摘要:Fast-food menu like Taco Bell's Beefy Crunch Burrito, McDonald's McPizza, and Burger Kings' ribs have become the stuff of legend.
Fast-food menu items like Taco Bell's Beefy Crunch Burrito, McDonald's McPizza, and Burger Kings' ribs have become the stuff of legend after disappearing from chains' menus. Some menu items command such loyalty that customers continue to beg chains to bring them back. Read on to learn more about 18 menu items that have disappeared from fast-food menus. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.In the world of fast food, some menu items are gone, but not forgotten. Items like Taco Bell's Beefy Crunch Burrito, McDonald's McPizza, and Burger Kings' ribs have become the stuff of legend. Customers beg the chains to bring back the iconic items. And, sometimes, these movements produce results.Starbucks recently announced that the beloved S'mores Frappuccino will be returning to menus, sparking customer celebration. Burger King brought back Cini-Minis in 2018, after fans demanded the miniature cinnamon rolls' return. The chain also brought back chicken fries in 2015, following a petition to resurrect the menu item. “It was a great example of our team mining social media and connecting with our younger guests,” José Cil, CEO of Burger King's parent company Restaurant Brands International, recently told Business Insider. “We have a very loyal following of millions of guests, and they were demanding chicken fries.” Read more: The new CEO behind Burger King, Popeyes, and Tim Hortons reveals his plans for the future of the chainsBut, some things are still stuck in the graveyard of beloved fast-food menu items.Here are 18 menu items that may have disappeared from menus, but that at least some customers desperately want to see return: