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Forex Weekend Gaps | Tutorial with Weekend Gap Strategy?

Forex Weekend Gaps | Tutorial with Weekend Gap Strategy?

Forex weekend gaps refer to the price gap that occurs when the Forex market reopens on Monday after being closed over the weekend, due to new market developments or events. This gap represents the difference between the opening price on Monday and the closing price on the previous Friday. Such gaps can provide valuable insights into market sentiment, allowing seasoned traders to formulate sensible trading strategies based on different gap information.

Science Popularization 2024-01-19
Forex Trading Vs Binary Options Trading - Which Is Better?

Forex Trading Vs Binary Options Trading - Which Is Better?

Forex trading and binary options trading are both significant trading methods. They have different risk-reward characteristics, suitable for investors whose goals align with these characteristics. If you are looking for short-term speculation, you may consider trying binary options trading. However, in terms of safety and long-term effectiveness, we suggests prioritizing Forex trading.

Science Popularization 2024-01-18
What are Binary Options and How Do They Work?

What are Binary Options and How Do They Work?

Binary options are a type of financial derivative that grants investors the right to predict the price movement (either an increase or a decrease) of an underlying asset, such as stocks, foreign exchange, commodities, etc., within a specific time frame.

Science Popularization 2024-01-18
What Is Margin in Forex Trading?

What Is Margin in Forex Trading?

In forex trading, margin refers to the funds that investors need to pre-deposit in their trading accounts to engage in leveraged trading.

Science Popularization 2024-01-17
What Is The Best Time To Trade Forex?

What Is The Best Time To Trade Forex?

The foreign exchange market is divided into four forex trading sessions: Sydney session, Tokyo session, London session, and New York session. Each trading session has its own characteristics, and traders should decide which trading session to engage in based on their trading style and strategy. In general, overlapping trading sessions are the most active times in the market throughout the day, with the overlap between the London/New York trading sessions providing the highest trading volume and the best trading opportunities. The Tokyo/Sydney forex trading overlap period also exhibits a certain level of activity, making it suitable for trading Australian Dollar (AUD) and Japanese Yen (JPY) related currency pairs. Additionally, significant economic data releases and news events represent crucial moments that impact the market.

Science Popularization 2024-01-17
Liquidity: What Is It & Why Is It Important?

Liquidity: What Is It & Why Is It Important?

In the financial realm, liquidity refers to the ease with which assets can be converted into cash without affecting market prices. Higher liquidity implies that there are more traders willing to transact in the market when buying or selling such assets, leading to relatively smaller price fluctuations. Conversely, assets with lower liquidity may face challenges in quick transactions, potentially resulting in significant price volatility during trades.

Science Popularization 2024-01-16
What Is a Funded Trading Account | How to Become a Funded Trader?

What Is a Funded Trading Account | How to Become a Funded Trader?

A funded account refers to a trading account that is provided with capital by an external entity, such as a proprietary trading firm or a forex broker. Unlike a regular trading account where you deposit your own funds, a funded account offers traders the opportunity to trade with someone else's money.

Science Popularization 2024-01-16
What is Pre-Market and After-Hours Trading?

What is Pre-Market and After-Hours Trading?

Pre-market and after-hours trading collectively referred to as extended trading hours, involve stock trading activities conducted before and after the regular stock market trading hours begin.

Science Popularization 2024-01-12
What Is A Custodial Brokerage Account?

What Is A Custodial Brokerage Account?

A custodial brokerage account is a type of investment account that is opened and managed on behalf of a minor, typically by a parent or legal guardian. The custodian assumes responsibility for the account until the minor reaches the age of majority, which is usually 18 or 21, depending on the jurisdiction.

Science Popularization 2024-01-12
What Are Forex Trading Robots & Do They Actually Work?

What Are Forex Trading Robots & Do They Actually Work?

Forex trading robots are not physical robots but highly specialized computer programs designed for automating forex trading.

Science Popularization 2024-01-10
How to Swing Trade | Real-World Example

How to Swing Trade | Real-World Example

Swing trading, as a form of short to medium-term market speculation, presents both opportunities and risks.

Science Popularization 2024-01-08
Day Trading: The Basics | How to Start | Strategies

Day Trading: The Basics | How to Start | Strategies

Day trading refers to the trading strategy of buying and selling the same financial instrument within the same trading day. This type of trading typically involves stocks, futures, forex, or other financial assets. The strategy aims to capitalize on the inevitable price fluctuations during the trading day by executing multiple trades and accumulating several small profits.

Science Popularization 2024-01-05
Swing Trading | How It Works | Pros and Cons

Swing Trading | How It Works | Pros and Cons

Swing Trading is a mid-term trading strategy that aims to capture the short to medium-term fluctuations in asset prices within a trend.

Science Popularization 2024-01-04
Understanding VIX | Tracking Volatility With the VIX

Understanding VIX | Tracking Volatility With the VIX

VIX is one of the most recognized indicators for expected market volatility, reflecting the market's anticipation of volatility in the S&P 500 index options market for the next 30 days.

Science Popularization 2024-01-03
Trading Demo Competitions | How to Participate | Pros and Cons

Trading Demo Competitions | How to Participate | Pros and Cons

Trading demo competitions assist investors in executing trades more confidently in the real market, and the generous rewards for winners add an extra layer of incentive.

Science Popularization 2023-12-29
Top Technical Analysis Tools for Forex Traders

Top Technical Analysis Tools for Forex Traders

Technical analysis refers to the study of historical information in financial markets through charts, aiming to predict future price trends and determine investment strategies. This article lists 10 commonly used technical analysis tools.

Science Popularization 2023-12-29
Unveiling the World of Algorithmic Forex Trading Software | How It Works | Pros and Cons

Unveiling the World of Algorithmic Forex Trading Software | How It Works | Pros and Cons

Algorithmic forex trading software perfectly combines technical prowess and market efficiency. While it offers numerous advantages, including emotionless trading, 24/5 market monitoring, and rapid execution, it is crucial to recognize the inherent risks and limitations, such as overfitting and high costs.

Science Popularization 2023-12-28
The 4 Most Common Indicators in Forex Trend Trading

The 4 Most Common Indicators in Forex Trend Trading

The trend trading strategy is a common and effective approach in the forex market, and it involves the use of four common indicators—Moving Average, Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), Relative Strength Index (RSI), and On-Balance Volume (OBV). These indicators offer rich market information and trading signals. Traders need to use these indicators judiciously, considering risk management, to continually enhance their analytical skills and market insight, leading to better trading outcomes.

Science Popularization 2023-12-27


Quanta is a trading platform that claims to offer a wide range of trading services, including leverage ratios of up to 1:500, quick order execution times of 0.03 seconds, and narrow spreads starting at 0.2 pips. The website asserts to provide access to over 1000 currencies for trading, appealing to traders seeking diverse investment opportunities. However, questions arise regarding the platform's legitimacy and regulatory status, as it presents contradictory information about the number of tradable instruments and spreads. Moreover, Quanta makes false claims of being a regulated entity, further raising concerns about its authenticity.

Science Popularization 2023-07-25


Fxspace is a global brokerage firm based in Estonia while with offshore registered address in Marshall Islands. It offers a range of market instruments including Forex, Commodities, Crypto to traders. However, it is important to note Fxspace is currently not regulated by any recognized financial authorities which raises concerns when trading.

Science Popularization 2023-07-24
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