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63 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

The fake platform tempts everyone to recharge, and then refuses to withdraw money for various reasons, and finally fails to log in and cheats money!

At the beginning, the transaction was normal. After a few days, the trading market was suddenly interrupted, and there was no response when contacting customer service. After opening the software the next day, I could not log in. The account was cancelled, and the account name and funds were not displayed. The principal and income cannot be withdrawn!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-10-23
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-10-23

Scam. Unable to withdraw and lock the account

Scam. Xu Youchang, Chic, Miss Jin, Li Yong, they didn't withdraw, and now they have run away. Now the platform has blocked me on the Jianchat app.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-10-08
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-10-08
Unable to Withdraw

They refused to let me withdraw

I'm still unable to withdraw my money even after paying taxes. My trading account was suspended, according to customer service, because I received a deposit of $98,000 Bitcoin from a third party. Here, (the anti-money laundering policy was broken but returned. If I still wanted to withdraw, I had to put in 10% of investment into my account but i refused to do so cause i don’t need them any more.

United States United States 2022-10-01
United States United States 2022-10-01
Unable to Withdraw

scam people to deposit

Is our hard-earned money no one cares?

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-10-01
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-10-01

The funding platform is gone now, all the payments have turned into bubbles, and the liars are at large, enticing everyone to borrow high online loans

Liars are so hateful, everyone's hard-earned money, and now Jianchao has also been blocked, such as the stream number is gone, and all the contact information of the liar is lost

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-28
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-28

Blocked! What about our hard-earned money? ?

Account was banned, blocked! What about our hard-earned money? ?

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-27
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-27
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

This broker is a romance scam. There are more than 50 people in the group, leading by Xu Youcheng, Chang Xiaosa dnd Li Yong. Endless traps to deceive investors that cannot withdraw after making a profit, and finally the account will be forced to zero, please ask the relevant departments for help!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-26
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-26
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw. Romance scam. Scam group. No supervision. No withdrawal. The account is also forcily blocked.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-25
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-25

I got scammed

I was scammed for 50,000 yuan of hard-earned money! When will this group of scammers be arrested! Don't be fooled again! ! !

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-23
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-23

Induced fraud and unable to withdraw funds

Jian Chat and Ruliu App, Xu Youcheng, Chang Xiaosa, Li Yong, Zhang Qing, and customer service Miss Jin Wang Lianjun and other at least 50 people set up a group chat to induce scams. First, someone will talk to you and ask you to join the group. When you are in the international gold group, someone will induce you to increase your positions and help you to earn one or two times your profits. Then you will deliberately over-trade and lock your positions, so that you can continue to deposit funds and unlock your positions. When you withdraw funds, your account is abnormal and is suspected of laundering and paying taxes. The reason is that you keep paying money. At the same time, a lot of people in the group have been deceived by the screenshots of the funds and the account.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-22
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-22

Can you have some conscience?

I was thinking of earning some money to go home and live a good life! I didn't expect to lose everything! These liars! Chat with you first to get closer, and then take you from the stock market to the gold market to double, and then send a link to the software in the Jianchat APP, a teacher will teach you how to operate, and a customer service will teach you to transfer and deposit money! There is a drag, and the providence of cooperation in it is seamless! If you lose money, someone will do it for you, then double it for you, hedge the transaction, lock the position, let you transfer and unload the position, then transfer and pay the certification fee, then pay the tax, let the latter say that you laundered money, pay the security deposit, and then Pay off-site landing deposit! Wait until you run out of money to pay! Bye bye, ban your Jane chat account! No audio! ! Their names can be anything. Here, they are called Xu Youcheng, Chang Chisa, Li Yong, Liu Jiaxin, Miss Jin, customer service, Ma Yixin, Zhang Yong, and customer service Miss Li! Wait, don't be deceived, there is nothing ashamed, be sure to tell your friends! Be careful!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-21
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-21
Unable to Withdraw

The block me on Jian Chat. It is a home of scammers. Jian Chat has reached an agreement with the liar

I will complain and report on this platform everyday. These scammers should be arrested and exposed. Should not let more people be scammed.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-21
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-21

Zhang Xinyu, Xu Youcheng, Chang Chisa, Li Yong

Scam via the virtual gold trading platform. Live, invite people, and scam. Hope the relevant department will arrest them

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-21
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-21
Unable to Withdraw

Not only can't withdraw, but also block your account in Jian liao!

These liars are still not arrested! ! You must tell your friends who do stocks around you, be careful to be taken to do this gold! It will be worthless! And no one cares! ! Professional gang scam! ! !

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-20
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-20
Unable to Withdraw

Xu Youcheng is a liar

Liquidate your account first and ask for deposit to unlock the position. There are various reason to deny your withdrawal.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-20
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-20

Romance scam. Fraud

After adding friends on Kuaishou account (Menger), for the purpose of making friends, after using the Jian chat (old account) to join the group, Mr. Zhang began to talk about stock operations. Later, he said that the stock market was not good, so he took him to do gold trading and introduced a Li The lady is responsible for opening an account and making money (Tan Jiehu) transactions. Since I don’t know how to operate it, the teacher later replaced the operation and broke the position and couldn’t withdraw the money. The typical slaughtering scam involves Zhang Hongye, Xu Youcheng, and an old account with an induced net name. Attach my photo!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-20
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-20
Unable to Withdraw

Telecommunication fraud

Everyone be careful about this group which waits for a long time. You must be careful with the person you met in internet. He chat with you for a long time and deceive you that you can earn profit by doing this and that

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-20
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-20

Zhang Xinyu, Xu Youcheng, Chang xiaosa, Li Yong

At the beginning, I bought stocks through Zhang Xinyu. The stocks did not make money. I slowly guided them step by step to become gold. Xu Youcheng and Chang Xiaosa gave live lectures. They found a customer service agent named Miss Jin and opened an account for us, one named Li Yong. The person who gave us the operation, the full warehouse operation makes it impossible to unlock, and induces to deposit money to unlock it, which makes it impossible to reflect. This is a well-designed fraud gang committing the crime, I hope the relevant departments will pay attention to it.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-20
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-20
Unable to Withdraw

unreliable platform so

I put down US$29,000 using the company. They wouldn't let me withdraw unless I paid a 10% tax to receive my earnings. All of it is a scam. I really hate this firm don’t deal with them

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-09-20
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-09-20

It's this woman, beware of being deceived, there should be about 50 people in their group

When I first met in the Kuaishou comment area, I would take you to a teacher to learn about stocks, but buy one and lose one, chat in Jianchat, send live lectures on the website, and give out red envelopes for points! In fact, the Jianchat APP is their own cheating software. When you find out that you have been deceived, they will block your Jianchat account! Prevent them from continuing to cheat! This is how I was fooled by Jane Chat and transferred 50,000 yuan of hard-earned money! Titled! Meta Trader5 mobile phone version for Android, can't withdraw money at all! If you want to withdraw cash, you have to keep transferring money to them, and you will get deeper and deeper! Bankrupt at last! ! These guys are amazing! At present, our country estimates that there is no way to solve it! Therefore, we can only expose it so that more people can invest in stocks around them. Friends of the gold market, beware of being deceived! Protect your hard-earned money! No one will take you to financial freedom! They don't care how you live in the future! ! !

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-19
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-19
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