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Richwill Japan

Cambodia|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License|Suspicious Scope of Business|Cambodia Common Financial Service License Revoked|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


Rating Index


+855 010822122
Bulding No.148(ABC), 3C Floor, St.245 Mao Tse Toung Blvd, Phum 3, SangKat Toul Svayprey2, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


Licensed Institution:Richwill Japan Co., Ltd.

License No.:003

Keywords 6
5-10 years
Suspicious Regulatory License
Suspicious Scope of Business
Cambodia Common Financial Service License Revoked
Suspicious Overrun
High potential risk
Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered region
Operating period
5-10 years
Company Name
Richwill Japan Co., Ltd
Richwill Japan
Company employee
Contact number
+855 010822122
Company website
Company address
Bulding No.148(ABC), 3C Floor, St.245 Mao Tse Toung Blvd, Phum 3, SangKat Toul Svayprey2, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Richwill Japan
Registered Country/Area Cambodia
Founded year 2017
Regulation License revoked by Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia
Market Instruments Forex, precious metals
Account Types Live, demo
Minimum Deposit N/A
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:100
Spreads N/A
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4
Customer Support (+855) 010822122 or +1-212-736-1300
Deposit & Withdrawal N/A
Educational Resources E-Book, Strategies for Trading, Economic Indicators, Glossary

Overview of Richwill Japan

Established in 2017, Richwill Japan is a Cambodian financial provider offering trading services primarily in forex and precious metals.

Based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, it operates with a MetaTrader 4 platform, serving traders globally.

While it initially operated under Cambodian regulatory oversight, its license was later revoked by the Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia.

The brokerage offers leverage up to 1:100 for forex trading and provides a range of educational resources, although transparency regarding fees remains limited.

Overview of Richwill Japan

Regulatory Status

Richwill Japan was regulated by the Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia under a Common Financial Service License with license number 003. However, its license has been revoked.

Traders no longer benefit from the regulatory framework that ensures fair trading practices, financial transparency, and recourse mechanisms in case of disputes or malpractices.

Regulatory Status

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Uses MetaTrader 4 platform Revoke the regulation by the SERC
Offers demo accounts for practice Limited asset range (forex and metals)
Provides leverage up to 1:100 for forex Lack information about fees
One on One Free Training available Poor website navigation
Market insights and technical/fundamental analysis
Various educational resources

Pros of Richwill Japan:

  1. Uses MetaTrader 4 platform: MetaTrader 4 is a widely recognized and user-friendly trading platform trusted by millions of traders worldwide. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive features make it suitable for traders of all experience levels, enhancing the overall trading experience.

  2. Offers demo accounts for practice: Demo accounts allow users to familiarize themselves with the trading platform and test trading strategies without risking real money. This is particularly beneficial for novice traders who can gain valuable experience and build confidence before transitioning to live trading.

  3. Provides leverage up to 1:100 for forex: High leverage enables traders to control larger positions with a smaller amount of capital, potentially amplifying profits

  4. One on One Free Training available: Personalized training sessions with a dedicated account service manager can provide tailored guidance and support to traders, helping them improve their trading skills and achieve their financial goals.

  5. Market insights and technical/fundamental analysis: Access to market insights and technical/fundamental analysis can empower traders to make informed trading decisions.

  6. Various educational resources: Richwill Japan offers a range of educational resources to support traders in their learning journey. These resources include e-Books, strategies for trading, economic indicators, glossary.

Cons of Richwill Japan:

  1. Revoke the regulation by the SERC: The revocation of regulatory approval by the Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC) raises risks about the platform's compliance with regulatory standards and the level of investor protection provided.

  2. Limited asset range (forex and metals): The limited selection of trading assets, primarily focused on forex currency pairs and metals, may restrict traders' diversification opportunities.

  3. Lack information about fees: Insufficient transparency regarding trading fees, including spreads, commissions, and other charges, can lead to uncertainty and potentially impact traders' profitability.

  4. Poor website navigation: A website with poor navigation can hinder user experience and make it challenging for traders to access essential information or navigate the platform efficiently.

Pros and Cons

Market Instruments

Richwill Japan offers investors a selection of financial trading assets, focusing primarily on foreign exchange currency pairs and precious metals.

The range of currency pairs includes major, minor, and exotic pairs, allowing traders to engage in the global Forex market.

In addition to currency trading, Richwill Japan provides opportunities to trade precious metals such as gold and silver, which are popular for their intrinsic value and role as hedges against market volatility.

Market Instruments

Account Types

Richwill Japan offers two types of accounts: live accounts and demo accounts.

The live account allows traders to engage in real-market trading with actual capital, providing the full experience of market conditions and trading execution.

The demo account, on the other hand, uses virtual funds, enabling users to practice trading without financial risk. This is particularly beneficial for beginners as it allows them to familiarize themselves with the platform, test trading strategies, and build confidence without the pressure of potential losses. The demo account serves as a valuable tool for learning and skill development before transitioning to live trading.

How to Open an Account?

  1. Visit the Website: Go to the official Richwill Japan website.

  2. Register: Click on the “Open Account” or “Register” button and fill out the registration form with your personal details.

  3. Verify Email: Check your email for a verification link from Richwill Japan and click on it to verify your email address.

  4. Complete KYC: Upload required documents for Know Your Customer (KYC) verification, such as ID proof and proof of address.

  5. Choose Account Type: Select whether you want a live account or a demo account.

  6. Fund Your Account: Deposit funds into your live trading account using the available payment methods, or start trading with virtual funds if you chose a demo account.


Richwill Japan offers a maximum leverage level of up to 1:100 for forex trading. This allows traders to control a larger position size relative to their investment, potentially increasing both their profit opportunities and risk exposure.

Spreads &Commissions

The official Richwill Japan website does not show the exact spreads for Forex and metals products, which traders can find out by testing the demo account. In addition, Richwill Japan charges an account management fee for inactive accounts.

Trading Platform

Richwill Japan utilizes the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform for its trading operations, available on both mobile and desktop.

MT4 is a well-established trading platform widely used in the Forex market. It offers a range of features suitable for traders of varying experience levels, including advanced technical analysis tools, a flexible trading system, and support for algorithmic trading through Expert Advisors (EAs).

Key features of MT4 include:

  1. Advanced Technical Analysis: Traders can access numerous charts and indicators to analyze financial markets comprehensively.

  2. Flexible Trading System: The platform supports various order types and execution modes, allowing traders to implement various trading strategies.

  3. Algorithmic Trading: Users can employ Expert Advisors to automate their trading strategies, enhancing efficiency and potentially improving trading outcomes.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

The official Richwill Japan website shows “Deposit” and “Withdrawal”, but when you click on these two items, you are redirected to other unrelated pages with no specific way to deposit or withdraw funds.

Customer Support

Richwill Japan provides customer support through multiple channels.

Their main office is located at Building No. 148(ABC), 3C Floor, St. 245 Mao Tse Toung Blvd, Phum 3, SangKat Toul Svayprey2, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

For assistance, customers can call (+855) 010822122 or +1-212-736-1300. Support is available from Monday to Friday, between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

Richwill Japan provides a range of educational resources designed to support traders.

These include an E-Book covering fundamental trading concepts, Strategies for Trading that offer insights into various market approaches, and detailed information on Economic Indicators to help traders understand market movements.

Additionally, the platform features a Glossary of trading terms and an Annual History Report summarizing market trends over the year.

Educational Resources


In conclusion, Richwill Japan presents both advantages and disadvantages in its provision of trading services.

The brokerage offers a maximum leverage of 1:100, personalized training sessions, and access to market insights through MetaTrader 4 platform.

However, its license revocation by the Cambodian regulator, limited asset range, and lack of transparency regarding fees are notable drawbacks.

While the platform serves traders globally, its regulatory uncertainty and restricted asset options deter some investors.


  1. Question: What trading assets does Richwill Japan offer?

  1. Answer: Richwill Japan primarily offers forex currency pairs and precious metals for trading.

  1. Question: How can traders contact Richwill Japan's customer support?

  1. Answer: Traders can contact Richwill Japan's customer support by phone during business hours, Monday to Friday, or via email.

  1. Question: What is the maximum leverage available for forex trading?

  1. Answer: The maximum leverage for forex trading with Richwill Japan is up to 1:100.

  1. Question: Does Richwill Japan offer demo accounts for practice?

  1. Answer: Yes, Richwill Japan provides demo accounts for traders to practice trading with virtual funds.

  1. Question: Is Richwill Japan regulated?

  1. Answer: Richwill Japan's license was revoked by the Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia.

  2. Question: What trading platform does Richwill Japan use?

  3. Answer: Richwill Japan utilizes the MetaTrader 4 platform for trading operations.


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • Cambodia Common Financial Service License Revoked
  • Suspicious Overrun
  • High potential risk
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