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Currency Solutions

United Kingdom|10-15 years|
Regulated in United Kingdom| Straight Through Processing (STP)| Suspicious Scope of Business| Suspicious Overrun| Medium potential risk


Rating Index


+44 2077400000
4th Floor Hobbs Court, 2 Jacob Street, London, SE1 2BG
VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account

Single Core




WikiFX Risk Alerts
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by United Kingdom FCA(license number: 512130)Payment services Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered Region
United Kingdom
Operating Period
10-15 years
Company Name
Currency Solutions Ltd
Currency Solutions
Company employee
Contact Number
Company address
4th Floor Hobbs Court, 2 Jacob Street, London, SE1 2BG
Keywords 7
10-15 years
Regulated in United Kingdom
Straight Through Processing (STP)
Payment License
Suspicious Scope of Business
Suspicious Overrun
Medium potential risk
Relevant Enterprises
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Company Name Currency Solutions
Regulation Regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
License Number 512130 (Payment Services Non-Forex License)
Services Offered Currency exchange, cross-border payments, risk management, international business accounts, personal payments
Account Opening Simple online registration, competitive exchange rates, and no hidden fees for transactions over £3,000
Customer Support Dedicated account managers, multiple communication channels, including phone, Twitter, and Instagram


Currency Solutions is a financial services company regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under License Number 512130, specializing in Payment Services Non-Forex. They offer a comprehensive suite of services, including currency exchange, cross-border payments, risk management, international business accounts, and personal payments. Account opening is user-friendly, with competitive exchange rates and no hidden fees for transactions over £3,000. Their customer support includes dedicated account managers and various communication channels like phone, Twitter, and Instagram. The company boasts several strengths, including dedicated support, fast cross-border payments, a range of FX products, risk management, competitive rates, transparency, streamlined operations, and a strong customer satisfaction rating. However, there are regulatory concerns regarding their business scope, and their social media presence is limited, lacking a presence on platforms like Facebook and YouTube.



Currency Solutions, a broker operating under license number 512130 granted by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for Payment Services Non-Forex License, has been found to surpass the boundaries of its regulated business scope. The FCA, responsible for overseeing financial services in the UK, has identified that Currency Solutions has extended its operations beyond what is permitted under its licensed activities. This deviation from the authorized business scope may have regulatory implications and could warrant further investigation or action by the FCA to ensure compliance with financial regulations and safeguard the interests of consumers and the integrity of the financial markets.


Pros and Cons

Currency Solutions offers a comprehensive range of financial services with several advantages, including dedicated account managers, efficient cross-border payments, and a variety of FX products. They cater to both business and personal clients, emphasizing competitive rates and tailored solutions. However, there are regulatory concerns regarding their licensed scope, and their social media presence is limited to Twitter and Instagram, potentially affecting engagement with some audiences. Nevertheless, their commitment to customer satisfaction and cost-effective services remains a notable strength.

Pros Cons
1. Dedicated Account Managers: Each business client is assigned a dedicated account manager, offering personalized guidance. 1. Regulatory Concerns: Currency Solutions has been found to operate beyond its licensed scope, potentially raising regulatory issues.
2. Cross-Border Payments: Fast and secure cross-border payments are facilitated by personal brokers, ensuring a seamless experience. 2. Lack of Mentioned Social Media Channels: While they have Twitter and Instagram profiles, Facebook and YouTube are not mentioned as communication channels.
3. FX Products: Businesses can access various FX products to effectively manage currency risk. 3. Limited Social Media Presence: The absence of a Facebook and YouTube presence may limit engagement with certain audiences.
4. Risk Management: Tailored risk management strategies help businesses navigate currency fluctuations.
5. International Business Accounts: They offer international business accounts for major currencies, simplifying global transactions.
6. Cost-Effective: Competitive exchange rates and no transfer fees for transactions over £3,000 save businesses money.
7. Streamlined Operations: Their systems streamline workflows, reduce costs, and eliminate manual processes.
8. Fast and Secure Personal Payments: Individuals benefit from a secure platform for personal payments.
9. Excellent FX Rates: Personal clients receive competitive exchange rates.
10. Tailored Solutions: Personalized solutions cater to the unique currency needs of individual clients.
11. Strong Customer Satisfaction: A Trustpilot rating of 4.9 stars reflects high customer satisfaction.


Currency Solutions offers a wide range of financial services tailored to both business and personal needs. Their services are designed to simplify currency transactions, minimize risk, and provide cost-effective solutions for their clients. Here's a breakdown of their offerings for both categories:

For Business:

  • Dedicated Account Managers: Each business client is assigned a dedicated account manager who understands their specific requirements and actively monitors the market to offer expert guidance.

  • Cross-Border Payments: Currency Solutions ensures fast and secure cross-border payments, managed by personal brokers for a seamless experience.

  • FX Products: Businesses have access to various FX products such as spot contracts, market orders, and forward contracts to manage currency risk effectively.

  • Risk Management: The company's specialists collaborate with businesses to create tailored risk management strategies, helping them navigate currency fluctuations.

  • International Business Accounts: Currency Solutions offers international business accounts for major currencies, simplifying global financial transactions.

  • Cost-Effective: Competitive exchange rates and no transfer fees for transactions over £3,000 help businesses save money.

  • Streamlined Operations: The firm's systems streamline workflows, reduce operational costs, and eliminate manual processes.


For Personal:

  • Fast and Secure Personal Payments: Currency Solutions provides individuals with a secure platform for quick and safe personal payments, whether for international transfers, investments, or other financial needs.

  • Excellent FX Rates: Personal clients benefit from competitive exchange rates, ensuring they get the most value for their money.

  • Tailored Solutions: The company offers personalized solutions to meet the unique currency needs of individual clients.

  • Customer Satisfaction: With a strong Trustpilot rating of 4.9 stars, Currency Solutions has a track record of delivering high levels of satisfaction to its customers.


In essence, Currency Solutions caters to both business and personal clients, offering a comprehensive suite of financial services that prioritize dedicated support, cost-efficiency, risk management, and customer satisfaction. Whether it's businesses seeking to streamline their international transactions or individuals looking for competitive rates and secure personal payments, Currency Solutions aims to meet the diverse currency needs of its clients.

How to open account

Opening an account with Currency Solutions is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few simple steps:

  1. Register Online:

  • Visit the Currency Solutions website, where you will find a registration or “Open an Account” option.

  • Click on the registration link to begin the account setup process.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to provide the required information, which typically includes your personal or business details, contact information, and any other relevant information.

  1. Get a Quote:

  • After successfully registering, you can proceed to request a quote. This step involves specifying the currency you currently have and the currency you need.

  • Currency Solutions will provide you with a competitive exchange rate for your currency conversion needs. This step helps you understand the cost and rates associated with your transaction.

  1. Make a Transfer:

  • Once you've received the quote and are satisfied with the exchange rate offered, you can proceed to make a transfer.

  • Currency Solutions typically offers multiple options for making transfers, including over the phone or through their online platform.

  • During the transfer process, you will be guided through the necessary steps to complete the transaction securely.

Currency Solutions emphasizes transparency by offering excellent exchange rates and ensuring there are no hidden fees, particularly for transfers above a certain threshold (e.g., £3,000, as mentioned earlier). This makes the account opening and currency exchange process convenient and cost-effective for individuals and businesses alike.

Overall, opening an account with Currency Solutions is a user-friendly experience that provides customers with access to competitive exchange rates and efficient currency conversion services.


Payment Methods

Currency Solutions provides multiple convenient payment methods to cater to the diverse needs of its customers. Here's a description of the supported payment methods:

  1. Visa Debit:

  • Visa debit cards are a popular and widely accepted form of payment.

  • Customers can use their Visa debit cards to make payments directly from their linked bank accounts, ensuring ease of use and security.

  • Currency Solutions accepts Visa debit cards, allowing customers to fund their transactions or transfers conveniently and securely.

  1. MasterCard Debit:

  • MasterCard debit cards offer functionality similar to Visa debit cards, making them a versatile choice for payments.

  • These cards are accepted worldwide, making them suitable for both domestic and international transactions.

  • Currency Solutions accommodates payments made with MasterCard debit cards, providing customers with flexibility and security in their financial transactions.

  1. Bank Transfer:

  • Bank transfers involve the direct transfer of funds from a customer's bank account to Currency Solutions.

  • This method is known for its reliability and security, as it does not involve intermediaries.

  • Currency Solutions accepts bank transfers, allowing customers to make payments or fund their accounts by initiating transfers from their bank.

These supported payment methods enable customers to choose the option that best suits their preferences and needs. Whether using debit cards for convenience and accessibility or opting for the security of a bank transfer, Currency Solutions offers a range of payment choices to ensure that customers can easily access their services and conduct transactions with confidence.


Customer Support

Currency Solutions provides various communication channels for customer support, including a dedicated phone line at +44 2077400000 for direct inquiries. Customers can also reach out through their Twitter account ( and Instagram profile ( to stay updated and engage with the company. Additionally, they maintain a presence on LinkedIn ( for professional networking and updates. While there is no specific mention of WhatsApp support, the company's multiple contact options demonstrate their commitment to offering accessible and responsive customer support to address inquiries, provide assistance, and ensure a seamless experience for their clients in the realm of currency exchange and financial services.


Currency Solutions is a financial services provider offering a wide range of services tailored to both businesses and individuals. They are regulated by the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and have been known for providing competitive exchange rates and efficient currency transfer solutions. Opening an account with them is a straightforward process, involving online registration, getting a quote, and making secure transfers. They support various payment methods, including Visa debit, MasterCard debit, and bank transfers, making it convenient for clients to access their services. Currency Solutions also offers dedicated customer support through multiple communication channels, ensuring a seamless experience for their clients.


Q1: How do I open an account with Currency Solutions?

A1: Opening an account is easy. Simply visit our website, click on “Open an Account,” and follow the on-screen instructions. It's free and takes just a few minutes to get started.

Q2: Are there any hidden fees for currency transfers?

A2: No, we believe in transparency. There are no hidden fees for transfers above £3,000, and we offer excellent exchange rates.

Q3: Can I get personalized assistance for my currency needs?

A3: Absolutely! We provide dedicated account managers who offer expert guidance and tailor solutions to your specific requirements.

Q4: What payment methods do you accept?

A4: We accept Visa debit, MasterCard debit, and bank transfers, ensuring flexibility in funding your transactions securely.

Q5: How can I reach your customer support?

A5: You can contact our customer support team directly at +44 2077400000 or engage with us on Twitter and Instagram. We're here to assist you with your currency exchange and financial needs.


  • 10-15 years
  • Regulated in United Kingdom
  • Straight Through Processing (STP)
  • Payment License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • Suspicious Overrun
  • Medium potential risk
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