摘要:The longest-ever episode of "Game of Throne" airs on Sunday night, and it's gonna be a dark one — literally! Here's how to get ready.
When the third episode of the final season of “Game of Thrones” airs on Sunday night, it'll be the longest episode of the series at nearly 1.5 hours.The episode is likely to be very dark, in the literal sense — it features a massive battle at night in and around Winterfell, which is notoriously dark to begin with.There are a few simple things you can do to prepare your television for the best possible viewing experience.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.After eight seasons of buildup, one of the most-anticipated moments in “Game of Thrones” is about to finally happen.The third episode of the show's final season features the Battle for Winterfell: an 82-minute episode centered around a massive nighttime battle.Given the show's proclivity for nighttime scenes lit only by fire, the episode is also likely to be one of the darkest in its history. Rather than struggling through the darkness, we've got a handful of TV tips to make your viewing experience a bit more easy to see: