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【MACRO Insight】The Reserve Bank of Australia cuts interest rates for the first time in four years -

【MACRO Insight】The Reserve Bank of Australia cuts interest rates for the first time in four years -

On February 18, 2024, the Reserve Bank of Australia announced a 25 basis point cut in the base rate to 4.10%, while lowering the interest rate on transaction settlement balances to 4.00%. This is the

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BUY GOLD 2872 and below target 2910SELLGOLD 2912 and above target 2870BUY EURUSD 10435 target 10520SELL EURUSD 10520 target 10450BUY GBPUSD 12560 target 12640SELL GBPUSD 12664 target 12560BUY USDJPY 1

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Market trading sluggish; USD at two-month low, Goldman Sachs raises gold price forecast.

Market trading sluggish; USD at two-month low, Goldman Sachs raises gold price forecast.

On Monday, as investors lowered their bets on US tariffs, the US dollar index hovered near a two month low and ultimately closed down 0.04% at 106.75. The US bond market was closed due to the impact o

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Renew Optimism Fuels Hong Kong Equity Market

Renew Optimism Fuels Hong Kong Equity Market

HSTECH remains bullish as the Chinese government shows a supporting stance toward the tech industry. Eye on todays RBA interest rate decision with the expectation of a first-rate cut from the RBA. Oil

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DBG Markets: Market Report for Feb 18, 2025

DBG Markets: Market Report for Feb 18, 2025

Reminder With a loaded economic calendar and key central bank statements ahead, price action is expected to remain highly reactive. Given the mix of technical indicators and fundamental events, trader

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Are Forex market signals a key tool for successful trading?

Are Forex market signals a key tool for successful trading?

Yes, Forex market signals are a key tool for successful trading, especially for traders who want to make informed decisions without spending hours analyzing charts.🔹 Why Are Forex Signals Important?F

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Forex for Good: DBG Markets’Commitment to Community Support in Vietnam

Forex for Good: DBG Markets’Commitment to Community Support in Vietnam

In a world where every small act can spark significant change, DBG is proud to take a leading role in weaving the fabric of community support and kindness through our latest charity event. Driven by a

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EBC Financial Group: Shaping the Future of Trading at Money Expo Mexico 2025

EBC Financial Group: Shaping the Future of Trading at Money Expo Mexico 2025

EBC Financial Group (EBC) is set to make its debut at one of the most anticipated financial events in Latin America: Money Expo Mexico 2025. This year, the event will take place at the renowned Centro

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Today's Market Moves

Today's Market Moves

Reminder With a loaded economic calendar and key central bank statements ahead, price action is expected to remain highly reactive. Given the mix of technical indicators and fundamental even

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Your Daily Market Insights

Your Daily Market Insights

Reminder With a loaded economic calendar and key central bank statements ahead, price action is expected to remain highly reactive. Given the mix of technical indicators and fundamental events, trader

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Dollar Index Continues to Weaken; Gold Rebounds Above $2900!

Dollar Index Continues to Weaken; Gold Rebounds Above $2900!

Hot spot trackingFed-Harker: Current economic conditions support keeping interest rate policy stable for now Bauman: We need to have stronger confidence that inflation is falling before we cut interes

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FPG XAUUSD Market Report February 18, 2025

FPG XAUUSD Market Report February 18, 2025

FPG XAUUSD Market Report February 18, 2025Gold (XAUUSD) continues its strong bullish trend, recently testing the 2899.28 level, which aligns with the 100% Fibonacci extension. The price remains above

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【MACRO Alert】Expectations of interest rate hikes in Japan soar - pushing both bond yields and the ye

【MACRO Alert】Expectations of interest rate hikes in Japan soar - pushing both bond yields and the ye

Recently, the dynamics of Japans economy and financial markets have attracted widespread attention. The hawkish remarks of the Bank of Japan and the continued high inflation are pushing Japanese bond

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How to Read Forex Charts: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Read Forex Charts: A Beginner’s Guide

Forex charts are essential tools for traders to analyze price movements and make informed decisions. Understanding them is the first step toward becoming a successful trader.Types of Forex Charts📊 Li

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The US dollar fell significantly last FridayThe gold was suppressed by profit taking and experience

The US dollar fell significantly last FridayThe gold was suppressed by profit taking and experience

Last Friday, due to an unexpected drop in the “terror data” for January in the United States, the weekly US dollar index closed at a nearly nine week low, ultimately closing down 0.25% at 106.79. The

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DeepSeek Euphoria Propels HSI

DeepSeek Euphoria Propels HSI

● The Hang Seng Index jumped at todays opening after recovering from a technical retracement last week. ● The U.S. Dollar was pushed to a new low as it was hammered by last Fridays soft Retail Sale re

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 Quick Hits from Today's Markets

Quick Hits from Today's Markets

MARKET ANALYSIS GOLD GOLD prices unexpectedly found a low, defying prior expectations. Trump‘s tariff policies remain increasingly unpredictable due to ongoing delays and exemptions, c

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Alert! Major Financial Event Happening Now

Alert! Major Financial Event Happening Now

MARKET ANALYSIS GOLD GOLD prices unexpectedly found a low, defying prior expectations. Trump‘s tariff policies remain increasingly unpredictable due to ongoing delays and exemptions, creating further

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US "Scary Data" Unexpectedly Slows in January; Gold and Dollar Index Both Fall!

US "Scary Data" Unexpectedly Slows in January; Gold and Dollar Index Both Fall!

Hot spot trackingThe monthly rate of retail sales in the United States in January was -0.9%, the biggest drop since January 2024. This news is bearish for the US dollar.The Trump administration “loose

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CWG Major Upgrade! New Leverage Standards to Launch on February 17, 2025!

CWG Major Upgrade! New Leverage Standards to Launch on February 17, 2025!

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