摘要:Uber's app has undergone many changes as the company went from a small startup to a transportation juggernaut. Here's what it looked like in 2011.
Uber made its debut on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday in the most-watched tech IPO of 2019.But back in 2011, when Uber first broke in to New York City, it was still a young startup, and its app was still pretty primitive. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. In the 10 years since its official launch as UberCab in 2009, Uber has become a ride-sharing juggernaut.Uber, which made its debut on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday in the most-watched tech IPO of 2019, now has 91 million users in 700 cities around the world. The company says 14 million Uber trips are taken each day.But in 2011, when Business Insider first tried Uber, the concept of using a smartphone app to order a taxi was still relatively new to most people. Back then, Uber had just launched in markets like New York City and Paris, laying the groundwork for what's now an international ride-hailing empire. Here's what Uber's app looked like in 2011 compared to today.