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XM Group: A Leading Multi-Asset Broker Honored for Exceptional Customer Experience and Service

XM Group: A Leading Multi-Asset Broker Honored for Exceptional Customer Experience and Service

XM Group, operating under the entity name XM Global Limited, has emerged as a prominent force in the global forex and derivatives trading industry, boasting over 15 million clients worldwide. Since its inception in 2009, XM has evolved into a reputable multi-asset broker, offering an extensive range of more than 1400 trading instruments across 10 asset classes. With a strong emphasis on corporate values, innovative technology, and exceptional customer service, XM has established itself as a true industry leader.

Notizie 2024-11-29 13:39
NAGA Adds UAE, Saudi Stocks to Platform with Zero Commissions

NAGA Adds UAE, Saudi Stocks to Platform with Zero Commissions

NAGA introduces UAE and Saudi Arabian stocks to its trading platform, offering zero commissions and expert tools like Autocopy to tap into booming Middle Eastern markets.

Notizie 2024-11-29 13:04
Unleash Your Trading Skills: Join the WikiFX KOL India Trading Competition!

Unleash Your Trading Skills: Join the WikiFX KOL India Trading Competition!

Are you ready to take your trading expertise to the next level? WikiFX is excited to announce an extraordinary India Trading Competition designed to connect passionate forex traders, enhance user engagement, and reward trading excellence!

Notizie 2024-11-28 20:17
Avoid OmnyTraders

Avoid OmnyTraders

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) cautions that OmnyTraders is neither authorized nor regulated by them.

Esposizione 2024-11-28 20:05
 Adani’s Bribery Scandal! SEC Charges, Major Fallout & Adani’s Stand

Adani’s Bribery Scandal! SEC Charges, Major Fallout & Adani’s Stand

Last week, on 20 November 2024, the US Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) accused India’s richest business tycoon, Gautam Adani, and seven other members of being involved in a scheme to pay bribes of $265 million to Indian officials to secure power-supply deals and mislead U.S. investors. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has issued an arrest warrant to Indian billionaire Gautam Adani.

Notizie 2024-11-28 19:13
Tether to Discontinue EURt Stablecoin Amid Regulatory Shifts in Europe

Tether to Discontinue EURt Stablecoin Amid Regulatory Shifts in Europe

Tether, the issuer of the world’s largest stablecoin, USDt, has announced that it will cease support for its euro-pegged stablecoin, EURt (EURT), across all blockchains. Users are required to redeem their EURt holdings by 25 November 2025, following the company’s decision to phase out the token.

Notizie 2024-11-28 18:13
Moomoo Financial & M1 Finance Face FINRA Sanctions for Influencer Misconduct

Moomoo Financial & M1 Finance Face FINRA Sanctions for Influencer Misconduct

FINRA has fined Moomoo Financial and M1 Finance for failing to ensure compliance with regulatory standards in their social media influencer programmes, highlighting the growing need for robust oversight in digital marketing within the financial services industry.

Notizie 2024-11-28 18:11
Gigamax Crypto Scheme Exposed: RM7.25 Million Lost, 11 Arrested

Gigamax Crypto Scheme Exposed: RM7.25 Million Lost, 11 Arrested

Malaysian authorities have arrested 11 individuals, including two women, in connection with the Gigamax cryptocurrency investment scheme, which allegedly defrauded investors of more than RM7.25 million

Notizie 2024-11-28 16:06
Broker Review: Is a solid Broker?

Broker Review: Is a solid Broker? has played a significant role in the forex trading industry for decades. WikiFX created a comprehensive review to help you better understand this broker. We will analyze its reliability based on specific information, regulation, etc. Let’s get into it.

Notizie 2024-11-28 15:17
PNP Uncovers Crypto Scams in Manila POGO Hub Raid

PNP Uncovers Crypto Scams in Manila POGO Hub Raid

A PNP raid on a Manila POGO hub exposed crypto scams and led to allegations of misconduct by officers. Investigations and accountability measures are ongoing.

Notizie 2024-11-28 14:55
Philippine Banks Launch PHPX Stablecoin to Transform Payments

Philippine Banks Launch PHPX Stablecoin to Transform Payments

Philippine banks introduce PHPX stablecoin, backed by bank collateral, to streamline $9T stablecoin transactions, remittances, and cross-border payments.

Notizie 2024-11-28 14:32
Bank of America Launches FX Services in the Philippines

Bank of America Launches FX Services in the Philippines

Bank of America begins foreign exchange (FX) services in the Philippines, eyeing a share of the $300 billion onshore currency market. Learn about their growth plans.

Notizie 2024-11-28 14:17
Tanauan City Fights Illegal Gambling with “Oplan Bulldozer”

Tanauan City Fights Illegal Gambling with “Oplan Bulldozer”

Tanauan City Police launch “Oplan Bulldozer” to eliminate illegal bookie operations, support legal STL, and boost public welfare funding through PCSO initiatives.

Notizie 2024-11-28 13:25
“Seeing Diversity, Trading Safely”: WikiEXPO Dubai 2024 Opens New Horizons for the Fintech Industry

“Seeing Diversity, Trading Safely”: WikiEXPO Dubai 2024 Opens New Horizons for the Fintech Industry

Dubai, UAE — The WikiEXPO Dubai 2024, hosted by WikiGlobal, successfully concluded on November 27, attracting wide attention from the global financial technology sector. The event was co-organized by WikiFX and the Australian Computer and Law Association (AUSCL), with strong support from the Mauritius Financial Services Institute (FSI) and the government of Liberland. Through an innovative hybrid model of online and offline participation, WikiEXPO Dubai 2024 achieved an impressive 1,267,886 online views and gathered 3500+ on-site participants, bringing together 550+ industry leaders and attracting close coverage from over 1300+ global media outlets.

Notizie 2024-11-27 22:30
BaFin Issues Warning Against Clone Broker Exploiting Pepperstone's Identity

BaFin Issues Warning Against Clone Broker Exploiting Pepperstone's Identity

The German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) has recently flagged a fraudulent clone of the licensed retail FX and CFD broker Pepperstone. This fake entity, operating under the domain, has been offering financial and investment services without obtaining the necessary regulatory authorisation.

Notizie 2024-11-27 17:41
TikTok: A Rising Hub for Investment Scams in Malaysia

TikTok: A Rising Hub for Investment Scams in Malaysia

The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) have raised concerns over the increasing use of TikTok by criminal syndicates to lure victims into investment scams.

Notizie 2024-11-27 17:36
FCA Plans Robust Crypto Regulations as 7M Adults Own Crypto

FCA Plans Robust Crypto Regulations as 7M Adults Own Crypto

With 7M UK adults holding cryptocurrency, the FCA outlines a robust plan to regulate crypto markets, stablecoins, and staking by 2026, aligning with global trends.

Notizie 2024-11-27 16:31
Webull Canada Expands Trading Hours with Options Trading

Webull Canada Expands Trading Hours with Options Trading

Webull Canada now offers extended trading hours from 4 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET, plus options trading. Gain flexibility and manage risk in an ever-changing market.

Notizie 2024-11-27 15:29
Robinhood Launches Ethereum Staking with 100% Rewards Match

Robinhood Launches Ethereum Staking with 100% Rewards Match

Robinhood Crypto debuts Ethereum staking for European users with a 100% earnings match up to €10,000. Simplified staking makes earning rewards effortless.

Notizie 2024-11-27 14:38
BSP Rolls Out Stricter Rules for Virtual Asset Providers

BSP Rolls Out Stricter Rules for Virtual Asset Providers

The Philippines enforces new virtual asset reporting rules starting January 2025, mandating 13 comprehensive reports from VASPs to ensure transparency and security.

Notizie 2024-11-27 14:09

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