No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!
Note: There is a temporary problem with the official website of and is unavailable.
Founded in 2017, TICK is an unregulated brokerage company registered in China.
TICK operating without a regulated license means it is not authorized or supervised by any financial regulatory authority. This lack of oversight carries significant risks for investors.
The official website of TICK is temporarily unavailable, which increases concerns about its reliability.
TICK lacks transparency, and it is difficult for investors to understand its real business situation, which will increase investment risk.
Without any regulated permits, it operates outside the purview of financial regulatory agencies. Because of the lack of regulation, there is no guarantee that the broker will follow normal financial standards, which will increase the risks for traders.
Tick is a company founded in 2017 but has yet to get a regulatory license. As a result, investors are vulnerable to fraud, market manipulation, and even the escape of brokers. It is suggested that you use a regulated broker to create a safer and more transparent trading environment.
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