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Bybit Launches Gold & FX Treasure Hunt with Real Gold Rewards

Bybit Launches Gold & FX Treasure Hunt with Real Gold Rewards

Join Bybit's Gold & FX Treasure Hunt competition for a chance to win gold bars, coins, and USDT prizes while trading on Bybit MT5’s cutting-edge platform.

Notizie 2024-11-25 14:47
SFC Freezes $91M in Client Accounts Amid Fraud Probe

SFC Freezes $91M in Client Accounts Amid Fraud Probe

SFC freezes $91M in client accounts at IBHK, SBI, Monmonkey, and Soochow over suspected hacking and market manipulation during unauthorized online trades.

Notizie 2024-11-25 14:02
Italian Regulator Warns Against  5 Websites

Italian Regulator Warns Against 5 Websites

The Italian regulator, CONSOB has issued a warning against five websites offering unauthorized financial services. This regulatory action aims to protect the public from fraudulent activities.

Notizie 2024-11-24 08:00
Trader Exposes Unethical Practices by STP Trading

Trader Exposes Unethical Practices by STP Trading

A recent allegation against STP Trading has cast doubt on the firm's business practices, highlighting the potential risks faced by retail traders in an increasingly crowded and competitive market.

Notizie 2024-11-23 08:30
What Makes Cross-Border Payments Easier Than Ever?

What Makes Cross-Border Payments Easier Than Ever?

Cross-border payments are now faster, cheaper, and simpler! Explore fintech, blockchain, and smart solutions to overcome costs, delays, and global payment hurdles.

Notizie 2024-11-23 08:00
FCA Alerts Against Sydney FX

FCA Alerts Against Sydney FX

WARNING! One of the most prominent regulators, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), issued a warning against unauthorised broker Sydney FX. Be alert.

Esposizione 2024-11-22 19:46
WTT Soft Launch Event Sets the Stage for the Future of Competitive Trading

WTT Soft Launch Event Sets the Stage for the Future of Competitive Trading

Sentosa Cove, Singapore – October 7, 2024 – The much-anticipated World Trading Tour (WTT) soft launch successfully took place at the prestigious One15 Marina, Sentosa Cove, Singapore, marking the beginning of an exciting new era in competitive trading.

settore 2024-11-22 19:21
Role of Central Banks in the FX Market

Role of Central Banks in the FX Market

Many factors influence the foreign exchange market. The central banks of any country are one of the most significant factors that can't be ignored. They play an important role in this dynamic and complex market. In this article, we will understand the crucial role of central banks in the foreign exchange market.

Notizie 2024-11-22 18:12
Coinbase Under Scrutiny Amid Wrapped Bitcoin Delisting Controversy

Coinbase Under Scrutiny Amid Wrapped Bitcoin Delisting Controversy

Coinbase has come under fire after announcing its decision to delist Wrapped Bitcoin (wBTC), a move critics claim could be driven by competitive interests. The delisting, set to take effect on 19 December, has sparked allegations of market manipulation and concerns about fairness in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Notizie 2024-11-22 17:54
Solana Soars to All-Time High, Hits $264 on Coinbase

Solana Soars to All-Time High, Hits $264 on Coinbase

Solana hits $264 on Coinbase, breaking its 3-year high with an 11% daily surge. Learn what’s driving SOL's meteoric rise and the crypto market rally.

Notizie 2024-11-22 17:09
FCA Identifies Clone Firm Exploiting Admiral Markets' Credibility

FCA Identifies Clone Firm Exploiting Admiral Markets' Credibility

The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a public warning regarding a fraudulent entity impersonating Admiral Markets, a legitimate and authorised trading firm. The clone firm, operating under the name Admiral EU Brokers and the domain, has been falsely presenting itself as an FCA-authorised business.

Notizie 2024-11-22 16:51
Malaysian Man Loses RM113,000 in Foreign Currency Investment Scam

Malaysian Man Loses RM113,000 in Foreign Currency Investment Scam

A 57-year-old Malaysian man recently fell victim to a fraudulent foreign currency investment scheme, losing RM113,000 in the process. The case was reported to the Commercial Crime Investigation Division in Batu Pahat, which is now investigating the incident.

Notizie 2024-11-22 16:39
 Mastercard Partners with JPMorgan for B2B Cross-Border Payments

Mastercard Partners with JPMorgan for B2B Cross-Border Payments

Mastercard and JPMorgan's Kinexys Digital Payments join forces to enhance B2B cross-border payments, promising faster settlements and greater transparency.

Notizie 2024-11-22 16:25
Bitcoin Nears $100,000: A Triumph of Optimism or a Warning Sign?

Bitcoin Nears $100,000: A Triumph of Optimism or a Warning Sign?

Bitcoin’s meteoric rise continues to capture global attention as its price recently surpassed the $99,000 mark, briefly approaching the $100,000 milestone. This unprecedented rally has led market sentiment to reach a state of “extreme greed,” according to the Fear and Greed Index. Analysts suggest that the market may be entering overheated territory, raising questions about sustainability amidst ongoing enthusiasm.

Notizie 2024-11-22 15:56
Broker Review: What is FXTM exactly? Is FXTM a Scam?

Broker Review: What is FXTM exactly? Is FXTM a Scam?

FXTM is a global forex broker founded in 2011. In today’s article, we are going to show you what FXTM looks like in 2024.

Notizie 2024-11-22 15:41
FCA Alerts Traders to New List of Unregulated and Clone Brokers

FCA Alerts Traders to New List of Unregulated and Clone Brokers

Protect your investments! Learn about unregulated firms flagged by the FCA and discover how WikiFX helps traders avoid scams and choose legitimate brokers.

Notizie 2024-11-22 15:33
Hackers Charged for $11M Crypto Theft Using SIM-Swaps

Hackers Charged for $11M Crypto Theft Using SIM-Swaps

Hackers charged for stealing $11M in crypto using SIM swaps and phishing. Discover how the Scattered Spider group exploited security flaws to target victims.

Notizie 2024-11-22 13:37
IC Markets renews its collaboration with WTT

IC Markets renews its collaboration with WTT

IC Markets Global, a leading broker, confirmed its partnership with World Table Tennis (WTT) and became the official CFD trading partner for the 2024-2025 season.

Notizie 2024-11-21 19:36
The Funded Trader: Reactivates Accounts with Revised Payout Structure

The Funded Trader: Reactivates Accounts with Revised Payout Structure

Proprietary trading firm The Funded Trader has detailed its financial recovery efforts following a turbulent period marked by an unsustainable payout model. Addressing these challenges publicly, the firm outlined the steps being taken to resolve outstanding obligations and ensure operational sustainability.

Notizie 2024-11-21 18:33
Doo Group Broadens Global Footprint with Indonesian Broker Acquisition

Doo Group Broadens Global Footprint with Indonesian Broker Acquisition

Doo Group has announced its acquisition of PT Prima Tangguharta Futures, a Jakarta-based broker specialising in online derivatives trading. This move represents a significant step in Doo Group's regional expansion strategy and reinforces its growing presence in Southeast Asia.

Notizie 2024-11-21 17:46

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