摘要:Not even Google search results are safe from the Infinity Gauntlet.
Alongside the long-anticipated launch of “Avengers: Endgame,” Google has added a Thanos-themed Easter egg to its search engine.Activating the Easter egg is far simpler than putting together an Infinity Gauntlet: Just Google the term “Thanos.”If you haven't seen “Avengers: Infinity War,” maybe don't do this.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.The main bad guy in “Avengers: Endgame” — and across the last several movies — is a large alien named Thanos.Perhaps you've heard of him? He's kind of a big deal, both literally and figuratively.More than just being a well-known antagonist, Thanos is notorious for a particularly heinous act in “Avengers: Infinity War.” And that act is now tied to a very silly Google Easter egg.Spoilers ahead: If you've yet to see “Infinity War” and don't want to have it massively spoiled, now is the time to turn away.If you type “Thanos” into Google search, you might notice a particularly familiar golden, bejeweled glove appearing in the results.It looks like this:Hey, why's the Infinity Gauntlet here on Google? Turns out it's a clickable item — and it acts very much like Thanos' version of the gauntlet, in that it starts vaporizing search results like so many superheroes at the end of “Infinity War.”Check it out:Even more hilariously, one of the results it wipes out is “Marvel characters”:Go see for yourself by typing “Thanos” into Google search!