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Forex is a game that I enjoy playing

Forex is a game that I enjoy playing

These champions have one thing in common: they not only work their butts off, but they also enjoy what they do.

Graduated 2022-04-01
Wait patiently. Maintain your discipline

Wait patiently. Maintain your discipline

"Patience is the key to everything," American comic Arnold H. Glasgow once quipped. The chicken is gotten by hatching the egg rather than crushing it."

Graduated 2022-04-01
There isn't a Holy Grail to be found!

There isn't a Holy Grail to be found!

Ask any Wall Street quant (the highly nerdy math and physics PhDs who build complicated algorithmic trading techniques) why there isn't a "holy grail" indicator, approach, or system that generates revenues on a regular basis.

Graduated 2022-04-01
Concentrate on the Process. Profits aren't a priority

Concentrate on the Process. Profits aren't a priority

We've designed the School of WikiFX as simple and enjoyable as possible to help you learn and comprehend the fundamental tools and best practices used by forex traders all over the world, but keep in mind that a tool or strategy is only as good as the person who uses it.

Graduated 2022-04-01
Never be the first to act

Never be the first to act

Never make the first move unless you're a good-looking dude or gal trying to win over your crush. What we mean is that you should not always get in when the market is moving so swiftly.

Graduated 2022-04-01
Invest as if you were an FX dealer

Invest as if you were an FX dealer

After gaining a few pips, the price reverses and he is stopped out. He gets another signal a few minutes later. It's time to short EUR/USD this time.

Graduated 2022-04-01
As a trader, your most valuable asset is your time

As a trader, your most valuable asset is your time

While it is true that you can make money quickly, this does not guarantee that you will be profitable in the long run.

Graduated 2022-04-01
Speech during the Graduation!

Speech during the Graduation!

Congratulations! You've read the entire School of WikiFX, and now you have all you need to rule the forex market, retire in a year or two, and travel the world in your Gulfstream G700TM jet, right?

Graduated 2022-04-01
How To Protect Yourself From Forex Scams

How To Protect Yourself From Forex Scams

Forex trading scams is real! And it's happening all the day especially to those traders that lacks skills and experience to look for verified and legit broker to use for trading. Of course bad people are out there trying to make a dishonest living.

Graduated 2022-04-01
U. S. Regulatory Agencies

U. S. Regulatory Agencies

Despite the forex market is the largest financial market in the world, it continues to be largely unregulated, in the essence that most of the brokers involved are unregulated. This is because There is no organization that monitors and oversees the currency trading occurring all over the world in the interbank.

Graduated 2022-04-01
Regulatory Organizations from Other Countries

Regulatory Organizations from Other Countries

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) in the United Kingdom. Both of these institutions took over as the financial industry's regulatory bodies on April 1, 2013, after the Financial Services Authority (FSA) was decommissioned.

Graduated 2022-04-01
Scams involving forex brokers

Scams involving forex brokers

Beware of forex broker rip-offs! Some brokers, believe it or not, "steal" from their customers. Manipulation of bid/ask spreads is one way they achieve this.

Graduated 2022-04-01
Forex Trading Signals

Forex Trading Signals

A "professional" trader may provide trading signals (for a price, of course) for clients to act on, in addition to maybe employing an automated program.

Graduated 2022-04-01
Robotic Forex Trading

Robotic Forex Trading

Expert Advisors (commonly known as EAs) and other automated trading systems are included in Forex robot frauds.

Graduated 2022-04-01
Scams in Forex

Scams in Forex

You've probably heard or seen something similar on TV commercials, pop-up advertising on the internet, or even from your next-door neighbor.

Graduated 2022-04-01
Forex Managed Accounts

Forex Managed Accounts

An investor "invests" with a "professional" trader, who trades the investor's capital for a percentage of the profits.

Graduated 2022-04-01
What Characterizes a Successful Trader?

What Characterizes a Successful Trader?

What makes a good trader different from a bad trader? A competent trader understands that trading takes patience, discipline, and a trading strategy tailored to their unique psychological profile.

Graduated 2022-04-01
Beginner's Guide to Forex Trading

Beginner's Guide to Forex Trading

If you're new to forex trading, bear in mind that most novice traders benefit from keeping things simple.

Graduated 2022-04-01
In just ten days, you can lose all of the money in your trading account (or Less)

In just ten days, you can lose all of the money in your trading account (or Less)

Do you want to understand how to make all of the money you just put into your trading account vanish as quickly as possible? In less than ten days?

Graduated 2022-04-01
What Traders Do To Ensure Their Own Failure: The 5 Deadly O's of Trading

What Traders Do To Ensure Their Own Failure: The 5 Deadly O's of Trading

Many traders unwittingly harm their own trading and aren't even aware of it. They have only themselves to blame if their account reaches zero.

Graduated 2022-04-01

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