摘要:He tweeted that it would be "truly heroic" if Disney hiked rank-and-file workers' pay, and singled out Disney CEO Bob Iger's massive paycheck.
Bernie Sanders has suggested that Disney use record profits from “Avengers: Endgame” to pay its workers “a middle class wage,” instead of benefiting executives.The presidential hopeful tweeted that it would be “truly heroic” if Disney hiked its rank-and-file workers' pay.Some analysts expect Disney to make a profit of more than $1 billion on the film.Sanders also singled out CEO Bob Iger's compensation. In 2018 Iger took home $65.6 million, more than 1,400 times as much as the average Disney worker.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.Sen. Bernie Sanders has suggested that Disney use all its profits from “Avengers: Endgame” to pay rank-and-file workers, rather than to benefit the company's top-level executives.Sanders, the Democratic Vermont senator and 2020 presidential candidate, tweeted on Monday: “What would be truly heroic is if Disney used its profits from Avengers to pay all of its workers a middle class wage, instead of paying its CEO Bob Iger $65.6 million – over 1,400 times as much as the average worker at Disney makes.”His remarks came in response to a report that “Avengers: Endgame” earnings could hit a record high after generating more than $1.2 billion in global ticket sales in its opening weekend.The superhero movie broke more than box office records in its opening weekend, and is on track to become one of the highest-grossing movies in history, Markets Insider reported. Bank of America earlier this week suggested Disney could make a profit of more than $1 billion on the film.Sanders has long been an outspoken critic of income inequality, particularly in corporations. He has called on millionaires and billionaires to “pay their fair share” in taxes, and proposed plans that would tax billionaires' estates.Read more: Bernie Sanders is running for president in 2020. Here's everything we know about the candidate and how he stacks up against the competition.Abigail Disney, the granddaughter of the company's eponymous co-founder, earlier this month described Disney CEO Bob Iger's compensation as “insane.”Iger earned $65.6 million last year, which was 1,424 times of a median Disney employee's salary, according to a study by research group Equilar.Disney decreased Iger's target compensation for 2019 by $13.5 million in March, meaning he could get as much as $35 million in 2019.Read INSIDER's coverage of “Avengers: Endgame” here.
伯尼·桑德斯建议迪士尼利用“复仇者联盟:残局”中的创纪录利润向工人支付“中产阶级工资”,而不是让高管受益。总统有希望发布说,如果“真正的英勇”,迪士尼提高了普通员工的工资。一些分析师预计迪士尼将在这部电影中获利超过10亿美元。桑德斯还挑选了首席执行官鲍勃·艾格的赔偿金。 2018年,艾格带回家6560万美元,是普通迪斯尼工人的1400多倍。访问Business Insider的主页了解更多故事。伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)建议迪士尼利用其来自“复仇者联盟:终结者”的所有利润来支付普通员工,而不是让公司的高层管理人员受益。桑德斯,民主佛蒙特州参议员和2020年总统候选人,周一发推文:“如果迪士尼利用复仇者联盟的利润向其所有员工支付中产阶级工资,而不是向首席执行官鲍勃·伊格尔支付6560万美元,那么真正的英雄将是迪士尼普通员工的1,400倍。”他的言论是为了回应一份报告,“复仇者联盟:残局”的收入可能会在开幕周末产生超过12亿美元的全球门票收入后创下历史新高。超级英雄电影在开幕周末打破了超过票房记录,据Markets Insider报道,有望成为历史上票房最高的电影之一。美国银行本周早些时候表示迪士尼可以在这部电影上获利超过10亿美元。桑德斯长期以来一直直言不讳地批评收入不平等,特别是在公司方面。他呼吁百万富翁和亿万富翁“在税收中”支付他们的公平份额,并提出计划对亿万富翁的遗产征税。更多:伯尼桑德斯竞选总统在2020年。以下是我们对候选人所知的一切以及他如何筹集资金该公司同名联合创始人的孙女迪拜迪斯尼公司本月早些时候描述了迪士尼首席执行官鲍勃艾格的竞争对手根据研究组Equilar的一项研究,Iger去年的收入为6560万美元,是迪士尼员工工资中位数的1,424倍.Disney在3月份将艾格的2019年目标薪酬减少了1350万美元,这意味着他可以获得2019年达到3500万美元。阅读INSIDER对“复仇者联盟:残局”的报道。