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United States|2-5 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| High potential risk


Rating Index


+1 (619) 693-8963


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered Region
United States
Operating Period
2-5 years
Company Name
Customer Service Email Address
Contact Number
+1 (619) 693-8963
Company Website
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name FXBIT TRADE
Registered Country/Area United States
Founded Year 2012
Regulation Not regulated
Market Instruments Stocks, Options, ETFs, Futures, Mutual Funds, Cryptocurrencies, Forex
Account Types Standard, Classic, Gold, Premium
Minimum Deposit No deposit minimums
Maximum Leverage N/A
Spreads No mark-ups or built-in spreads claimed, commission-based for bonds
Trading Platforms Self-operated platform
Demo Account N/A
Customer Support Phone (+1 (979) 428-4417), Email (, Online Chat
Deposit & Withdrawal N/A
Educational Resources AI-powered personalized learning, access to third-party market insights, experienced support staff

Overview of FXBIT TRADE

FXBIT TRADE, a US-based company founded in 2012, offers a wide range of investment options including stocks, options, ETFs, and even cryptocurrencies. While they claim user-friendly platforms, commission-free trades, and educational resources, a major red flag is their lack of any mentioned regulation.

This means they might not be subject to the same oversight as other brokers, potentially increasing risk for investors. They boast features like in-depth market research tools, live market data, and specialist consultations, but it's important to carefully consider the lack of regulation before investing with FXBIT TRADE.

Overview of FXBIT TRADE

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Wide range of investment options Lack of regulation
Commission-free trades (US listed stocks and ETFs) Limited transparency regarding deposit/withdrawal methods
User-friendly trading platforms No demo account available
AI-powered personalized learning Uncertain maximum leverage
Experienced support staff


  • Wide range of investment options: FXBIT TRADE offers a vast selection of investment products, including stocks, options, ETFs, futures, mutual funds, cryptocurrencies, and forex. This allows investors to diversify their portfolios and potentially hedge against market downturns.

  • Commission-free trades (US listed stocks and ETFs): FXBIT TRADE stands out with commission-free trading for US listed stocks and ETFs. This can significantly reduce transaction costs, especially for active traders.

  • User-friendly trading platforms: FXBIT TRADE emphasizes user-friendly trading platforms, satisfying various investor styles. Their platform offers features like in-depth market research tools, live market data, and access to specialists for market insights. This can be beneficial for both beginners and experienced investors.

  • AI-powered personalized learning: FXBIT TRADE leverages AI technology to deliver personalized learning content based on your individual investment goals. This allows you to focus on educational resources most relevant to your investment journey.

  • Experienced support staff: FXBIT TRADE offers customer support through phone, email, and online chat. Their team consists of experienced and licensed professionals who can provide market expertise and guidance to investors.


  • Lack of regulation: A major red flag with FXBIT TRADE is the lack of any mention of regulation. Financial regulations are crucial for investor protection, ensuring brokers operate fairly and transparently. The absence of regulatory oversight raises concerns about the safety and security of your funds.

  • Limited transparency regarding deposit/withdrawal methods: While FXBIT TRADE claims no deposit or withdrawal minimums and hidden fees, they lack transparency regarding specific payment methods accepted. This can make it difficult to understand how you can fund your account and withdraw your money.

  • No demo account available: FXBIT TRADE doesn't offer a demo account, which is a significant drawback. A demo account allows you to test the platform's functionalities and practice trading strategies with virtual funds before committing real money.

  • Uncertain maximum leverage: Leverage can amplify both profits and losses, and understanding the maximum leverage limits is essential for making informed investment decisions.

Regulatory Status

FXBIT TRADE does not explicitly mention any regulatory licenses. Financial regulations are crucial for investor protection. They ensure brokers operate fairly and transparently, minimizing risks for clients. The absence of concrete regulatory information about FXBIT TRADE should be a significant cause of concern.

Market Instruments

FXBIT TRADE offers a wide range of investment products including stocks, options, ETFs, futures, mutual funds, cryptocurrencies, and forex.

For stocks, they allow commission-free trading with a user-friendly interface. Options trading is also available for those who want more flexibility and control over their stock positions. ETFs are another option, providing diversification and ease of use.

In the cryptocurrency arena, FXBIT TRADE allows users to buy, sell, and trade various cryptocurrencies with a user-friendly platform. They also offer mutual funds from a large pool of fund families.

Additionally, FXBIT TRADE provides access to IPO (Initial Public Offering) trading and market data 24/6.

Market Instruments

Account Types

FXBIT TRADE offers four different mining plans: Standard, Classic, Gold, and Premium. All plans are purchased for a one-time upfront fee and not through a monthly subscription. Each plan mines for a set contract duration of 3 months and uses the SHA-256 mining algorithm.

The Standard Account is the most basic plan, offering 5 TH/s mining power, a 60-hour mining cycle, and a 6% daily mining profit. Profits can be withdrawn after every completed session (which equals 5 mining cycles). This plan comes with easy installation and unlimited support.

The Classic Account steps up the mining power to 10 TH/s. It shortens the mining cycle to 52 hours and increases the daily mining profit to 8%. Similar to the Standard Account, profits can be withdrawn after each session and unlimited support is included.

The Gold Account offers 20 TH/s mining power, a 44-hour mining cycle, and a 10% daily mining profit. It maintains the benefit of withdrawing profits after each session and includes easy installation and unlimited support.

The Premium Account is the most powerful plan, providing 30 TH/s mining power. It boasts the shortest mining cycle at 35 hours and the highest daily mining profit at 12%. Profits can still be withdrawn after each session, and the plan comes with easy installation and unlimited support.

Account Types

How to Open an Account?

Here's a guide on opening an account on FXBIT TRADE:

  1. Visit the FXBIT TRADE website: Locate the FXBIT TRADE website (

  2. Locate the account registration page: Look for a button or link labeled “Open An Account”. This will lead you to the account registration page.

  3. Fill out the registration form: The form will ask for your personal information such as your full name, email address, phone number, and country of residence.

  4. Choose the account type: Choose an account typefrom the “Account Type” dropdown menu.

  5. Choose a password: Create a password and re-enter your password in the “Confirm Password” field.

  6. Submit your application: Once you've filled out the form and agreed to the terms, click the “Register” button to submit your application.

How to Open an Account?

Spreads & Commissions

FXBIT TRADE offers commission-free online trading with no deposit minimums, trading minimums, or hidden fees, providing value beyond just price. They offering no mark-ups or built-in spreads on their platforms and products.

For bonds, they have low and fully transparent commissions: Treasury bills, notes, and bonds incur a charge of 0.2 bps for the first USD 1 million of face value, plus an additional 0.01 bps for face value above USD 1 million. Corporate bonds are charged at 10 bps for the initial USD 10,000 of face value, with a 2.5 bps charge for face value exceeding USD 10,000. Municipal bonds have a fee of 5 bps for the first USD 10,000 of face value, and 1.25 bps for face value above USD 10,000. With FXBIT TRADE, investors benefit from transparent and competitive pricing structures.

Bond Type Commission Structure
Treasury Bills 0.2 bps for the first $1 million + 0.01 bps above $1 million
Treasury Notes 0.2 bps for the first $1 million + 0.01 bps above $1 million
Treasury Bonds 0.2 bps for the first $1 million + 0.01 bps above $1 million
Corporate Bonds 10 bps for the initial $10,000 + 2.5 bps above $10,000
Municipal Bonds 5 bps for the first $10,000 + 1.25 bps above $10,000
Spreads & Commissions

Trading Platform

FXBIT TRADE emphasizes providing a powerful and user-friendly trading platform satisfying various investor styles. Their platform boasts a range of features designed to empower informed decision-making. Users can access live-streaming CNBC news, real-time quotes, and connect with specialists for market insights. The platform facilitates in-depth stock research, trade execution, and portfolio management, all in one place.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

FXBIT TRADE offers commission-free trades for US exchange listed stocks and ETFs. There's a $0.65 fee per contract for options trades.

While the information about payment methods is not explicitly stated, FXBIT TRADE claims no deposit minimums, trading minimums, or hidden fees. This suggests they likely accept various payment methods to fund your account.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

FXBIT TRADE provides comprehensive customer support through multiple channels. Clients can reach out via phone at +1 (979) 428-4417, email at, and through an online chat feature on their website. This multi-channel approach ensures that clients can easily access assistance and guidance whenever needed.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

FXBIT TRADE emphasizes personalized and in-depth educational resources to empower investors of all levels.

They utilize an AI-powered platform that tailors educational content to your individual investment goals and needs. This ensures you receive relevant and targeted information to enhance your investing journey.

FXBIT TRADE provides access to in-depth data and analysis from reputable sources like Morningstar, CFRA, and TheStreet. This allows you to make informed decisions based on expert research and insights.

Their team consists of licensed associates with market expertise. They are committed to helping you understand the market complexities and make sound financial decisions for the future.

Educational Resources


FXBIT TRADE offers a tempting array of investment options, user-friendly platforms, and commission-free trades. However, a significant cause for concern is the complete lack of transparency regarding their regulation. This raises doubts about investor protection and the overall safety of your funds.

While features like AI-powered learning and experienced support staff are appealing, the absence of a demo account and unclear details on deposit/withdrawal methods make it difficult to fully assess the platform. Carefully weigh the potential advantages against the substantial regulatory red flags before considering FXBIT TRADE for your investment needs.


Question: Are there any fees associated with trading on FXBIT TRADE?

Answer: FXBIT TRADE offers commission-free trading for stocks and ETFs listed on US exchanges. However, for options trades, there's a $0.65 fee per contract.

Question: Is FXBIT TRADE a user-friendly platform?

Answer: FXBIT TRADE prioritizes user-friendly trading platforms, their platform offers features like in-depth market research tools, live market data, and access to specialists for market insights.

Question: Does FXBIT TRADE offer any educational resources?

Answer: FXBIT TRADE leverages artificial intelligence to deliver personalized learning content based on your individual investment goals.

Question: How can I contact FXBIT TRADE customer support?

Answer: FXBIT TRADE offers customer support through multiple channels, including phone, email, and online chat.

Question: Is there a minimum deposit required to open an FXBIT TRADE account?

Answer: FXBIT TRADE claims there are no minimum deposit requirements.


  • 2-5 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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