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Stored more than 2 million in order to receive rewards, but failed to withdraw!
Because of mistrusting the recommendation of netizens, in order to receive the stored value reward, he was defrauded by the black platform Athenaplace of more than 2 million yuan. At the beginning, I met this netizen on IG. One day, I chatted with this netizen about investment. He mentioned that he was investing in international gold, and the income was not bad. He also invited me to join. After that, they taught me to download Binance, Athenaplace and MT5. Then take me to trade on Athenaplace, deposit funds through the online customer service staff of this platform, and then invest in MT5. Because I am completely unfamiliar with this field, whether it is the trading steps, data settings, and timing of entering and exiting the market, I follow the instructions of the other party. After the first small profit, there were applications for withdrawal, and indeed there were successful withdrawals, so there was no doubt in the follow-up. One day, this netizen asked me to ask the customer service. There is currently a deposit full reward event. The netizen suggested that I first participate in the $88,000 event to grab a spot. Because the threshold is too high, I was hesitant to participate. Later, netizens said that if it is really not enough, he can help some, and it is good to withdraw it and return it to him after reaching the standard. So I participated in the activity, and I applied for an extension because I could not reach it within the time limit. The platform said that I needed to pay a deposit of 10,000 US dollars (the netizens helped me pay) to continue the activity, and this deposit could not be counted in the deposit activity. In the end, I There was a shortfall of 7,000 US dollars, and netizens helped to make up for the event. The feedback was also deposited the next day, and two market transactions were made in the middle. Unexpectedly, the application for withdrawal on the evening of 8/22 kept waiting for review until noon on 8/22 when the review failed. Ask the customer service why the withdrawal was unsuccessful? It was said that my account was involved in third-party funds, which was a risk account and was suspected of money laundering. I was asked to add another $17,000 as a security deposit. It is not enough to ask the customer service if it can be deducted from the account. In short, the money is not given. In the end, he said that if I do not deal with it maliciously, I will be sued! I hope everyone will not be deceived again. Of course everyone wants to have the opportunity to make money, but this kind of malicious platform will really kill people, and I blame myself for being greedy!
Do not be deceived
I met a guy on IG more than two months ago. I cared about it every day. I started to say that I have the ability to make you better. The epidemic is like this, and I have made money in gold. Do you want to try it with me? I downloaded Binance, and MT5 also said that if you lose a dollar in Binance, Binance will compensate you. If you lose a dime in your investment, I will pay you a dollar. I was skeptical at first. Afraid of being deceived, I invested 20,000 Taiwan dollars at first, and then added another 50,000 Taiwan dollars a week later. This guy is very tricky and will tell you that if you have doubts, I can teach you to withdraw cash. If you are afraid that I am a liar, you will be You can stop, I will still be a friend in the future. I got my first investment back in early June and made a profit of more than 10,000. Then he started to tell me, if I didn’t like you and love you, would I want to help you like this? Said, if you can increase the principal to 500,000, I will help you with 20,000 USDT. During these days, I was feeling cold and warm every day. In the end, I was still seasick. After I started to find the principal, he really deposited 20,000 USDT. USDT, I have always had doubts during this period. He said that if I didn’t have to spend the rest of my life with you, why would I give you 20,000 yuan? During this period, I will trade 1~2 times a week on average, and I will make a profit every time. But I didn't withdraw money until the end of June. He asked me if I had received a message from the official website that there seemed to be activities and benefits that I could get. My ID recommended me. After making an appointment, I have to deposit another 70,000 USDT. I kept telling him that I have no principal, and he also said that this is still me. When I am transparent, he helped me 4 10,000, I will pay another 30,000. After the result is completed, I want to withdraw the money and say that I cannot withdraw. After review, your account is listed as a risk account. In order to prevent criminals from using this platform to be suspected of money laundering and maliciously steal other people's funds, according to the provisions of the "Catalogue of Current Effective Foreign Exchange Management Regulations" of the International Administration of Foreign Exchange for personal funds security, you A third-party intervention fund of 60,000 USDT needs to be paid, that is, the payment amount is: 60,000 USDT After the payment is completed, our company will review all the amounts in your account in time for you. After confirmation, the deposit amount you paid will be returned to your account. At that time, you can handle the full cash withdrawal business. Hope to know; thank you! Next, I kept writing to the customer service and said that the boy only helped me for 40,000 yuan in the event. After they checked it, they confirmed that it was not 60,000 yuan. , the risk control department also has third-party funds involved, and your account is listed as a risk account after review. The Personal Fund Security Item in the Catalogue of Main Regulations stipulates that you need to pay a third-party intervention fund of 40,000 USDT, that is, the payment amount is: 40,000 USDT After the payment is completed, our company will review all the amounts in your account in time for you. After confirmation, the amount of the deposit you paid will be returned to you. account, you can handle the full cash withdrawal business at that time, please know; thank you! Next, we also started looking for a deposit of 40,000 yuan. I also kept asking this boy if he would not be able to withdraw the money after he made the deposit. He kept telling me that there would be no such problem after I made the deposit (8/2), 8/3 of him have disappeared without any news. During this period, he kept saying that he had bought a house in Taiwan, and that he would spend the rest of his life together in the future, which gave me a lot of impossible dreams. Wake up everyone, this boy's name is Ye Ling, his IG I have attached
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