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What is the benefit of holding stock for the long term?

What is the benefit of holding stock for the long term?

Investing in stocks with a long-term perspective offers several advantages, making it a preferred strategy for many successful investors. Heres why holding stocks long-term can be beneficial:Compoundi

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CWG CryptocurrencyAccess to Diverse Assets in One Click

CWG CryptocurrencyAccess to Diverse Assets in One Click

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Sydney's Skyline Welcomes EBC Asset Management with a Bold New Chapter in Global Finance

Sydney's Skyline Welcomes EBC Asset Management with a Bold New Chapter in Global Finance

A new horizon beckons for EBC Asset Management as we proudly unveil our Sydney office, further anchoring our presence in the Asia-Pacific financial landscape. Perched above the iconic Sydney Harbour,

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CWG Markets Wins 'Best Online Trading UK 2025' – Leading with Innovation!

CWG Markets Wins 'Best Online Trading UK 2025' – Leading with Innovation!

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Ultima Markets | GBPUSD Analysis: The pound fluctuates widely

Ultima Markets | GBPUSD Analysis: The pound fluctuates widely

In this comprehensive analysis, Ultima Markets brings you an insightful breakdown of the GBPUSD for MAR 25, 2025.Fundamental Analysis of GBPUSDGBPUSD Key TakeawaysUK March PMI data: The initial value

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【MACRO Alert】Stock market weakness and gold soaring - a complete analysis of the rare divergence phe

【MACRO Alert】Stock market weakness and gold soaring - a complete analysis of the rare divergence phe

Recently, the performance of the US stock market and the gold market has shown a clear divergence. The SP 500 index performed poorly in 2025, while the price of gold climbed to a record high of more t

Review 6h
Dollar Extend Gain ahead if PCE

Dollar Extend Gain ahead if PCE

The U.S. dollar extended its gain after the Atlanta Fed president suggested only one rate cut is needed this year for a potential inflation rebound. Wall Street continues to rally on the back of Trump

News 6h
DBG Markets: Market Report for Mar 25, 2025

DBG Markets: Market Report for Mar 25, 2025

MARKET ANALYSISGOLD prices were stable but went lower after a period of consolidation, testing the previous high swing. Although the drop did not have enough volume to continue selling below the zone,

Review 7h
US market gains lifted the dollar; gold neared $3000.

US market gains lifted the dollar; gold neared $3000.

On Monday, the US dollar index returned to the 104 mark and ultimately closed up 0.16% at 104.31, as data showed a rebound in US business activity in March. The benchmark 10-year US Treasury yield clo

Review 7h
Beware of Fraudulent Platforms! Fake AUS GLOBAL Websites Exposed – Protect Your Funds!

Beware of Fraudulent Platforms! Fake AUS GLOBAL Websites Exposed – Protect Your Funds!

Recently, we have received multiple reports from investors in Malaysia who suffered financial losses after being misled by fake AUS GLOBAL websites. Some have even lost their entire investments. To he

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Why Choose Dupoin? Trust, Transparency, and Excellence in Trading

Why Choose Dupoin? Trust, Transparency, and Excellence in Trading

In the fast-paced and often unpredictable world of financial markets, one name consistently stands out for its unwavering commitment to trust, transparency, and excellence: Dupoin. As a leading broker

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Understanding Today's News

Understanding Today's News

MARKET ANALYSIS GOLD Gold prices dipped after testing resistance, lacking sell-side volume but showing bearish potential with MACD crossing lower and RSI hovering near neutral.

Review 9h


BUY GOLD 3000 and below target 3027SELLGOLD 3026 and above target 2990BUY EURUSD 10775 target 10850SELL EURUSD 10850 target 10770BUY GBPUSD 12850 target 12940SELL GBPUSD 12950 target 12860BUY USDJPY 1

Review 11h
Rock-West Launches Clean Planet Movement in Partnership with Plastic Bank

Rock-West Launches Clean Planet Movement in Partnership with Plastic Bank

Empowering Communities to Invest in Their Future: A New Vision for Collective ActionMarch 24, 2025 – Rock-West, a global CFD Broker dedicated to sustainable solutions, proudly announces the launch of

News Yesterday 19:57
Gold Slides as Dollar Strengthens

Gold Slides as Dollar Strengthens

Markets will be watching the U.S. GDP and PCE before Trumps trade policies take effect on April 2nd. Gold prices ease while the dollar strengthens and mitigates geopolitical risk in the euro region. O

News Yesterday 15:22
DBG Markets: Market Report for Mar 24, 2025

DBG Markets: Market Report for Mar 24, 2025

MARKET ANALYSISGOLDGold prices followed expectations, pulling back from record highs while maintaining the broader bullish sentiment. The MACD remains stable in its selling momentum, though the antici

Review Yesterday 14:27
PU Prime Expands Trading Offerings with 20 New UAE Stocks

PU Prime Expands Trading Offerings with 20 New UAE Stocks

PU Prime, a globally recognized trading platform, is excited to announce the expansion of its product offerings with the addition of 20 new stocks from the Middle East. This strategic move provides tr

News Yesterday 14:17
Long positions in the euro took profits, while the US dollar rose last Friday. Geopolitical tensions

Long positions in the euro took profits, while the US dollar rose last Friday. Geopolitical tensions

CWG Markets Long positions in the euro took profits, while the US dollar rose last Friday. Geopolitical tensions continue to support the rise in gold prices Last Friday, as Federal Reserve officials s

Review Yesterday 13:38
Major Financial Event Happening Now

Major Financial Event Happening Now

COT Report AnalysisAUD - WEAK (4/5)GBP - STRONG (5/5)CAD - WEAK (4/5)EUR - STRONG (5/5)JPY - STRONG (4/5)CHF - WEAK (4/5)USD - STRONG (3/5)NZD - WEAK (4/5)GOLD - STRONG (5/5)SILVER - STRONG (5/5)Marke

Review Yesterday 13:12
Can traders choose their own personal broker in the Forex market?

Can traders choose their own personal broker in the Forex market?

Yes, traders can choose their own Forex broker, but selecting the right one is crucial for a smooth and secure trading experience. Heres what to consider when choosing a broker:✅ Regulation Security

News Yesterday 12:44
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