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No withdrawal and this licensee holder disregards countries other than Australia
Content: I used this broker two years ago. At that time, I saw that he had an ASIC license, and he and a friend set up their VIP account. It cost one million US dollars to open it, but it took a while and he didn't give it. The reason for withdrawing money is that the threshold for VIP accounts has been raised. At that time, I wanted to say that this brokerage was very problematic, and it was simply fundraising. So in February 2021, I decided to close the account and clear all the funds, but the point is here. , This brokerage did not refund all the funds for a bunch of strange reasons, at least deducted more than 20% of the liquidated damages, wrote a rule of 1 million US dollars when opening an account, and then did not say that the threshold would be raised, nor did it say that there would be penalties for closing the account. Sexual deduction. Later, according to the proportion of our VIP account, I should have received 61,915 US dollars. The brokerage also insisted on paying the money twice. It was written in the MAIL that after we received the first payment, we would reply to them after confirming that we received the first payment before sending the second payment. The point is that we are willing to send the second payment only after all the people (about 60 people in total) have replied to them. , we all replied before 2021/6, the result!! They even deleted the contact mailbox with us!! (For example, I sent the attached photo to them, but this mailbox does not exist at all) Then I don't know how to delay until the beginning of this year, only to refund the second $5,059 to me, but it is still more than $17,000 short of my funds when we closed the account!!! Later, I decided to send a letter directly to Keith Hockley, a licensee of this brokerage, replied that ACDEX has not received any funds from me. If you have any questions, please contact the financial unit in your own country. I only care about Australia (the above is what I have translated). To the effect, I put the original text in the attachment), I later provided him with all the information of our deposit account, and asked him if this is your brokerage ACDEX? He replied that I am not his ACDEX (such as the attachment)
Trading profit, open position and withdraw has an unreasonble 25% deduction. The withdrawal takes over one hour and it is still not finished.
I started trading in Acdex pty ltd in 2019, and in January 2021, my application for withdrawal was rejected. In February 2021, I officially closed the position and withdraw money. However, the brokerage put forward the reason of liquidated damages. 25% of the amount was deducted, resulting in a loss of my investment. In March 2021, an email will be sent to inform us of the refund, but the refund has lasted for more than a year, and there have been continuous email exchanges. The customer service mailbox is closed, and I can only write to Mr. Keith Hockley, the licensee of the brokerage company, but the licensee replied that he has not received our funds and has not conducted business promotion outside Australia, so I wrote again. Remind the licensee that outside Australia, some people use the Acdex pty ltd brand to promote investment, he did not stop such activities, seems to acquiesce to the development of investment projects in overseas areas, the whole process is like a scam, send email to notify me of refund, And asked me to provide my passport for re-confirmation, but the refund was still not completed. This Ponzi scheme is still going on in Taiwan. I don’t want the next group of victims, so I hope that the platform of Forex Tianyantong will help me uphold fairness and justice, and help me ask for it. My money back US$22,857.08 Thanks to ASIC for writing back and telling me that if I can't get my money back from Acdex pty ltd, it's a scam (there is a letter to prove it)
Unable to withdraw and this broker does not care anything outside australia
I used this broker two years ago. At that time, I saw that he had an ASIC license, and he had opened their VIP account with a friend. It cost 1 million US dollars to open it. Later, our deposit also exceeded 1 million US dollars. (As shown in the screenshot of FX BLUE in the attachment), it took a while to not give out the money. The reason is that the VIP account threshold was raised to 2.5 million US dollars. In February of this year, I decisively decided to close the account and clear all the funds, but the point is that the broker did not refund all the funds for a bunch of strange reasons, at least deducted more than 20% of the liquidated damages, and wrote the rules when opening an account. 10,000 US dollars, and then did not say that the threshold would be raised, nor did it say that there would be punitive deductions for closing the account. Forex Tianyantong, a brokerage that did not clearly write such rules, can give 8 points?????????? ??????????????? Later, according to the proportion of our VIP account, I should have received 61,915 US dollars. The broker also insisted on paying the money twice. The first one gave me the first 39,626.22 US dollars in 2021/5, and wrote in the MAIL. After we received the first one, we replied and confirmed to them that we received the first one before sending the second one. The point is that all people (about 60 people in total) must reply to them before they are willing to send the second one. At that time, 2021/ We replied all 6 years ago, and the result!! They even deleted the contact mailbox with us!! (For example, the attached photo was sent to them by me, but there is no such mailbox at all) and I don't know how to delay it until this year. At the beginning of the year, the second $5,059 was refunded to me, but it was still more than $17,000 short of my funds when we closed the account!!! Later, I decided to send a letter directly to Keith Hockley, a licensee of this brokerage, The reply from the brokerage licensee said that ACDEX has not received any funds from me. If you have any questions, please contact the financial unit in your own country. I only care about Australia. , I later provided him with all the information about our deposit account and asked him if this is your brokerage ACDEX? He just replied that I was not his ACDEX (such as the attachment), and hoped not to help such a black-hearted broker who only publishes news for marketing. We have already been deceived by 60 people, with a total of more than 1.18 million US dollars, and this broker can still be in Taiwan continues to publish news to defraud money, I hope the brokerage will refund the money as soon as possible, and advise other people who want to choose a brokerage not to use ACDEX
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