摘要:In-N-Out and Whataburger both have some pretty devoted fans. I tried them both in a classic taste test.
Whataburger is to Texas what In-N-Out is to California, and both are family-owned, regional fast food chains.Texans swear by Whatabuger, while Californians claim In-N-Out is the best.I ordered a burger, large fries, and a chocolate milkshake from each to see which one is actually better.I preferred In-N-Out's shake and burger, but Whataburger won in the fries department.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.Whataburger is to Texas what In-N-Out is to California. Both companies are still family-owned, regional chains — an anomaly in a market that's dominated by national multimillion-dollar fast-food companies.In-N-Outs are scattered throughout the Southwest, while Whataburger locations line the South from New Mexico to Florida.They meet in the middle, in Dallas, Texas, where I ate both side by side in a taste test.While Texans swear by Whataburger's more Southern menu items — Texas toast, patty melts, biscuits — Californians rave about In-N-Out's fresh ingredients and “animal-style” burgers. I ordered a burger, large fries, and a chocolate milkshake.