摘要:President Trump this week struggled to pronounce the name of South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
There are currently 21 Democratic candidates running for president in 2020 so far, and many of their names are frequently mispronounced or mangled.Sen. Kamala Harris even once put out a campaign ad centered around how to correctly pronounce her first name. Here's how 2020 Democratic presidential candidates pronounce their names.There are currently 21 Democratic candidates running for president in 2020, and many of their names are frequently mispronounced or mangled.While Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Andrew Yang's names are all relatively intuitive, others are much harder to pronounce. When Sen. Kamala Harris was running for US Senate in 2016, she even put out a light-hearted campaign ad centered around how to correctly pronounce her first name. Read more: 'Boot-EDGE-EDGE': Trump tries to pronounce 2020 Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg's name at Florida rallyGov. John Hickenlooper said in his announcement video that being bullied growing up as “a skinny kid with Coke-bottle glasses and a funny last name” prepared him to run against President Donald Trump. And South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, whose full name is Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg, is happy to go by just “Mayor Pete.” Here's how 2020 Democratic presidential candidates pronounce their names:Sen. Kamala Harris' first name is pronounced KAH-mull-uh, not Kuh-MALL-uh or Kam-ayla.Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's name is pronounced KEER-sten Jill-uh-brand Mayor Pete Buttigieg's Twitter page says his last name is pronounced like BOOT-edge-edge, but his husband Chasten's profile used to say that the best pronunciation is buddha-judge. “Either way, it gets you there,” Buttigieg joked of their disagreement at a March CNN town hall. Rep. Beto O'Rourke, whose first name is a nickname for Robert, pronounces his name BET-toe, not bay-to or bee-to. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard pronounces her name TULL-see Gah-bard.Former San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro uses the Spanish pronunciation of WHOO-le-ahn for his first name, not the English pronunciation of jewel-ian.Gov. John Hickenlooper's last name, which he says means “hedge-hopper” in Dutch, is pronounced Hick-enn-loop-her.Sen. Amy Klobuchar's last name is pronounced Khlo-bush-har, not claw-boo-char.Rep. John Delaney's last name is pronounced Duh-lay-nee not Duh-lanny.Rep. Seth Moulton's last name is pronounced Mole-ton. Rep. Eric Swalwell's last name is pronounced Swall-well. (If you have trouble remembering it, think of swallowing water from a well). Sen. Cory Booker's name is pronounced pretty much how it looks: Cor-ee Book-er.So is Gov Jay Inslee's: Jay Ins-lee.And Marianne Williamson's first name is pronounced just like Mary-Anne would be. Elizabeth Warren's last name is pretty intuitive: it's just WAR-ren. Former VP Joe Biden's last name is pronounced BYE-den. Mayor Wayne Messam's last name is pronounced MESS-uhm. Sen. Bernie Sanders' last name is pronounced Sahn-ders, not saun-ders. Rep. Tim Ryan's name is about as easy as they come: Tim Rye-an.So is Sen. Michael Bennet's: BEN-net. And Andrew Yang's last name is pronounced the same as gang or sang, just like how it looks.