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Trades Universal

United Kingdom|2-5 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| High potential risk


Rating Index


+44 7445058652


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered Region
United Kingdom
Operating Period
2-5 years
Company Name
Universal Scale Investment Ltd.
Customer Service Email Address
Contact Number
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Registered in United Kingdom
Regulated by No effective regulation at this time
Year(s) of establishment 1-2 years
Trading instruments Forex pairs, indices, stocks, commodities, cryptocurrencies
Minimum Initial Deposit Information not available
Maximum Leverage Information not available
Minimum spread Information not available
Trading platform own platform
Deposit and withdrawal method VISA, MasterCard, wire transfer, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum
Customer Service Email, phone number
Fraud Complaints Exposure No for now

It is important to note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies. In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

In this review, if there is a conflict between the image and the text content, the text content should prevail. However, we recommend that you open the official website for further consultation.

Pros and cons of Trades Universal


  • Self-developed trading platform for all devices

  • Wide range of tradable instruments, including forex, indices, stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrencies

  • Multilingual customer support available via phone and email

  • Multiple account types, including demo and Islamic accounts

  • Several payment options, including cryptocurrencies


  • Lack of transparency on trading costs, including spreads, commissions, and SWAPs

  • No information on maximum leverage offered

  • Limited educational resources in the academy section

  • Limited information provided about deposit and withdrawal procedures, including fees and minimum amounts

  • Not regulated by any financial authority, raising concerns about the safety of client funds

What type of broker is Trades Universal?

Advantages Disadvantages
Trades Universal offers tight spreads and fast execution due to its Market Making model. As a counterparty to its clients' trades, Trades Universal has a potential conflict of interest that may lead to decisions that are not in the best interest of its clients.

Trades Universal is a Market Making (MM) broker, which means that it acts as a counterparty to its clients in trading operations. That is, instead of connecting directly to the market, Trades Universal acts as an intermediary and takes the opposite position to its clients. As such, it can offer faster order execution speed, tighter spreads and greater flexibility in terms of the leverage offered. However, this also means that Trades Universal has a certain conflict of interest with their clients, as their profits come from the difference between the bid and ask price of assets, which could lead to them making decisions that are not necessarily in the best interests of their clients. It is important for traders to be aware of this dynamic when trading with Trades Universal or any other MM broker.

General information and regulation of Trades Universal

Trades Universal is a UK-based company offering online trading services in forex, stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies through their self-developed trading platform. The company is currently not regulated and does not provide detailed information on trading conditions such as spreads, commissions, SWAPs, and leverage. Deposits and withdrawals can be made through a limited number of payment options such as wire transfer, VISA, MasterCard, and cryptocurrencies. The company offers some educational resources and customer support through phone numbers and email, but their FAQ section is limited.

In the following article, we will analyse the characteristics of this broker in all its dimensions, providing you with easy and well-organised information. If you are interested, read on.

General information

Market instruments

Advantages Disadvantages
Wide range of tradable instruments including forex pairs, indices, stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrencies No information is provided about the exact number of instruments available
Opportunities for diversification and potential higher returns through exposure to different asset classes Limited information on the trading conditions such as spreads and commissions for each instrument
Availability of high-risk/high-reward assets such as cryptocurrencies Lack of regulatory oversight may increase the risk of fraud or other unethical practices in trading these instruments
Access to global markets and trading opportunities Uncertainty over the safety and security of client funds and personal information
Flexible trading options including leverage and hedging strategies Limited educational resources and research tools for traders

In terms of the instrument dimension, Trades Universal offers a broad selection of trading options that span different asset classes, including forex pairs, indices, stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. This offers traders opportunities for diversification and potential higher returns by spreading their investments across different instruments. However, the exact number of instruments available is not specified on the company's website, and there is limited information provided on the trading conditions such as spreads and commissions for each instrument.

Furthermore, the availability of high-risk/high-reward assets such as cryptocurrencies may appeal to some traders but may also increase the overall risk of their trading activities. Additionally, since Trades Universal is currently unregulated, the lack of regulatory oversight may increase the risk of fraud or other unethical practices in trading these instruments. Nevertheless, the company offers flexible trading options, including leverage and hedging strategies, and provides access to global markets and trading opportunities. However, there are limited educational resources and research tools available for traders, which may make it more difficult for them to make informed decisions about their trades.

spreads and commissions

Spreads, commissions and other costs

Trades Universal does not detail on its website the additional costs of trading spreads, commissions, SWAPs, which are very important when calculating profits and losses. These costs should be considered as a whole and not chosen in isolation, and if you want to trade with Trades Universal we recommend that you take some time to calculate these trading costs.

Trading accounts available in Trades Universal

Trades Universal does not provide account information. As a rule, a Forex broker will offer several different levels of live accounts with different trading conditions (leverage, spreads, commissions, etc.) depending on the minimum deposit. In addition, many brokers offer demo accounts on which interested parties can trade without incurring real monetary losses. As interest is prohibited by law in Islamic regions, some brokers also offer Islamic accounts, which do not charge SWAPs.

Trading platform(s) that Trades Universal offers

Advantages Disadvantages
Self-developed platform Lack of familiarity
Multi-device support (PC, mobile, tablet) Limited features compared to more popular platforms
User-friendly interface Limited customization options
Fast trade execution No support for third-party tools
24/5 technical support No integration with popular trading robots

Trades Universal's trading platform is a self-developed platform that offers multi-device support, including computers, cell phones, and tablets. The platform has a user-friendly interface and fast trade execution, making it easy for traders to execute their trades efficiently. Additionally, the platform offers 24/5 technical support for its users. However, the platform's lack of familiarity among traders and limited features compared to more popular platforms may be seen as disadvantages. The platform also offers limited customization options and does not support third-party tools or popular trading robots. Despite these limitations, Trades Universal's platform can be a good option for traders who prioritize fast execution and ease of use.

trading platform

Maximum leverage of Trades Universal

Leverage is an important aspect of Forex trading, as it allows traders to open larger positions with less capital. However, it is important to note that leverage can also increase the risk of losses if trades go against the trader. Trades Universal does not provide information on its maximum leverage, but it is important for traders to be cautious with high leverage ratios. While high leverage can lead to higher potential profits, it can also lead to larger potential losses. Traders who are inexperienced or do not fully understand the risks of high leverage should be especially cautious when using it.

Deposit and Withdrawal: methods and fees

Advantages Disadvantages
Several deposit and withdrawal options available Lack of transparency on additional fees, minimum amounts, and processing time
Accepts credit cards, wire transfers, and cryptocurrencies Limited payment options compared to other brokers
No minimum deposit requirement specified Lack of clarity on payment methods and processing time can cause inconvenience for traders
Deposits can be made in multiple currencies

Trades Universal's website only lists a few payment options, without covering important information regarding additional fees, minimum amounts, and processing time. While credit cards, wire transfers, and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are accepted, traders should be cautious about the lack of transparency on fees and processing time. The company does not specify any minimum deposit requirement, which may be helpful for new traders. Additionally, deposits can be made in multiple currencies, providing greater flexibility for traders around the world. However, the limited payment options compared to other brokers, coupled with the lack of clarity on payment methods and processing time, may cause inconvenience for traders.

deposit and withdrawal

Educational resources in Trades Universal

Advantages Disadvantages
Basic educational resources available Limited amount of content
Academy section on website Lack of depth and detail in educational materials
Suitable for beginners No webinars or live training sessions offered
Easy to navigate and understand No trading tools or resources provided
Not suitable for advanced traders seeking in-depth analysis

Trades Universal offers a basic educational resource center on their website, with video tutorials and eBooks available to users. The academy section is easy to navigate and understand, making it suitable for beginners. However, the content available is limited and lacks depth and detail, which may not be suitable for traders seeking in-depth analysis. Additionally, the absence of webinars or live training sessions may also limit the usefulness of the educational resources provided. Overall, while the educational resources offered by Trades Universal are suitable for beginners, traders seeking more comprehensive and advanced analysis may need to look elsewhere.

educational resources

Customer service of Trades Universal

Advantages Disadvantages
Multiple phone numbers for different countries No live chat support available
Email support available No 24/7 customer support

Trades Universal provides support via email and phone for customers in different countries, which is an advantage for those who prefer to communicate in their own language or have specific questions or issues that require personalized assistance. However, the company does not offer 24/7 customer support or live chat, which may be a disadvantage for customers who need immediate assistance or have urgent inquiries outside of regular business hours. Additionally, there is no information available on the qualifications or experience of the customer support team.

customer support


Trades Universal is a Forex broker that offers trading in Forex pairs, indices, stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. The company has a self-developed trading platform that can be used on computers, cell phones, and tablets. While the company has a limited selection of educational resources, it offers several customer support options, including email and phone support in several countries. However, the company lacks transparency in important areas such as trading costs, deposits and withdrawals, and maximum leverage. Additionally, the website does not provide information about the company's regulatory status, which may be a concern for some traders. Overall, while Trades Universal may be a viable option for some traders, it is important to thoroughly research the company and carefully consider the potential advantages and disadvantages before deciding to trade with them.

Frequently asked questions about Trades Universal

  • Is Trades Universal regulated?

  • No, Trades Universal is currently not regulated.

  • What trading instruments can I trade with Trades Universal?

  • Trades Universal offers a range of trading instruments, including forex pairs, indices, stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrencies.

  • What is the minimum deposit to open an account with Trades Universal?

  • Trades Universal does not provide information about the minimum deposit required to open an account on their website.

  • What trading platform does Trades Universal use?

  • Trades Universal uses a self-developed trading platform that can be accessed on computers, cell phones, and tablets.

  • What leverage does Trades Universal offer?

  • Trades Universal does not provide information about the maximum leverage offered on their website.

  • What payment methods are available for deposits and withdrawals?

  • Trades Universal offers several payment methods, including VISA, MasterCard, wire transfer, and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

frequently asked questions


  • 2-5 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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