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Apiary Fund

United Kingdom|2-5 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| High potential risk


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Influence index NO.1

Greece 4.50
Surpassed 14.70% brokers
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383 W Lakeview Rd Lindon, UT 84042


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2-5 years
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Apiary Fund
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383 W Lakeview Rd Lindon, UT 84042
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Company Summary

Company Name Apiary Fund
Location Provo, Utah, United States
Founded 2006
Regulation Not regulated
Business Model Educational and funded trading platform
Funding Levels Four levels with varying capital and profit-sharing ratios
Subscription Fee $97 per month after the first month (waived)
Optional Account Upgrades Trader Live ($697) and Trader Pro ($994)
Educational Program “Beeline to Funding” with four levels and risk management focus
Trading Software Alveo platform for practice trading
Customer Support Contact form and social media presence


Apiary Fund offers a unique platform where traders have the opportunity to access trading accounts funded by Apiary Fund's resources. This platform combines education with competition, providing aspiring traders with a structured series of programs aimed at equipping them with the skills needed to trade profitably. Traders who excel in these programs and maintain high scores in Apiary Fund's testing can qualify for funded trading accounts.

However, it's important to note that, like many other funded trading account platforms, achieving a funded trading account with Apiary Fund can be a challenging endeavor. Reports from traders who have received funded accounts often indicate modest profit margins. Therefore, it's advisable for the majority of traders to view Apiary Fund primarily as an educational platform rather than solely as a means to generate significant income.



Apiary Fund operates without regulatory oversight, meaning it is not subject to the supervision and standards set by financial regulatory authorities. This lack of regulation can pose significant concerns for investors and traders who may be contemplating utilizing their services. Without the checks and balances provided by regulatory bodies, there is an increased potential for elevated risks associated with trading and investment activities. Customers may have fewer protections, and there may be limited recourse in case of disputes or malpractice. Therefore, individuals interested in working with Apiary Fund or similar entities should conduct thorough research, be aware of the potential risks involved, and exercise caution when engaging with unregulated financial institutions. Regulatory oversight plays a crucial role in safeguarding the interests of consumers, and its absence should be carefully considered when evaluating such service providers.


Pros and Cons

Apiary Fund offers structured educational programs, access to funded trading accounts, and optional account upgrades. The Alveo platform provides real-time data and practice trading, with comprehensive technical analysis capabilities. The company also engages with its audience through social media. However, it operates without regulatory oversight, and achieving funded accounts can be challenging, with specific criteria to meet. There are subscription fees and costs for account upgrades, and no explicit guidelines for advancing account levels. Additionally, traders cannot reset their accounts after failing funded account requirements.

Pros Cons
  • Structured educational programs
  • Lack of regulatory oversight
  • Access to funded trading accounts
  • Achieving funded accounts can be challenging
  • Optional account upgrade options
  • Subscription fees and upgrade costs
  • Real-time stock data and practice trading
  • No specific guidelines for advancing account levels
  • Comprehensive charts and technical analysis in Alveo platform
  • 2% loss per trade or 5% loss in a single day requirement
  • Online presence and social media engagement
  • No account resets after failing funded account requirements


The Beeline is a Trader Development System that takes you from novice trader to expert trader in as little as one hour every day. You will get experience in this technique by viewing training videos and placing trades. You will ascend the Beeline hives from Copper to Bronze to Silver to Gold as you acquire experience and improve your talents. When you complete Gold, you will receive your very own Apiary Fund trading account, which you may use to make money.



New associates need to pay tuition to engage in one of three trading education programs when applying to the Apiary Fund. It costs $2,997 to enroll in the Floor Trader track. The Desk Trader program, which is the next step up, costs $5,997. The tuition for the third track, Market Maker, is $12,497. An additional $97 per month is required to cover the cost of the web server and software license.

Pricing Options

Apiary Fund generates its revenue through a subscription fee structure that applies to all users, including those currently in the educational program and those who have already obtained funded accounts. Initially, the first month's subscription fee is waived, but thereafter, users are charged $97 per month.

Furthermore, Apiary Fund provides two optional account upgrade options. The Trader Live upgrade, available for a one-time fee of $697, grants traders access to live and recorded webinars conducted by Apiary Fund's instructors, along with access to the Trader on the Street library, which comprises instructional videos. The Trader Pro upgrade, available for a one-time fee of $994, includes all the benefits of Trader Live and adds an advanced educational course focused on establishing a trading business.

Apiary Fund highlights that a significant portion of funded traders, specifically 85%, have opted for the Trader Live upgrade. Therefore, individuals striving to attain a funded account should take into account the potential cost associated with this upgrade when considering Apiary Fund's services.

Beeline to funding

At the core of Apiary Fund lies the “Beeline to Funding” educational initiative. This program is meticulously crafted to impart traders with the risk management strategy endorsed by Apiary Fund for its funded traders. It encompasses the requisite testing phase that traders must successfully navigate to qualify for a funded account.

The “Beeline to Funding” program is designed to span approximately three months, involving a daily commitment of approximately one hour. It is structured into four distinct levels, each culminating in a progressively challenging trading assessment. To illustrate, in the initial level, traders must secure victory in two consecutive trades to meet the passing criteria. By the fourth and final level, traders are tasked with executing 100 trades while ensuring that none of them incur a loss exceeding 2%.

Beeline to funding

Beeline to funding interface

The interface utilized by traders for the educational program is user-friendly and intuitive. This program primarily comprises a series of instructional videos that traders are required to view, and the platform monitors and records their progress as they navigate through these videos.

Upon completing each level of the program, traders gain access to Apiary Fund's Alveo trading software, which offers real-time stock data and enables them to execute simulated trades for practice. In comparison to more technically intricate trading platforms like ThinkorSwim, Alveo is relatively straightforward. It lacks custom coding capabilities for implementing highly specialized trading strategies. Nonetheless, Alveo's charts are comprehensive, and the platform supports most commonly used technical analyses, making it a reliable tool for traders to refine their skills and strategies.

Beeline to funding interface

How to get a funded account?

The primary goal for most traders using Apiary Fund is to attain funded trading accounts, although it's important to acknowledge that only a minority of traders who complete the educational program will qualify for this privilege. Alongside successfully completing the Beeline to Funding program, Apiary Fund has established three specific criteria that traders must consistently meet throughout their educational journey to become eligible for a funded account:

  • Maintain an average profit over the educational period that exceeds the average loss.

  • Achieve a higher number of profitable trades than losing ones.

  • Avoid exceeding a 2% loss per individual trade or incurring a cumulative 5% loss within a single trading day.

It's worth noting that the last requirement can be particularly challenging, given the potential volatility of the broader stock market, where a single down day can lead to temporary losses surpassing 5%.

Furthermore, it's crucial to recognize that the passing criteria for each level of the Beeline to Funding program can be somewhat misleading. Eligibility for a funded account is based on a cumulative assessment of traders' performance in practice tests. Merely passing a level after multiple attempts may not suffice to qualify for a funded account.

Unfortunately, for traders who have heavily invested in the program, there is no option to reset their account if they fail to meet one or more of Apiary Fund's funded account requirements.

Funded account levels

Even for traders who successfully secure funded accounts, the competitive nature persists as there are four distinct levels of funded accounts. Traders commencing at the initial level are provided with a trading capital ranging from $2,500 to $10,000 but retain only 60% of their earned profits. Apiary Fund promotes the fourth account level, where traders can handle up to $250,000 and retain 85% of their profits. However, it's worth noting that Apiary Fund does not publicly disclose any explicit guidelines or requirements detailing how funded traders can advance from one funded trading account level to another.

Funded account levels

Customer Support

Apiary Fund's customer support primarily relies on a contact form where users can input their required details and inquiries, following which they can expect to be connected to a representative or support personnel. This contact form serves as the primary means of reaching out to the company for assistance or inquiries.

Additionally, Apiary Fund maintains an online presence on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. These social media channels may serve as additional avenues for users to engage with the company, seek information, or stay updated on its latest developments and educational resources. While the primary mode of contact is the contact form, the social media platforms provide an opportunity for users to connect with Apiary Fund and access information and updates in a more informal and accessible manner.


Apiary Fund offers a unique platform combining education and competition, where traders can access funded trading accounts after completing their structured educational programs successfully. However, achieving a funded account can be challenging, with traders required to meet specific criteria related to profitability and risk management. The educational program, known as “Beeline to Funding,” spans four levels and involves progressive trading assessments. Apiary Fund operates without regulatory oversight, which could raise concerns for some traders regarding consumer protections. The pricing includes a subscription fee of $97 per month, along with optional upgrades for advanced educational content. The company's customer support primarily relies on a contact form, supplemented by a presence on social media platforms. Overall, Apiary Fund primarily serves as an educational platform, and while it offers funded accounts, traders should view it as a means to enhance their skills rather than a guaranteed route to substantial profits.


Q1: How does Apiary Fund make money?

A1: Apiary Fund generates revenue through subscription fees and optional account upgrade fees.

Q2: What are the requirements to qualify for a funded trading account?

A2: To be eligible for a funded account, traders must meet criteria related to profitability, trade success, and risk management throughout their educational journey.

Q3: How long does it take to complete the “Beeline to Funding” program?

A3: The “Beeline to Funding” program typically spans about three months, with daily commitments of approximately one hour.

Q4: What are the funded account levels and their profit-sharing ratios?

A4: Apiary Fund offers four funded account levels, with profit-sharing ratios ranging from 60% to 85%.

Q5: Does Apiary Fund provide custom coding capabilities for trading strategies?

A5: No, Apiary Fund's trading platform, Alveo, does not offer custom coding capabilities, but it supports common technical analyses for trading strategies.


  • 2-5 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • High potential risk
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