[Daily Global FX Market Highlights (Dec 8)
1. 加拿大央行加息50個基點至4.25%,符合市場預期,利率水平為2007年12月以來最高。
2. 美國抵押貸款利率連續第四周下降,為2019年以來持續時間最長的下跌。
3. 日本財務省週三表示,日本11月的外匯儲備增加至六年來的最高水平。
4. 摩根大通將歐元區第四季度萎縮預期從之前的1.25%下調至0.5%。
5. 歐洲央行管委卡茲米爾:一個通脹數字不足以減緩加息。量化緊縮應該是透明,漸進和可預測的。
6. 加拿大央行「考慮」需要進一步加息以遏制通脹,再次暗示通脹預期可能加劇。
7. 摩根大通歐洲高收益交易部門對債券和信貸違約掉期(CDS)的幾筆大額押注,導致該行虧損7000萬美元。
8. 中國外匯管理局統計數據顯示,截至2022年11月末,外匯儲備規模為31175億美元,較10月末上升651億美元,升幅為2.13%。
9. 波蘭央行:可能會干預外匯市場。
10. 祕魯央行將參考利率從7.25%上調至7.50%。
11. 巴西央行將Selic利率維持在13.75%,符合市場預期。
12. 韓國要求韓國國家退休基金(NPS)提高外匯對衝比率至10%。
13. 智利央行賣出價值5000萬智利比索的外匯遠期,平均價格為883.71智利比索。
[Daily Global FX Market Highlights (Dec 8)
1. The Bank of Canada raised interest rates by 50 basis points to 4.25%, in line with market expectations and the highest level since December 2007.
2. US mortgage rates fell for the fourth consecutive week, the longest decline since 2019. 3.
3. Japan's foreign exchange reserves rose to their highest level in six years in November, the Finance Ministry said on Wednesday. 4.
4. JP Morgan cut its forecast for eurozone contraction in the fourth quarter to 0.5% from 1.25% previously. 5.
5. ECB Governing Councilor Kazimir: An inflation figure is not enough to slow down rate hikes. Quantitative tightening should be transparent, gradual and predictable. 6.
6. Bank of Canada “considers” the need for further rate hikes to curb inflation, again suggesting that inflation expectations could intensify. 7.
7. JP Morgan's European high-yield trading unit made several large bets on bonds and credit default swaps (CDS), resulting in losses of US$70 million.
8. China's Foreign Exchange Administration statistics show that foreign exchange reserves stood at US$311.75 billion at the end of November 2022, up US$65.1 billion, or 2.13%, from the end of October.
9. Poland's central bank: possible intervention in the foreign exchange market. 10.
10. Peru's central bank raises reference rate from 7.25% to 7.50%. 11.
11. Brazil's central bank kept the Selic rate at 13.75%, in line with market expectations.
12. Korea asked the National Pension Fund (NPS) to increase its foreign exchange hedge to 10%.
13. The Central Bank of Chile sold 50 million Chilean pesos worth of foreign exchange forwards at an average price of 883.71 Chilean pesos.
各位外匯天眼用戶請小心,外匯天眼收到用戶針對仿冒FP Markets的爆料,受害者因誤用名稱、LOGO相同的釣魚APP而損失新台幣125萬元,目前已經報警處理,在此呼籲大家慎防假券商。