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The Rise and Risks of Forex Signal Apps: An In-Depth Analysis

The Rise and Risks of Forex Signal Apps: An In-Depth Analysis

In the fast-paced world of forex trading, the demand for tools that can simplify and enhance trading decisions has led to the rise of forex signal apps. These apps, available on smartphones and tablets, claim to provide timely and accurate trade signals, enabling traders to make informed decisions without spending hours analyzing market data.

News 12h
Indian Market Expansion: Plus500 Purchases Mehta Equities to Boost Presence in India

Indian Market Expansion: Plus500 Purchases Mehta Equities to Boost Presence in India

Plus500, a global fintech group with proprietary trading platforms, has conditionally agreed to acquire 100% of Mehta Equities Limited, an Indian financial services company. Mehta offers broking services, including futures, options, and cash equities trading. This acquisition strengthens Plus500’s presence in the Indian market and broadens its service offerings.

News 12h
Unlicensed and Clone Firms: FCA Warns About Six New Entities

Unlicensed and Clone Firms: FCA Warns About Six New Entities

Curious how scammers are fooling investors with fake licenses? Discover how the FCA exposes six unlicensed and clone firms targeting unsuspecting victims!

News 13h
President of Liberland Vít Jedlička Confirms Attendance at WikiEXPO Hong Kong 2025

President of Liberland Vít Jedlička Confirms Attendance at WikiEXPO Hong Kong 2025

Vít Jedlička, President and Founder of the Free Republic of Liberland, has confirmed his participation in WikiEXPO Hong Kong 2025, one of the most influential Fintech summits in the industry. The event will bring together global leaders, innovators, and policymakers to delve into the future convergence of technology and society.

News 13h
BaFin Halts USDe Token Issuance, Citing Serious Compliance Failures

BaFin Halts USDe Token Issuance, Citing Serious Compliance Failures

The German regulator BaFin has frozen USDe token issuance amid compliance issues. What led to this drastic move, and how does it impact the market?

News 13h
Is Billion Bucks Fx Scam?

Is Billion Bucks Fx Scam?

Recent claims on YouTube and social media platforms allege that Billion Bucks Fx is a scam broker. Many traders have reportedly lost money after investing with this broker, and it has been given a notably low score of 1.06/10 by independent rating platforms. In this article, we break down the details of Billion Bucks Fx, assess the risks, and provide insight into whether investors should be wary of its services.

Exposure 14h
SocialFi and the Forex Market: A New Era for Decentralized Social Trading?

SocialFi and the Forex Market: A New Era for Decentralized Social Trading?

The worlds of social media and decentralized finance (DeFi) have converged under a new banner—SocialFi. Short for “Social Finance,” SocialFi leverages blockchain technology to reward user engagement, giving individuals direct control over their data and interactions. While SocialFi has primarily emerged in the context of content creation and crypto communities, its principles could soon revolutionize the forex market by reshaping how traders share insights and monetize social influence.

News 14h
Do This ONE Thing to Transform Your Trading Performance Forever

Do This ONE Thing to Transform Your Trading Performance Forever

The story is all too familiar. You start trading with high hopes, make some quick profits, and feel like you've finally cracked the code. But then, just as fast as your gains came, they disappear. Your account balance dwindles, and soon you’re left wondering what went wrong. Worse still, fear and confusion creep in, making every new trade a stressful gamble rather than a calculated decision. If this cycle sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

News 14h
How Scammers Stole $7Million | Why the U.S. is Giving It Back

How Scammers Stole $7Million | Why the U.S. is Giving It Back

US authorities have announced plans to return $7 million to victims of a cryptocurrency investment fraud that deceived investors into sending funds to fraudulent trading platforms.

News 14h
This FREE App Is Helping Millions Avoid Financial Scams

This FREE App Is Helping Millions Avoid Financial Scams

Fraudulent brokers, Ponzi schemes, and deceptive trading platforms are on the rise, making it increasingly difficult to distinguish between legitimate and illicit financial services. Fortunately, there’s a powerful, free tool designed to help users identify and avoid scams before it’s too late—WikiFX.

News 15h
Could Japan Move Away from Ultra-Low Rates?

Could Japan Move Away from Ultra-Low Rates?

Japan's Interest Rate Hike: Is the Era of Ultra-Low Rates Over?

News 15h
Fed Rate Cut Expectations Lowered

Fed Rate Cut Expectations Lowered

Federal Reserve officials have adjusted their rate cut expectations, now anticipating only one rate cut this year instead of the previously expected two.

News 15h
Hong Kong Banks and Authorities Collaborate to Freeze Fraudulent Accounts Faster

Hong Kong Banks and Authorities Collaborate to Freeze Fraudulent Accounts Faster

Hong Kong police, HKMA work with banks to freeze fraud-linked accounts faster, addressing scam issues while protecting the city's financial reputation.

News 16h
PH Telecom Offers Free App to Protect Users from Scams

PH Telecom Offers Free App to Protect Users from Scams

Globe Telecom partners with Gogolook to provide free Whoscall Premium Basic, enhancing digital security with caller ID, web checker, and ID security features.

News 16h
Africa Cybercrime Bust: Over 300 Arrested in Fraud Crackdown

Africa Cybercrime Bust: Over 300 Arrested in Fraud Crackdown

Operation Red Card sees 306 arrests across seven African nations, dismantling major cybercrime networks involved in banking fraud, scams, and phishing.

News 17h
The Growing Threat of Fake Emails and Phishing Scams

The Growing Threat of Fake Emails and Phishing Scams

Fake emails and phishing scams are on the rise in crypto, targeting users with fraudulent wallet setup instructions. Stay vigilant and protect your assets.

News 17h
Forex Explained in 60 Seconds: How It Works & Who Profits

Forex Explained in 60 Seconds: How It Works & Who Profits

Before diving into the forex market, it’s crucial to understand its mechanics, risks, and profit potential. Without a clear grasp of how forex operates, you risk losing money instead of making it. Here’s a concise breakdown to help you navigate this dynamic financial market.

News Two days ago
Malaysian Fraudsters at the Centre of US$214 Million Investment Scam

Malaysian Fraudsters at the Centre of US$214 Million Investment Scam

Two Malaysians are among seven individuals charged by US authorities in connection with a large-scale investment fraud scheme that generated over US$214 million in illicit gains.

News Two days ago
Lance Gokongwei Warns Public Against Cryptocurrency Scams

Lance Gokongwei Warns Public Against Cryptocurrency Scams

Lance Gokongwei, JG Summit CEO, warns against cryptocurrency scams, urging vigilance on social media. Stay informed to protect your investments.

News Two days ago
206 Filipinos Rescued from Myanmar Scam Farms to Arrive in Manila

206 Filipinos Rescued from Myanmar Scam Farms to Arrive in Manila

206 Filipinos rescued from scam farms and rebel groups in Myanmar will arrive in Manila starting Monday, with government assistance for reintegration.

News Two days ago
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