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United States|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License|Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Licensed Institution:AT FINANCIAL PTY LTD

License No.:001275288

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

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United States
Operating period
5-10 years
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Company Summary

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Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name FXBV
Registered Country/Area United States
Regulation Identified as a suspicious clone by the AUS
Market Instruments CFDs, Forex
Account Types Standard account
Minimum Deposit $500
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:500
Spreads & Commissions Zero transaction handling fee
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Customer Support
Deposit & Withdrawal Bank transfer, credit card, MasterCard, and e-wallet

Overview of FXBV

FXBV, founded in the United States, provides a trading platform with a focus on Contracts for Difference (CFDs) and Forex.

The platform offers a user-friendly MetaTrader 4 (MT4) interface, providing over 100 currency pairs for trading. With competitive leverage up to 1:500 and a fee-free transaction structure, FXBV claims to create a transparent and potentially cost-effective trading environment.

However, risks arise from withdrawal issues and negative user experiences reported by some traders. The platform's regulatory status is unclear, and it has been identified as a suspicious clone by the Australian regulatory authority.

Overview of FXBV

Is FXBV legit or a scam?

FXBV is currently identified as a suspicious clone by the Commonwealth of Australia Regulatory Authority. Operating as an Appointed Representative (AR) under Australian regulation, the platform holds license number 001275288.

The suspicious clone status indicates that FXBV is not a legitimate entity or may be engaging in activities that raise risks about regulatory compliance. This classification by Australian regulatory authorities underscores potential risks for traders, as the platform lacks the necessary oversight and adherence to regulatory standards.

Is FXBV legit or a scam?

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
User-Friendly MT4 Withdrawal Issues
Zero Transaction Fee Customer Support Issues
Competitive Leverage Up to 1:500 Negative User Experiences Such as Alleged Scams and Induced Fraud
Identified as a suspicious clone by the AUS
Minimum Deposit Requirement($500)
Limited Educational Resources


  1. User-Friendly MT4: FXBV utilizes the widely recognized MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, known for its user-friendly interface, features, and accessibility for both novice and experienced traders.

  2. Zero Transaction Fee: FXBV implements a fee-free structure for transaction handling, contributing to a transparent and potentially cost-effective trading environment for users.

  3. Competitive Leverage Up to 1:500: The platform offers competitive leverage, allowing traders to control larger positions relative to their invested capital.


  1. Withdrawal Issues: Users have reported difficulties with withdrawals, indicating challenges in accessing funds from their FXBV accounts.

  2. Customer Support Issues: Negative feedback surrounds customer support, including slow response times and issues with resolving user queries effectively.

  3. Negative User Experiences: Instances of users expressing dissatisfaction with FXBV's services, such as alleged scams and induced fraud, contribute to negative overall user experiences.

  4. Identified as a Suspicious Clone by the AUS: FXBV has been identified as a suspicious clone by the Australian regulatory authority, indicating potential risks and deviations from recognized regulatory norms.

  5. Minimum Deposit Requirement ($500): Traders are required to make a minimum deposit of $500 to start trading on FXBV, potentially limiting accessibility for those with lower initial investment preferences.

  6. Limited Educational Resources: The platform lacks comprehensive educational resources, which impact the learning experience for traders seeking additional guidance and information.

Market Instruments

FXBV provides a variety of trading assets, with a primary focus on Contracts for Difference (CFDs) and Forex.

A notable aspect is the availability of over 100 currency pairs, offering a wide range of options for engaging in foreign exchange transactions. The inclusion of major, minor, and exotic currency pairs serve a broad spectrum of traders interested in participating in the dynamic foreign exchange markets. The various selection of currency pairs is a characteristic feature of FXBV's trading offering, allowing users to explore different combinations to potentially capitalize on market movements.

The platform's emphasis on CFDs and Forex aligns with common practices in the online trading industry, providing users with access to various financial instruments and markets.

Market Instruments

Account Types

FXBV offers a single account type known as the Standard Account.

With this account, traders have access to a broad range of tradable instruments, specifically over 100 currency pairs. The inclusion of a wide selection of currency pairs allows users to engage in foreign exchange transactions across various global currencies.

In terms of trading conditions, the maximum leverage available on the Standard Account is 1:500, providing traders with the potential to control larger positions relative to their invested capital. Additionally, the platform allows for flexibility in trade sizing, with the minimum transaction size set at 0.01 lots.

One notable feature of the Standard Account is the absence of a transaction handling fee, making it particularly appealing for traders looking for a cost-effective trading experience. The zero transaction handling fee contributes to a transparent and potentially more economical trading environment for users navigating the FXBV platform.

Account Type Standard Account
Tradable Instruments Over 100 Currency Pairs
Maximum Leverage 1:500
Minimum Transaction Size 0.01 Lots
Transaction Handling Fee Zero

How to Open an Account?

Unfortunately, with the official website of FXBV currently closed and inaccessible for new account registrations, the process of opening an account is temporarily unavailable. Prospective users are advised to wait until the website is operational again or seek alternative trading platforms.


FXBV offers a maximum leverage of 1:500. This leverage ratio signifies the proportion of borrowed funds to a trader's own capital, allowing them to control larger positions in the market. With a maximum leverage of 1:500, traders can potentially magnify their exposure to the market, enhancing the capacity for profit.

Spreads & Commissions

FXBV does not impose a transaction handling fee, indicating that users can execute trades without incurring a direct charge for transaction processing.

The absence of this fee implies that traders can execute transactions without facing an additional direct charge for the processing of their trades. This fee-free structure contributes to fostering a transparent and potentially more cost-effective trading environment for users. The advantage of a zero transaction handling fee is particularly notable for traders who seek to minimize their trading costs. In a landscape where transaction fees can be a substantial factor influencing overall profitability, FXBV's fee-free structure allows traders to retain a larger portion of their trading gains.

Trading Platform

FXBV utilizes the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platforms.

These platforms are widely recognized and established in the financial industry, offering users a range of features for analyzing and executing trades. MT4 and MT5 support various order types, technical analysis tools, and customizable charts, providing traders with the necessary tools for market analysis.

The platforms also allow for the implementation of automated trading strategies through Expert Advisors (EAs), enhancing the efficiency of trading activities.

One notable aspect of both MT4 and MT5 is their user-friendly interfaces, making them accessible for both novice and experienced traders. The platforms provide real-time price quotes, historical data, and a variety of technical indicators to aid in decision-making.

Overall, the utilization of MT4 and MT5 by FXBV aligns with industry standards, providing traders with a familiar and feature-rich trading environment.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

FXBV offers multiple payment methods for depositing funds, including bank transfer, credit card, MasterCard, and e-wallet. Traders can choose from these options to fund their accounts based on their preferences.

The minimum deposit requirement on FXBV is set at $500. This minimum deposit threshold applies to all supported payment methods, ensuring consistency across different funding options.

Customer Support

FXBV's customer support, reachable at, has garnered negative feedback.

Users report dissatisfaction with slow response times and ineffective issue resolution. There are consistent complaints about unhelpful and generic responses from the support team, indicating a lack of personalized attention to customer issues.

The platform's customer service falls short in addressing user issues promptly and adequately, fostering an environment of frustration and dissatisfaction among traders seeking assistance.

Customer Support


FXBV users have reported various exposure incidents, including complaints related to a pyramid scheme, withdrawal issues, and instances of induced fraud.

One user expressed frustration, highlighting complaints about neither the fund nor the profit being available on the platform, coupled with extended waiting times when seeking assistance from customer service.

Another user raised a scam accusation, indicating a discrepancy between the deposited amount and the displayed balance, with difficulties in verification.

Additionally, a user reported an induced fraud scheme, emphasizing the platform's attempts to earn high commissions by recommending traders through Facebook and encouraging clients to trade using a fake MT4 app.

These exposure incidents create a challenging environment for traders on FXBV, impacting their confidence and trust in the platform. Traders face uncertainties about the safety of their funds and the legitimacy of the trading environment, influencing their decision-making and potentially leading to a cautious approach or withdrawal from the platform.

The exposure incidents underscore the importance of due diligence and careful consideration by traders when engaging with FXBV to mitigate potential risks associated with reported user experiences.



In conclusion, FXBV offers a trading platform with both advantages and disadvantages.

On the positive side, the platform provides a user-friendly MetaTrader 4 (MT4) interface, allowing traders access to over 100 currency pairs for CFDs and Forex trading. Competitive leverage up to 1:500 and a fee-free transaction structure enhance the appeal of the platform.

However, users have reported dissatisfactions regarding withdrawal issues and negative experiences, raising questions about the reliability and transparency of the trading environment. Furthermore, the platform's regulatory status remains unclear, marked by identification as a suspicious clone by the Australian regulatory authority. Additionally, a minimum deposit requirement of $500 and limited educational resources impact accessibility and user learning experience.


Q: What is the minimum deposit required on FXBV?

A: The minimum deposit requirement on FXBV is $500.

Q: What trading platform does FXBV use?

A: FXBV utilizes the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform.

Q: Is there a transaction handling fee on FXBV?

A: No, FXBV has a fee-free transaction handling structure.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by FXBV?

A: FXBV provides competitive leverage up to 1:500.

Q: How can I contact customer support on FXBV?

A: You can reach FXBV's customer support at


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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