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Fraudulent appropriation of customer assets
Report Gallen Capital (5516697)! Not allowing withdrawals, luring players into depositing money to receive incentives and then not allowing withdrawals stating the reason is to trade carefully enough, tricking customers into trading code WHEAT.g according to their suggestions, when customers click Even if the number of transactions is small, the floor will adjust the code to run contrary to the suggestions given by the floor to burn the customer's account. This floor has Khanh as the fund manager, he instructs not to withdraw money and always forces investors to trade with enough margin. When investors trade, they will suggest to type Wheat.g code. This code they control. The price can be adjusted, so when investors trade, they actively jerk the price to burn their accounts immediately. These scam floors have many employees who lure customers from afar, pretending to make friends through Zalo and then saying that this floor has many incentives. In fact, they are setting traps to lure customers in. My account had a negative value of $32,000 when I last traded. After I wrote a report, $27,000 was transferred back to my account. And as a result, the account is still 0 dollars, meaning it's still out of money. After I posted a report denouncing the exchange, the exchange responded that they would refund my money but required me to open another account of the floor's choosing or that I choose myself. I don't understand that if the exchange gives me back the money, I can just transfer it to my account. Why would I transfer it to a certain exchange and then withdraw money from that exchange to my account? Moreover, after my account burned, a few days later they transferred 27,000 to my account for what? They have already scammed people, so what is the purpose of transferring 27,000 back? After I was scammed out of $10,000, there was a third party claiming to manage an exchange in Vietnam that wanted to help me get back part of the lost money. However, the condition is that I must deposit an additional $8,000 into my trading account to receive compensation for 80% of the $10,000 capital. This is a form of fraud.
Cường 3557
Fraudulent appropriation of assets
On January 16, 2024, I was introduced to Gallen Capital by a freelance consultant. I saw the name of the Swiss exchange so I felt secure in joining. First, I invested $100 to try to see if I could deposit and withdraw quickly. No, then when I tried to withdraw $50, everything happened quickly and normally, although the deposit and withdrawal fee was very high compared to other exchanges, when I deposited 24,500, I received $100, but when I withdrew $1,000, I only received back 23,700. , which means the deposit and withdrawal fee is 800,000 VND/1000 USD, the floor explained that the bank they collect is (MSB Bank) and the recipient is Global Trading Company. Next, I entered 2000 USD to continue trading. After I entered 2000 USD, someone named Khanh (Phone number 076-2258504) contacted me and said he was in charge of the floor's fund and invited me to join the 15,000 package. USD to receive the floor's incentives, Khanh called me a lot to tell me to join the 15,000 package, saying that this package has been available for a long time and that many people want to receive this package. If you don't join right away, you will lose your opportunity. Well, then I talked to Thien again, and Thien said he would join me for about 6,000 dollars. After that, I transferred 193 million to the exchange's account and told Thien to add the remaining amount. Thien's reason was that he could not get the money. I reported to the floor and the floor forced me to deposit the full amount of 15,000. I said I didn't have enough money to put in anymore. The floor refused and forced me to make enough margin to approve the withdrawal, then the floor blocked it. My withdrawal order, next, Khanh transferred my file to David Tran for further processing. David Tran told me to place a very large order with the purpose of letting me quickly burn out my account, after that I did not. trading again, when I went to register to withdraw money, the portal to the exchange's website was locked to withdraw money. After that, I called Khanh back and he kept asking me to make enough margin to approve the withdrawal order. Next, a guy made friends and sent a message saying that a person from the exchange named Cuong Pham would help me. Better trading, I traded according to the code it suggested which was Wheat(CME). As soon as I entered 0.5 lots, my account was negative 32,500 USD and my account burned out. I have attached pictures here for everyone to see. This is a scam floor, if anyone is still trading or planning to invest in this floor, they must stop immediately. I am very angry because I was tricked by them into investing money here. I am writing this article to hope that the online community and the authorities will immediately arrest these Gallen Capital brokers.
Cường 3557
The exchange automatically withdrew money and increased transaction fees, burning customers' accounts
I deposited capital and traded at Gallen Capital. On December 14, 2024, I deposited capital into MT5 account number 5515890 and traded. Trading for a while, on December 28, I placed a withdrawal order but the floor did not allow withdrawal. , the support person informed me that if the transaction volume is not enough, I will not be able to withdraw money. I must trade 30% of my deposit to withdraw money. January 10, 2024, I traded about 50 lots of products, the owner The main factor is gold. I placed a withdrawal order but it still did not execute. The support person said I did not have enough trading volume. On January 15, 2024, I traded more than 70 lots of products and placed a withdrawal order but still not working. I sent an email to ask the floor about this issue but still did not receive a response. On January 19, I traded 90 lots of the product and I placed a withdrawal order, but it still failed. On January 26, 2024, the floor automatically withdrew my money (5000 USD), I did not place a withdrawal order and did not receive the money in my bank account, the floor also withdrew the bonus money (10,000 USD) which the floor committed to be a permanent bonus, making the account My account was weak and the exchange increased transaction fees to destroy my account. The exchange destroyed my account. I sent an email to the exchange about this issue but received no response. The support staff reported a system error. and I have to deposit money with the initial capital for the floor to help fix it. The floor automatically withdrawing money from customers is a serious violation. If it is due to a system error, there needs to be a clear explanation and a refund of the account. Accounts and compensation to customers are correct. I look forward to receiving your support soon.
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