmar Myanmar 2019-11-28
Unable to Withdraw

The withdrawal is still unavailable after verification.

The withdrawal applied on November 5th hasn’t been received yet until 7th.It has been 20 days.No one replies to the email.There is also a frequent slippage with the platform.

Myanmar Myanmar 2019-11-27
Myanmar Myanmar 2019-11-27
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw.The customer service disappeared.

I made an exposure on the platform several days ago.Mr.Lin has disappeared.The broker canceled the email function.It seems to abscond.I have an ambivalent feeling.

Taiwan Taiwan 2019-11-26
Taiwan Taiwan 2019-11-26
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw! Huge margin was charged.

[Complaint] Stone Lion ‘s charging huge margin for unfreezing account has encroached my interest! Stone Lion ,the so-called global marketing group,has given a bloody learn.I have traded forex for one year,but I was ruined by my own wisdom and scammed by a transparent and safe labeled platform.Eventually,it went unpunished.Scam broker!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-11-19
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-11-19
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw.The customer service is out of contact.

I applied for the withdrawal on July 29th,which hasn’t been audited yet.I applied for it again on October 14th and was declined on November 4th.The customer service has been out of contact since October 2nd,giving no respond.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-11-05
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-11-05
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw in Stone Lion

I am making a complaint on Stone Lion ,in which the withdrawal is unavailable.I was asked to pay margin money to unfreeze my account.There was large amount of balance unavailable.During that time,I paid once and contacted the deposit company.Then it enabled Stone Lion to confirm the withdrawal process(to unfreeze the account).But the margin money was remitted since they claimed that I had annoyed them(The deposit company asked to do so).Then Stone Lion argued that I need to recharge the margin money since the remittance had be returned.

Taiwan Taiwan 2019-11-04
Taiwan Taiwan 2019-11-04
Unable to Withdraw

The withdrawal hasn’t been audited yet!

The withdrawal hasn’t been audited yet for one month!The platform staff is out of contact!So mean!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-11-01
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-11-01

The withdrawal hasn’t been received yet.

The request for withdrawal hasn’t been audited.When I was adopted to all the requirements including paying the margin.The withdrawal hasn’t been received yet as expected.The customer service shirked the responsibility to the withdrawal department.

Taiwan Taiwan 2019-10-31
Taiwan Taiwan 2019-10-31
Severe Slippage

Serious slippage in fraud platform made my account become forced liquidation

I am a newer,never heard about forced liquidation.A girl told me about the inside information,which I didn’t believe at first and persuade me with $1000 to experience.I made a profit and paid $2000 to activate the account.She told me that she got the inside information and asked me to buy up for lots,which led my account to forced liquidation even in debt.She claimed that if I didn’t pay off the loan,my credit would be affected.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-08-22
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-08-22
Severe Slippage

A drop of 117 dollars in one minute caused by the fraud platform

On 7 10th, it fell by 117 dollars within a minute. The account was wiped out with a loss of more than 200,000 dollars. That’s really a fraud platform.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-17
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-17
Severe Slippage

A drop of 117 dollars in one minute

On 7, 10th, it fell by 117 dollars within a minute. The account was wiped out with a loss of 200,000 more dollars. It is a fraud platform.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-11
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-11
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