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FCA Warning List: 10 New Unregulated Forex Brokers Added

FCA Warning List: 10 New Unregulated Forex Brokers Added

On 21 January, 2025, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the UK's primary financial regulator, expanded its warning list to include 10 additional unlicensed forex brokers that operate outside of the FCA regulation. The FCA warning lists, updated on a daily basis, remain an important tool intended not only to protect consumers but also to alert the financial services industry. When an FCA warning emerges, it signals red flags like unsolicited investment pitches, promises of unrealistic returns, or pressure tactics.   The addition of these 10 new entities comes amid growing concerns over the rise of unauthorized online forex brokers, particularly those operating through overly complex online interfaces yet riddled with bugs and aggressive social media marketing campaigns. Let's catch a glimpse of those on the list.

Science Popularization 01-23
FMA warns and alerts New Zealand unregulated brokers in January 2025

FMA warns and alerts New Zealand unregulated brokers in January 2025

The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) is a New Zealand government agency responsible for enforcing securities, financial reporting, and company law as they apply to financial services and securities markets. All forex brokers operating in this English common law user country must be registered with the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) regulator.

Science Popularization 01-22
FINMA publishes warning on suspected illegal activities in financial markets in January 2025

FINMA publishes warning on suspected illegal activities in financial markets in January 2025

The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) is an independent regulator of the financial markets. FINMA supervises banks, insurance companies, exchanges, securities dealers, collective investment schemes, and their asset managers and fund managers, as well as distributors and insurance intermediaries.

Science Popularization 01-22
AMF issues warning on new entities with irregular activities in January 2025

AMF issues warning on new entities with irregular activities in January 2025

The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) is an independent public institution in France that regulates, authorizes, and supervises financial market participants. Among other things, it carries out inspections, investigations, and enforcement when necessary.

Science Popularization 01-22
BaFin warns against illegal regulatory entities in January 2025

BaFin warns against illegal regulatory entities in January 2025

Germanys Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) has added more unregulated forex brokers to its investment warning list for January 2025. Check out if you are being scammed by these brokers now. Established in May 2002, BaFin specializes in strengthening customer protection and enhancing the reputation of the German financial system.

Science Popularization 01-22
How to Connect Oanda to MT4?

How to Connect Oanda to MT4?

Oanda is a well-known forex broker that offers a comprehensive web trading platform tailored to the needs of both beginner and experienced traders.

Science Popularization 01-22
How Many Trading Days are There in 2025?

How Many Trading Days are There in 2025?

How many trading days are there in a year? In general, the length of the trading day depends on the market and the exchange. This article will explain various related topics, including trading week, trading hours, best trading dates, and best trading times.   In the U.S. stock and currency markets, there are typically 252 trading days a year. This includes weekends and public holidays, when the forex market is open almost 24 hours a day, but is still affected by holidays.

Science Popularization 01-21
CySEC issues warning to unregulated entities in Cyprus in January 2025

CySEC issues warning to unregulated entities in Cyprus in January 2025

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) is an independent public regulator responsible for regulating the investment services market, trading in transferable securities in the Republic of Cyprus & the collective investment, and asset management sectors.

Science Popularization 01-21
CBR reports potential illegal activities in financial markets in January 2025

CBR reports potential illegal activities in financial markets in January 2025

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) was established on July 13, 1990, based on the Bank of the Republic of Russia, the state bank of the USSR. It is primarily responsible for maintaining the stability of the national currency, the ruble. Until September 1, 2013, it was the main regulator of the Russian banking industry, responsible for bank licenses, banking rules, and accounting standards, and acting as a lender of last resort to credit organizations.

Science Popularization 01-21
CONSOB issues warnings on unauthorized companies and websites for December 2024

CONSOB issues warnings on unauthorized companies and websites for December 2024

The Italian National Securities and Exchange Commission (CONSOB) is a public body responsible for regulating the Italian financial markets to protect the investing public. CONSOB is the competent authority to ensure transparency and correct behavior of financial market participants; that listed companies disclose complete and accurate information to the investing public; and that it conducts investigations into potential infringements of insider trading and market manipulation laws.

Science Popularization 01-21
ASIC issues warning to unregistered entities in Australia in January 2025

ASIC issues warning to unregistered entities in Australia in January 2025

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is an independent Australian government agency responsible for regulating Australian companies established on 1 July 1998. ASIC's role is to enforce financial services laws and regulate corporate conduct to protect Australian consumers, investors, and creditors.

Science Popularization 01-21
Is IQ Option Legit?

Is IQ Option Legit?

Before discussing whether IQ Option is legitimate or a scam, we must first review how to determine the answer to this question. It is recommended to verify the legitimacy of a broker in 4 stages. Here are four steps you can follow to identify a broker scam

Science Popularization 01-21
SFC releases alert list of unregulated physical platforms and websites in HK from 2024 to 2025

SFC releases alert list of unregulated physical platforms and websites in HK from 2024 to 2025

The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) regulates Forex brokers specializing in regulating the operation of the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong. It was established in 1989 in response to the 1987 stock market crash. The Alert List is a list of entities that have come to the attention of the SFC because they are not licensed in Hong Kong and are believed to have or have targeted Hong Kong investors or claimed to have links with Hong Kong.

Science Popularization 01-20
Trade245: Unmasking the Clone Scammer

Trade245: Unmasking the Clone Scammer

Trade245 has made a disturbing appearance - a cloned entity accused of defrauding unsuspecting investors. Despite its shiny exterior, savvy users are already noticing worrying red flags. trade245 promises quick riches, lures in its prey and ultimately traps its clients in a web of deception. As we delve deeper, the truth behind this impostor comes to light, revealing the need for vigilance in virtual investing. Let's cut through the shadows and uncover the dangers of Trade245.

Science Popularization 01-20
FCA warns of unauthorised firms in the UK by 2025

FCA warns of unauthorised firms in the UK by 2025

The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has provided information on a list of unauthorized warning firms through 2025.

Science Popularization 01-20
Bitcoin Loophole Review: The Scam You Need to Avoid

Bitcoin Loophole Review: The Scam You Need to Avoid

The world of cryptocurrency has become a double-edged sword, offering both incredible opportunities for wealth and equally significant risks of scams. Among the many platforms that have surfaced in this space, Bitcoin Loophole stands out—though not for the right reasons. In this review, we will explore the ins and outs of Bitcoin Loophole, revealing why it is a scam you should avoid at all costs.

Science Popularization 01-17
How to Use Tweezers Candlestick Pattern in Trading?

How to Use Tweezers Candlestick Pattern in Trading?

Candlestick charts are a type of price chart used by traders for technical analysis. They display the highest, lowest, opening, and closing prices of an asset during a time period. Steve Nison, a renowned figure of technical analysis, is credited with introducing candlestick charting techniques to the Western world. In his book Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques, he explained the Tweezers Bottom and Tweezers Top patterns. The tweezer candle chart is a technical analysis graph that appears at moments of trend reversals. This pattern consists of two or more similar candle lines, usually located near support or resistance levels, signaling a possible reversal in the market.

Science Popularization 01-16
The Best Trading Platforms for Mac Users

The Best Trading Platforms for Mac Users

This article explores some of the best trading software available for macOS, helping you to navigate the market with ease and confidence. These platforms typically allow users to trade different types of assets.

Science Popularization 01-16
Is SDFX Global Legit?

Is SDFX Global Legit?

Whether you're a newbie or not, if you're interested in SDFX Global, you can't miss this review. Because we're going to review as much of this broker as possible. It is an unregulated broker that specializes in forex trading, promising high investment returns.

Science Popularization 01-16
NovaTech FX Scams Revealed - Hard to Withdraw Money

NovaTech FX Scams Revealed - Hard to Withdraw Money

NovaTech, a trading platform that has recently gained considerable attention after its sudden collapse. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) imposed penalties on the platform, its founders, and several major promoters. Here Let's explore this platform by examining its background and the underlying logic of its fraud scheme, and outline some key warning signs that investors should watch for when encountering similar platforms in the future.

Science Popularization 01-15
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