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Immediate Edge Review 2025: Is it safe?

Immediate Edge Review 2025: Is it safe?

Launched in 2019, Immediate Edge claims to be an automated cryptocurrency trading platform using AI technology for crypto trading services. The platform requires a minimum deposit of $250 to begin trading, which is relatively expensive for many investors. During its short operation, Immediate Edge failed to establish a positive reputation. The platform has undergone frequent domain changes and has repositioned itself as an intermediary connecting users with investment firms—a move that appears designed to obscure its actual operations. Immediate Edge restricts services to investors from the United States; it remains accessible to users in other regions.

Vivek financial

Vivek financial

Vivek Financial's website address may be instead of (which is inaccessible) due to the same logo and company name. Vivek Financial is a financial company specializing in fixed-income, stocks, mutual funds, and other products. The depository service it provides is a facility to hold "financial securities" in electronic form. Investors have to open an account with the depository through a depository participant (DP) appointed by the depository, who provides depository services to all investors. The DP generates and provides holding statements as per the investor's requirement.

PrizmFX-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

PrizmFX-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

PrizmFX, a trading name of PrizmFX Limited, is allegedly a broker based in the UK that provides its clients with the industry-standard MetaTrader5 trading platform, flexible leverage up to 1:200, variable spreads from 2 pips on over 60 tradable assets, as well as a choice of four different account types.

Swiss Global Trade

Swiss Global Trade

Swiss Global Trade is a broker registered in Switzerland. The tradable instruments with a maximum leverage of 1:5 include stocks, forex, crude oil, commodities, indices, and more. The broker also provides MT4 & MT5 and weekly & monthly accounts. The minimum spread is 1.9 and the minimum deposit is $500.

FX Wonders-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

FX Wonders-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

FX Wonders is allegedly an unregulated forex broker based in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines that provides its clients with the industry-standard MetaTrader4 trading platform, leverage up to 500:1, variable spreads from 0.0 pips on multiple tradable assets, as well as a choice of three different account types.

Monetalux-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

Monetalux-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

Monetalux is a financial broker based in the UK that offers fixed spread at 2 pips and requires a high minimum deposit of $10,000. However, since its website is currently unavailable, more detailed information about its trading conditions cannot be accessed. In addition, the broker operates without regulatory oversight.

Tokens Note-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

Tokens Note-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

Offering a selection of financial products including Forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, Tokens Note is an unregulated broker registered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Their trading systems call for a mobile app as well as WebTrader.

ETFinance-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

ETFinance-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

ETFinance was registered in 2018. It provides forex pairs and CFDs for trading with leverage up to 1:30 via the most popular trading platform - MT4. However, its regulatory license is a suspicious clone, and the contact methods are limited.

Hanson Markets-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

Hanson Markets-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

Hanson Markets is a brokerage company who offers trading services in crypto, stocks and commodities. However, its website is currently unavailable. Since there are very limited information over the Internet as well, we are not sure if the company already ceased business. Moreover, the absence of regulation further exacerbates its credibility and legality.

Alfa Direct

Alfa Direct

Alfa Direct, registered in Russia, offers a variety of trading instruments, including forex, stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. The broker provides two account types: Individual Investment Account and Brokerage Account, with a low minimum deposit requirement of just 100 ₽. Transactions incur a commission, and traders can access a mobile-friendly platform for their trading activities. Notably, Alfa Direct operates without regulatory oversight, which may raise concerns for some investors. Customer support is available through dedicated lines at +7 495 788 88 78 for personal inquiries and +7 495 755 58 58 for business-related concerns.

Want to Improve Your Forex Trading Success Rate? Get to Know the Five Key Players in the FX Market!

Want to Improve Your Forex Trading Success Rate? Get to Know the Five Key Players in the FX Market!

This article delves into the primary participants of this colossal market, including importers and exporters, Forex brokers, commercial banks, central banks, and speculators. By understanding the roles of these key players, traders can better navigate the Forex landscape.

Price Volatility Isn't the Problem; Inability to Handle It Leads to Liquidation

Price Volatility Isn't the Problem; Inability to Handle It Leads to Liquidation

This article explores the concept of risk in financial markets, challenging the common perception that price volatility is the primary source of risk. It argues that the real risk lies in an investor's inability to manage and withstand these fluctuations. The discussion focuses on three key factors that determine an investor's ability to handle risk: mindset, capital, and capital management. Emphasizing the importance of proper position sizing, avoiding full margin trading, maintaining reserve funds, and strategically reinvesting profits, the article provides practical guidelines for effective capital management. It concludes that understanding and applying these principles is crucial for long-term success and sustainability in trading.

5 Key Steps to Master Forex MT4 Technical Analysis

5 Key Steps to Master Forex MT4 Technical Analysis

The forex market presents both opportunities and challenges, with technical analysis being crucial for successful trading. This article outlines the five essential steps for mastering Forex MT4 technical analysis: identifying trends, utilizing technical indicators, determining entry and stop-loss points, analyzing price charts, and performing real-time monitoring and adjustments. By following these steps, traders can enhance their understanding and application of technical analysis, ultimately improving their trading accuracy and success rate.

How to Use Fibonacci Retracements

How to Use Fibonacci Retracements

Fibonacci retracement is widely utilized in technical analysis. Traders leverage Fibonacci retracement to identify levels of price correction by drawing horizontal lines on price charts, marking potential support and resistance levels. This aids in predicting price adjustments and reversals, enabling traders to better grasp market trends and formulate effective trading strategies.

WTI hovers around $77.00 with a positive momentum, focus shifts to US PCE, Oil Rig Count

WTI hovers around $77.00 with a positive momentum, focus shifts to US PCE, Oil Rig Count

West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil price pauses its two-day winning streak but is anticipated to conclude the week on a positive note, trading near $77.00 per barrel during the Asian session on Friday.


FCA Warns an Unauthorized Broker Named 'Sapphire Markets'

On December 7, the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulator warned against an unauthorized broker called Sapphire Markets, reminding the public to be aware of financial safety.

Five Websites Warned! BCSC Alerts About TopMarkets

Five Websites Warned! BCSC Alerts About TopMarkets

On January 4, 2024, the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) warned an unlicensed broker called TopMarkets.

How to Swing Trade | Real-World Example

How to Swing Trade | Real-World Example

Swing trading, as a form of short to medium-term market speculation, presents both opportunities and risks.

Top Technical Analysis Tools for Forex Traders

Top Technical Analysis Tools for Forex Traders

Technical analysis refers to the study of historical information in financial markets through charts, aiming to predict future price trends and determine investment strategies. This article lists 10 commonly used technical analysis tools.

How to Use Stop Loss Orders?

How to Use Stop Loss Orders?

In forex trading, understanding and managing risk is paramount to success. One powerful tool that traders have is the "stop loss order."

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