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Aplicação de Pesquisa Regulamentar da Corretora Global
Key Economic Calendar Events for This Week (August 5-9, 2024)

Key Economic Calendar Events for This Week (August 5-9, 2024)

This week's economic events include: Japan's Monetary Policy Minutes and U.S. Services PMI on Monday, impacting JPY and USD. Tuesday's RBA Interest Rate Decision affects AUD, with German Factory Orders influencing EUR. Wednesday sees German Industrial Production and U.S. Crude Inventories impacting EUR and USD. Thursday: RBA Governor speaks, with U.S. Jobless Claims. Friday: China's CPI and Canada's Unemployment Rate affect CNY and CAD.

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 2

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 2

Recent developments include Labour's landslide UK election victory, geopolitical tensions from Eurasian security discussions, Trump's election impact on Japanese stocks, EU's tech regulatory actions, tentative Hamas-Israel ceasefire, continuity in Mexican policies, Toronto's housing market rise, Boeing's Starliner issues, SpaceX's ISS deorbit contract, Indian IT companies' earnings, Malaysian tech stocks upgrade, Philippine inflation easing, Eli Lilly's Alzheimer's drug approval, US housing mark

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 1

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 1

Recent developments include Labour's landslide UK election victory, geopolitical tensions from Eurasian security discussions, Trump's election impact on Japanese stocks, EU's tech regulatory actions, tentative Hamas-Israel ceasefire, continuity in Mexican policies, Toronto's housing market rise, Boeing's Starliner issues, SpaceX's ISS deorbit contract, Indian IT companies' earnings, Malaysian tech stocks upgrade, Philippine inflation easing, Eli Lilly's Alzheimer's drug approval, US housing mark

Economic and Political Shifts Impact Global Markets Part 2

Economic and Political Shifts Impact Global Markets Part 2

Recent developments include President Biden's potential re-election reconsideration, Asia-Pacific market highs, PwC's auditing issues in China, potential acquisitions in the energy and retail sectors, geopolitical tensions, and regulatory actions impacting markets. Key impacts include fluctuations in USD, CNY, CAD, TWD, EUR, GBP, and AUD, with significant effects on stock markets across the US, Asia, and Europe.

Economic and Political Shifts Impact Global Markets Part 1

Economic and Political Shifts Impact Global Markets Part 1

Recent developments include President Biden's potential re-election reconsideration, Asia-Pacific market highs, PwC's auditing issues in China, potential acquisitions in the energy and retail sectors, geopolitical tensions, and regulatory actions impacting markets. Key impacts include fluctuations in USD, CNY, CAD, TWD, EUR, GBP, and AUD, with significant effects on stock markets across the US, Asia, and Europe.

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: Loonie Rips as USD/CAD Tests Resistance

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: Loonie Rips as USD/CAD Tests Resistance

The Canadian Dollar is up nearly 0.5% against the US Dollar after reversing off a key technical confluence zone. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD weekly chart.

Canadian Dollar Price Targets: USD/CAD Bulls Eye Key Resistance Pivot

Canadian Dollar Price Targets: USD/CAD Bulls Eye Key Resistance Pivot

The US Dollar is targeting resistance near two-month highs vs Loonie with the long-bias vulnerable near-term. These are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD charts.

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD Four-Week Rally Vulnerable

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD Four-Week Rally Vulnerable

Loonie was nearly unchanged against the US Dollar last weeks with price failing just pips from resistance. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD weekly chart.

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: USD/CAD Breakout Stalls at Six-Week High

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: USD/CAD Breakout Stalls at Six-Week High

Canadian Dollar remains under pressure despite broader US Dollar weakness with price now testing six-week highs. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD charts.

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: USD/CAD Breaks Out – Loonie Trade Levels

Canadian Dollar Price Chart: USD/CAD Breaks Out – Loonie Trade Levels

The Canadian Dollar is on the defensive this week with price now attempting to break the monthly opening-range. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD charts.

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: Loonie Gains Slam USD/CAD into Support

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: Loonie Gains Slam USD/CAD into Support

An outside-weekly reversal in the Canadian Dollar cleared the monthly range last week. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD price charts into the June close.

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD Recovery Eyes Trend Resistance

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD Recovery Eyes Trend Resistance

The US Dollar recovery has put Loonie on the defensive with price now approaching a key inflection zone. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD price charts.

Near-term Trade Setups in USD/CAD and EUR/USD

Near-term Trade Setups in USD/CAD and EUR/USD

An update on near-term trade setups we've been tracking in Loonie (USD/CAD) and Euro (EUR/USD). These are the targets and invalidation levels that matter this week.

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: Loonie Breakout Tests USD/CAD Support

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: Loonie Breakout Tests USD/CAD Support

Loonie has rallied more than 2.2% against the US Dollar with price now testing initial support targets. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD price charts.

USDCAD: USD Eyes Powell & Fed, CAD Climbs on USMCA & Oil

USDCAD: USD Eyes Powell & Fed, CAD Climbs on USMCA & Oil

The Canadian Dollar climbs on the back of recent USMCA tailwinds and oil price gains, but the prospect of hawkish FOMC minutes due Wednesday threatens to keep USD bid.

Canadian Dollar Weekly Price Outlook: Loonie Breakout Imminent

Canadian Dollar Weekly Price Outlook: Loonie Breakout Imminent

Loonie continues to trade within the confines of the monthly opening-range heading deep into May trade. These are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD weekly chart.

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD at Weekly High as Loonie Dives

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD at Weekly High as Loonie Dives

Loonie is virtually unchanged this week with price holding the weekly opening-range heading into NFPs tomorrow. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD charts.

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD Eyes Breakout as Loonie Coils

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD Eyes Breakout as Loonie Coils

Loonie is unchanged on the week as price narrows within a multi-month consolidation range. Here are the targets & invalidation levels that matter on the USD/CAD charts.

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD- Break or Bend, Monthly Highs

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD- Break or Bend, Monthly Highs

Loonie is virtually unchanged on the week with price posting well-defined opening-range just below resistance. Here are the levels that matter on the USD/CAD charts.

USDCAD 1-Week Implied Volatility at Highest Level Since January

USDCAD 1-Week Implied Volatility at Highest Level Since January

Canadian Dollar forex traders are expecting heightened price volatility ahead of the Bank of Canada's upcoming interest rate decision.

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