A WikiFX, como uma plataforma independente de serviços de informação de terceiros, é dedicada a fornecer aos usuários serviços abrangentes e objetivos de informações regulatórias sobre corretoras. A WikiFX não participa diretamente de atividades de negociação forex, nem oferece qualquer forma de recomendações de canais de negociação ou aconselhamento de investimento. As classificações e avaliações das corretoras pela WikiFX são baseadas em informações objetivas disponíveis publicamente e levam em conta as diferenças nas políticas regulatórias de vários países e regiões. As classificações e avaliações de corretoras são os principais produtos da WikiFX, e rejeitamos firmemente quaisquer práticas comerciais que possam comprometer sua objetividade e justiça. Recebemos com prazer a supervisão e sugestões de usuários de todo o mundo. Linha Direta de Reclamações: report@wikifx.com
Aplicação de Pesquisa Regulamentar da Corretora Global
Giraffe Markets Introducing Broker (IB) Program Feature List

Giraffe Markets Introducing Broker (IB) Program Feature List

The Giraffe Markets Introducing Broker (IB) Program offers a rewarding and supportive partnership opportunity for individuals and organizations looking to grow their business in the financial markets. With competitive commissions, advanced tools, and dedicated support, Giraffe Markets is committed to empowering its IB partners for success.

EBC Financial Group Recognised as "Most Trusted FX Broker" and "Best CFD Broker" at World Finance Awards

EBC Financial Group Recognised as "Most Trusted FX Broker" and "Best CFD Broker" at World Finance Awards

EBC Financial Group has been honoured with two prestigious awards at the World Finance Awards 2024: Most Trusted FX Broker and Best CFD Broker.

Global Market Insights: Top Stories

Global Market Insights: Top Stories

This week's top stories include significant sales growth for WPG Holdings, BMW's vehicle recall, and Honeywell's $1.8 billion LNG acquisition. Key economic events feature the NFIB Small Business Optimism Index, Core CPI, PPI, and Michigan Consumer Sentiment, all critical for assessing market trends and forex impacts. Stay informed on market movements and economic indicators.

How to Make Your First Million Dollars: Advanced Strategies for the Most Experienced FX Traders

How to Make Your First Million Dollars: Advanced Strategies for the Most Experienced FX Traders

If you're a seasoned Forex trader aiming to hit the million-dollar mark, you need to move beyond the bare basics. You have to learn and adopt advanced strategies that can provide the precision and edge needed to achieve your goals.

Is Option trading Better Than Stocks?

Is Option trading Better Than Stocks?

Use stocks as your core holdings and options for tactical plays. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Your investment strategy should align with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Whether you choose stocks, options, or a combination, always do thorough research and consider seeking professional advice.

GML's strategic alliance with BITEMPIRE ACADEMY prioritizes spreading financial investment literacy.

GML's strategic alliance with BITEMPIRE ACADEMY prioritizes spreading financial investment literacy.

Join us in celebrating this fantastic collaboration between GML and BITEMPIRE ACADEMY as we work together to spread financial investment literacy far and wide. Together, we can bring about positive change and create a more financially educated community. Let's make our money work for us!

Understanding Forex Risk Management: Why You Need a Watertight Risk Management Strategy in 2024

Understanding Forex Risk Management: Why You Need a Watertight Risk Management Strategy in 2024

Let's Implement It Together By using these FX risk management strategies, you’ll be more prepared to handle market ups and downs with confidence, minimize your losses, and improve your overall profits.

Market Recap: March 7, 2024: A Summary of Today's Market Movements

Market Recap: March 7, 2024: A Summary of Today's Market Movements

On Wednesday, U.S. stocks rebounded, recovering a part of losses caused by the prior session's sell-off. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 75 points (+0.20%) to 38,661, the S&P 500 climbed 26 points (+0.51%) to 5,104, and the Nasdaq 100 was up 119 points (+0.67%) to 18,017.

EBC Financial Group Recognized as "Best-Rated Broker" at 2023 FOLLOWME Broker of the Year Awards

EBC Financial Group Recognized as "Best-Rated Broker" at 2023 FOLLOWME Broker of the Year Awards

Operating in multiple countries, EBC Group prioritises robust trading environment that listens to traders' voices and won the "Best-Rated Broker" Award

DAILY MARKET NEWSLETTER March 6, 2024: A Comprehensive Overview of Market Movements and Economic Data

DAILY MARKET NEWSLETTER March 6, 2024: A Comprehensive Overview of Market Movements and Economic Data

Navigating Market Volatility and Global Events

Daily Market Insights - March 5, 2024

Daily Market Insights - March 5, 2024

U.S. stocks retreated from record highs on Monday, with technology stocks leading the decline.

EBC Financial Group: Setting the Standard for Transparency and Trust in the Global Financial Landscape

EBC Financial Group: Setting the Standard for Transparency and Trust in the Global Financial Landscape

The award proves that EBC is a credible partner in finance industry and sets the higher standard for transparency and accountability.

February 23, 2024- US Stocks Hit Record Highs, Tech Sector Fuels Rally

February 23, 2024- US Stocks Hit Record Highs, Tech Sector Fuels Rally

Nvidia Soars, European Markets Gain, and Key Forex Trends

HFM Launces Exclusive Pro Plus Trading Account for South Africa

HFM Launces Exclusive Pro Plus Trading Account for South Africa

The new trading account is available for a limited time only and offers the same trading excellence traders are used to with HFM

Market Resurgence: Stocks Rally, Cryptos Surge, and Forex Fluctuations - February 15, 2024 Update

Market Resurgence: Stocks Rally, Cryptos Surge, and Forex Fluctuations - February 15, 2024 Update

Key Insights into Today's Market Dynamics and Profitable Trading Strategies

Navigating Market Peaks: Insights and Strategies for Today's Opportunities

Navigating Market Peaks: Insights and Strategies for Today's Opportunities

Decoding Market Moves: Unveiling Potential in Recent Record-Highs and Currency Dynamics

HFM Copy Trading Revolution: Breaking Barriers and Unleashing Global Opportunities

HFM Copy Trading Revolution: Breaking Barriers and Unleashing Global Opportunities

Copy Trading platform has transcended geographical boundaries, extending its reach far beyond South Africa. This development promises a new era of trading possibilities for both Followers and Strategy Providers, marking the dawn of an enhanced and globally connected trading community.

HFM raises maximum Gold leverage to 1:2000

HFM raises maximum Gold leverage to 1:2000

Global multi-asset broker HFM has announced enhanced trading conditions through its all-new trading accounts

HFM Launches New Cent Account With Cent Balance

HFM Launches New Cent Account With Cent Balance

The broker continues to enhance its account types to ensure optimal client satisfaction.

AUS GLOBAL won the Trading.Live Best Trading Environment Award

AUS GLOBAL won the Trading.Live Best Trading Environment Award

2023 The first Trading.Live Trading Impact Awards Ceremony was grandly held on May 14 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. At this conference, AUS GLOBAL won the 2023 Trading.Live "Best Trading Environment Award".

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