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XM Revamps Website with Sleek Design and App Focus

XM Revamps Website with Sleek Design and App Focus

XM unveils a rebranded website, aligning with fintech trends and prioritizing its proprietary app. Discover the shift towards a modern trading experience.

Notizie 2024-11-13 11:38
JUST Finance and UBX Launch Multi-Currency Stablecoin Exchange

JUST Finance and UBX Launch Multi-Currency Stablecoin Exchange

JUST Finance and UBX partner with Philippine banks to launch a multi-currency stablecoin exchange, boosting remittance flow and cross-border trade efficiency.

Notizie 2024-11-13 11:20

VW launches $5.8bn partnership with Tesla rival Rivian

The firms will share EV technology as they face slowing demand and competition from Chinese rivals.

settore 2024-11-13 03:20
SC Malaysia Warns Against InstaForex & InstaTrade

SC Malaysia Warns Against InstaForex & InstaTrade

The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) has issued a warning to investors regarding two unregistered entities, InstaForex and InstaTrade. This alert is part of the SC's ongoing efforts to protect investors from unauthorized investment schemes and ensure compliance with Malaysian securities laws.

Esposizione 2024-11-12 18:02
Malaysian Trader Loses Over RM1.6 Million in Investment Scam via WeChat

Malaysian Trader Loses Over RM1.6 Million in Investment Scam via WeChat

A 56-year-old trader from Gombak, Malaysia, recently lost more than RM1.6 million in a sophisticated online investment scam orchestrated through the popular messaging application, WeChat.

Notizie 2024-11-12 17:27
Former Alameda Executives Hand Over Assets in FTX Creditor Recovery Effort

Former Alameda Executives Hand Over Assets in FTX Creditor Recovery Effort

Amid ongoing efforts to recover assets for creditors of the defunct crypto exchange FTX, Sam Trabucco, former co-CEO of Alameda Research, has agreed to forfeit high-value assets, including two San Francisco properties and a yacht. According to a court filing dated 3 November, the combined value of these assets reaches approximately $11.2 million — with the properties estimated at $8.7 million and the 53-foot yacht at $2.5 million.

Notizie 2024-11-12 17:25
Prop Trading vs. Algo Trading: How They Shape Modern Markets

Prop Trading vs. Algo Trading: How They Shape Modern Markets

This article will provide an overview of these two strategies, examining what sets them apart and why each has its place in today’s markets.

Notizie 2024-11-12 17:22
FCA Fines Metro Bank £16.7 Million for Lapses in Anti-Money Laundering Controls

FCA Fines Metro Bank £16.7 Million for Lapses in Anti-Money Laundering Controls

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has imposed a £16,675,200 fine on Metro Bank PLC due to critical shortcomings in its financial crime prevention systems. Between June 2016 and December 2020, Metro Bank’s inadequate transaction monitoring controls left more than 60 million transactions, valued at over £51 billion, exposed to potential money laundering risks.

Notizie 2024-11-12 17:19
Tradeweb and TSE Partnership Enhances Access to Japanese ETFs

Tradeweb and TSE Partnership Enhances Access to Japanese ETFs

Tradeweb and Tokyo Stock Exchange partner to improve ETF liquidity for global investors, offering streamlined access and competitive trading in Japan’s ETF market.

Notizie 2024-11-12 17:06
ATFX Connect Partners with Your Bourse for Enhanced Broker Liquidity

ATFX Connect Partners with Your Bourse for Enhanced Broker Liquidity

ATFX Connect collaborates with Your Bourse to boost broker liquidity options, offering tailored solutions, advanced tools, and real-time reporting capabilities.

Notizie 2024-11-12 16:31
Beware of Deepfake 'Experts' and Fake Apps: Protecting Yourself from Trading Scams

Beware of Deepfake 'Experts' and Fake Apps: Protecting Yourself from Trading Scams

In recent years, the rise of deepfake technology and sophisticated online exploitation tactics have led to a dangerous surge in share-trading frauds. Cybercriminals have evolved their methods to deceive even the most cautious investors, making it increasingly challenging for individuals to discern genuine opportunities from scams.

Notizie 2024-11-12 16:19
 Philippine Peso Set for Year-End Boost from Seasonal Remittances

Philippine Peso Set for Year-End Boost from Seasonal Remittances

The Philippine peso anticipates a year-end recovery driven by strong remittances, lower oil prices, and easing dollar strength amid the holiday season.

Notizie 2024-11-12 15:43
CySEC Warns against Public Review Websites

CySEC Warns against Public Review Websites

Do you also rely on feedback coming from public review websites ? If so, you should pay attention to it. The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission ("CySEC") warned about such websites and made individuals aware of fake and deceptive posts on public review sites like and Google Business.

Notizie 2024-11-12 15:24
Bitget Wallet and Foresight Ventures Launch $20M Fund for Telegram Mini Apps

Bitget Wallet and Foresight Ventures Launch $20M Fund for Telegram Mini Apps

Bitget Wallet and Foresight Ventures unveil a $20M fund to fuel Telegram Mini Apps, aiming to boost innovation and support developers in the TON ecosystem.

Notizie 2024-11-12 15:23
ATFX Expands LATAM Presence with New Mexico Office

ATFX Expands LATAM Presence with New Mexico Office

ATFX opens its new office in Mexico, enhancing its commitment to Latin America's growing trading market with innovative financial solutions for local traders.

Notizie 2024-11-12 14:38 Introduces Two Trading Tools Introduces Two Trading Tools, a regulated broker, has launched two new trading tools, the FXGT App and the Trader platform, to enhance users' trading experience. These trading tools are meant for traders who need flexibility and quality wherever they are. The FXGT App is available on iOS and Android.

Notizie 2024-11-11 18:57
What Happens if A Broker Goes Bust?

What Happens if A Broker Goes Bust?

For traders, understanding what happens when a broker collapses is crucial. It serves as a reminder that choosing the right broker involves more than just attractive spreads and swift execution; it’s about safeguarding funds in case things go wrong.

Notizie 2024-11-11 17:40
Is WesternFX a Reliable Broker?

Is WesternFX a Reliable Broker?

WesternFX, an international forex trading firm established in 2013, operates out of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. With a diverse range of trading products such as Forex, CFDs, Shares, Indices, Metals, Energies, and more, WesternFX presents itself as an attractive choice for traders. However, as with any trading platform, reliability and safety are critical factors for potential users. In this review, we’ll explore whether WesternFX is a reliable broker.

Esposizione 2024-11-11 17:25
InstaForex Lucky Trader Contest

InstaForex Lucky Trader Contest

The LUCKY TRADER CONTEST is calling you out! InstaForex has introduced a Lucky Trader Contest for users. Attention! Don't miss this chance to win a prize of $6,000!

Notizie 2024-11-11 17:24
Webull Thailand Launches US Stock Options, Pioneering in Local Market

Webull Thailand Launches US Stock Options, Pioneering in Local Market

Webull Thailand debuts US stock options, offering Thai investors new avenues for portfolio diversification and risk management with zero commissions for the first month.

Notizie 2024-11-11 17:24

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