摘要:You'll become a better communicator and feel less anxiety.
As we move through our day, we send energy into the world and we receive energy back.Good energy can boost our feelings of well-being and dissolve feelings of anxiety, while bad energy results in feelings of discord, conflict and resentment.Your goal should be to attract good vibes and reject the bad, and you can do that by following these 9 tips. They include expanding your social circle and changing the tone of your thoughts.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.As we move through our day, we send energy into the world and we receive energy back. Our minds, bodies and spirits are composed of energy, which vibrates out and is felt by others. Those vibrations resonate within us and impact our own energy stores.This is why we may feel warm, calm, and cheerful in the presence of some people, but cold, anxious and blue around others. We carry that energy with us, and it impacts not only us but all the other people we come in contact with. Good energy can boost our feelings of well-being, dissolve feelings of anxiety and improve communication. Bad energy results in feelings of discord, conflict and resentment. Your goal should be to attract good energy and reject the bad.You can do this by raising your energy level and aligning yourself with positive vibrations. It's simpler than you may think. Start with these nine daily keys to tune up your inner vibrations and start feeling positive energy flow your way.