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Octa broker receives the 'Best use of AI in fintech' award

Octa broker receives the 'Best use of AI in fintech' award

OctaTrader, Octa broker's proprietary trading platform, was recently awarded for the 'Best Use of AI in Fintech 2025' by Global Business Magazine. This award gives due credit to OctaTrader's diverse s

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From Idea to Reality: The Journey of EBC's Million Dollar Trading Challenge

From Idea to Reality: The Journey of EBC's Million Dollar Trading Challenge

When EBC Financial Group set out to create something truly groundbreaking for traders worldwide, they had one clear goal in mind: to elevate the trading experience and establish a global platform for

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【MACRO Alert】Behind the price fluctuations in the crude oil market : the reshaping of the market str

【MACRO Alert】Behind the price fluctuations in the crude oil market : the reshaping of the market str

During the early Asian trading session on March 6, Brent crude oil futures prices showed an upward trend, but the overall price has not yet broken through the key mark of $70 per barrel. Specifically,

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Wall Street Rebound on Trump Tariff Delay

Wall Street Rebound on Trump Tariff Delay

*Wall Street revived from bearish momentum as President Trump announced a delay on Canadas auto import tariff delay. *Euro strengthened as the German Bund yielded after a massive selloff. *Gold prices

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USD fell, non-USD surged, gold rose slightly, investors cautious.

USD fell, non-USD surged, gold rose slightly, investors cautious.

On Wednesday, due to concerns about the impact of tariffs on inflation and the economy, investors are now pricing the possibility of a comprehensive contraction in the US economy, as well as Trumps de

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Mastering Day Trading: A Strategic Guide for Experts

Mastering Day Trading: A Strategic Guide for Experts

Imagine capitalizing on every investment decision within hours. That‘s exactly what day trading offers—an intriguing yet often misunderstood method in the world of finance. It’s not just about buying

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DBG Markets: Market Report for Mar 6, 2025

DBG Markets: Market Report for Mar 6, 2025

Market OverviewGOLD - Gold prices remain high but consolidated after Trumps imposition of tariffs. The initial reaction of the market was to push U.S. prices upward as the inflationary effect of these

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Major Financial Event Happening Now

Major Financial Event Happening Now

Market OverviewDespite these tariffs, China has set a 5% growth target, showcasing resilience and strategic adaptation, which could further shift global trade dynamics. The impact may extend beyond No

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Breaking News: This Could Shake Up Markets

Breaking News: This Could Shake Up Markets

Market OverviewDespite these tariffs, China has set a 5% growth target, showcasing resilience and strategic adaptation, which could further shift global trade dynamics. The impact may extend beyond No

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ADP pulled off quite a coup, gold on a roller coaster!

ADP pulled off quite a coup, gold on a roller coaster!

Hot spot trackingTrump said in Congress that reciprocal tariffs will go into effect on April 2; Ukraine is ready to sign a minerals agreement and Zelensky is ready to return to the Russian-Ukrainian n

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GOLD Analysis: Risk aversion supports gold prices

GOLD Analysis: Risk aversion supports gold prices

Fundamental Analysis of GOLDGOLD Key TakeawaysRisk aversion supports gold prices: Against the backdrop of escalating trade conflicts after US President Trump imposed new tariffs, spot gold continued t

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BUY GOLD 2902 and below target 2930SELL GOLD 2932 and above target 2896BUY EURUSD 10690 target 10820SELL EURUSD 10824 target 10710BUY GBPUSD 12795 target 12925SELL GBPUSD 12930 target 12788BUY USDJPY

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Market Analysis for Today

Market Analysis for Today

On Wednesday, gold prices remained resilient amid speculation that U.S. President Donald Trump might reduce some tariffs, at least on automobiles related to the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement. Howev

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Trading and relationships: Octa broker's guide to red flags

Trading and relationships: Octa broker's guide to red flags

The experts at Octa highlight some major broker red flags to avoid at all costs. If you can spot and read those, you will have an easier time choosing a trustworthy broker to trade with. The concept o

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Octa broker announces a new powerful AI tool within its OctaTrader platform

Octa broker announces a new powerful AI tool within its OctaTrader platform

Global broker Octa recently released a new AI feature to its proprietary trading platform, OctaTrader. Embedded into the platform interface, the new tool is called AI pattern search and serves to make

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【MACRO Insight】 European fiscal transformation under the global economy and geopolitics ! Will the U

【MACRO Insight】 European fiscal transformation under the global economy and geopolitics ! Will the U

The euro rose to its highest level against the dollar since December as Europe plans to significantly increase defense spending, and analysts withdrew their expectations that the currency pair would f

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Did You Miss It? Today's Biggest Market News

Did You Miss It? Today's Biggest Market News

GOLD Gold continues its upward trajectory despite newly enacted tariffs targeting Canada, Mexico, and China. Concerns over a deepening trade war are undermining the dollar‘s strength, even as inf

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Today's Top Financial News

Today's Top Financial News

XAUUSD Gold prices are on the rise, defying the impact of newly imposed tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China. Mounting concerns over a prolonged trade war are weighing on the dollar, despite grow

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DBG Markets: Market Report for Mar 5, 2025

DBG Markets: Market Report for Mar 5, 2025

Market AnalysisGOLD - Gold prices are climbing despite the newly imposed tariffs on Canada, Mexico, Fears of an escalating trade war are dampening the dollars strength, even as inflationary pressures

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Big Business and Social Good? EBC Shows It's Possible

Big Business and Social Good? EBC Shows It's Possible

Success in finance is often measured in numbers, but at EBC, we believe true impact goes beyond profits. Our commitment to making a difference recently took us to The Blind School of Maha Phai Pattaya

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