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Fibonacci Calculator

  • Drawn-down value
  • 100.0%Drawn-down value
  • 61.8%Drawn-down value
  • 50.0%Drawn-down value
  • 38.2%Drawn-down value
  • 23.6%Drawn-down value
  • 0.0%Drawn-down value
  • Positive
  • Reverse

Fibonacci Calculator

The Fibonacci Calculator employs three values to calculate retracements and extensions (high, low and custom value). The Fibonacci Online Calculator determines Fibonacci retracements and extensions using three key values.
There is a range of Fibonacci retracements that are available at the Fibonacci Online Calculator. They are: 23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8%, 76.4%, 100%, 138.2%.
Fibonacci retracements are a common tool used by forex traders to decipher price movement. These levels commonly serve as support and resistance for trades, as well as stop-loss and take-profit levels. The 50% and 76.4% levels are popular with most traders.
In addition to the retracements, an array of the Fibonacci Extensions are available to be used in the Fibonacci Calculator: 261.8%, 200%, 161.8%, 138.2%, 100%, 61.8%.
You need to enter the previous day's high and low values to use the Fibonacci Calculator. Enter the digits to the right of the decimal point for currency pairs with four or five digits. For currency pairs with two or three digits, type in the full value.
Trend Direction: "up" or "down" can be selected to mimic an uptrend or a downturn in the direction of the market's movement. If, for example, the EUR/USD pair is now in an uptrend on the weekly chart, we can use Fibonacci retracements to discover a decent entry point.
High Price: Here, traders should enter 1.3335, let’say, the highest price for the EUR/USD during the current upswing.
Low Price: Here, traders need to enter the EUR/USD pair's earliest-ever uptrending low, for instance 1.1877.
The Result: Up to seven different retracement levels for the EUR/USD pair will be calculated and displayed by the Fibonacci retracement calculator. Two extreme points of an asset's price action are taken and divided by important Fibonacci ratios to establish retracement levels (lowest or highest swing).
  • Result
  • Positive
  • Reverse
  • 100.0%Drawn-down value
  • Result
  • Positive
  • Reverse
  • 61.8%Drawn-down value
  • Result
  • Positive
  • Reverse
  • 50.0%Drawn-down value
  • Result
  • Positive
  • Reverse
  • 38.2%Drawn-down value
  • Result
  • Positive
  • Reverse
  • 23.6%Drawn-down value
  • Result
  • Positive
  • Reverse
  • 0.0%Drawn-down value

Fibonacci Calculator

The Fibonacci Calculator employs three values to calculate retracements and extensions (high, low and custom value). The Fibonacci Online Calculator determines Fibonacci retracements and extensions using three key values.
There is a range of Fibonacci retracements that are available at the Fibonacci Online Calculator. They are: 23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8%, 76.4%, 100%, 138.2%.
Fibonacci retracements are a common tool used by forex traders to decipher price movement. These levels commonly serve as support and resistance for trades, as well as stop-loss and take-profit levels. The 50% and 76.4% levels are popular with most traders.
In addition to the retracements, an array of the Fibonacci Extensions are available to be used in the Fibonacci Calculator: 261.8%, 200%, 161.8%, 138.2%, 100%, 61.8%.
You need to enter the previous day's high and low values to use the Fibonacci Calculator. Enter the digits to the right of the decimal point for currency pairs with four or five digits. For currency pairs with two or three digits, type in the full value.
Trend Direction: "up" or "down" can be selected to mimic an uptrend or a downturn in the direction of the market's movement. If, for example, the EUR/USD pair is now in an uptrend on the weekly chart, we can use Fibonacci retracements to discover a decent entry point.
High Price: Here, traders should enter 1.3335, let’say, the highest price for the EUR/USD during the current upswing.
Low Price: Here, traders need to enter the EUR/USD pair's earliest-ever uptrending low, for instance 1.1877.
The Result: Up to seven different retracement levels for the EUR/USD pair will be calculated and displayed by the Fibonacci retracement calculator. Two extreme points of an asset's price action are taken and divided by important Fibonacci ratios to establish retracement levels (lowest or highest swing).
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