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Kraken Closes NFT Marketplace Amid New Product Focus

Kraken Closes NFT Marketplace Amid New Product Focus

Kraken shuts down its NFT marketplace to focus on new products and services, citing the NFT market downturn. Resources shift to stablecoins and institutional solutions.

Notizie 2024-11-27 13:40
Magic Compass Sponsors World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships 2024

Magic Compass Sponsors World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships 2024

Magic Compass, a legitimate financial services firm, is the official sponsor of the World Taekwondo (WT) Poomsae Championships 2024. The event will be held in Hong Kong. This is the 13th World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships.

Notizie 2024-11-26 19:43
Elon Musk Warns of Imminent US Bankruptcy | Bitcoin Retreats from $100K

Elon Musk Warns of Imminent US Bankruptcy | Bitcoin Retreats from $100K

Elon Musk has issued a stark warning about the US's financial stability, suggesting that the country is heading toward bankruptcy "super-fast" unless drastic measures are taken. The billionaire's financial commentary comes amid Bitcoin's retreat from its anticipated $100,000 milestone. The cryptocurrency recently fell to just above $95,000, down from a high of $99,000.

Notizie 2024-11-26 17:53
Webull and Others Fined $275,000 for Incomplete Suspicious Activity Reports

Webull and Others Fined $275,000 for Incomplete Suspicious Activity Reports

Webull Financial, alongside Lightspeed Financial Services Group and Paulson Investment Company, LLC, has agreed to pay a collective fine of $275,000 following an investigation by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The penalty was issued due to the firms’ failure to include essential information in suspicious activity reports (SARs) over a four-year period.

Notizie 2024-11-26 17:50
Barclays Resolves £40M Fine Over 2008 Fundraising Disclosure Failures

Barclays Resolves £40M Fine Over 2008 Fundraising Disclosure Failures

Barclays has reached a settlement with the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), agreeing to pay a £40 million fine for failing to adequately disclose arrangements with Qatari investors during its critical fundraising efforts amidst the 2008 financial crisis.

Notizie 2024-11-26 17:46
Pros & Cons of Automated Forex Trading

Pros & Cons of Automated Forex Trading

Are your friends urging you to use automated Forex trading? As It is fast; follow your strategy and make emotion-free decisions. Are you convinced enough to use this trading system? But wait a moment. Before using it, consider both sides of automated forex trading and decide. In this article, we will tell you about the pros and cons of automated forex trading.

Notizie 2024-11-26 17:15
Justin Sun Invests $30M in Trump-Backed World Liberty Financial

Justin Sun Invests $30M in Trump-Backed World Liberty Financial

Crypto company World Liberty Financial, backed by Donald Trump, secures a $30M investment from Justin Sun, making him its largest investor.

Notizie 2024-11-26 16:17
CICC Alerts Filipinos to Surge in Cryptocurrency Investment Scams

CICC Alerts Filipinos to Surge in Cryptocurrency Investment Scams

CICC warns of rising cryptocurrency scams in the Philippines. Victims are urged to verify investment offers with regulators to avoid fraud.

Notizie 2024-11-26 15:23
FinCEN Joins Task Force to Combat Fraud and Scams

FinCEN Joins Task Force to Combat Fraud and Scams

FinCEN partners with national task force to tackle fraud, scams, and illicit finance risks through cross-sector collaboration and public-private partnerships.

Notizie 2024-11-26 14:51
WikiEXPO Global Expert Interview: Advanced Practices and Insights in Financial Regulation

WikiEXPO Global Expert Interview: Advanced Practices and Insights in Financial Regulation

In the midst of rapid advancements and evolving landscapes in financial technology, financial regulation, and ensuring financial security, WikiGlobal stands at the forefront, closely tracking these transformative trends. As we embark on our series of exclusive interviews focusing on these pivotal areas, we are delighted to have had an in-depth conversation with.

Notizie 2024-11-26 14:30
TD Bank Hires Monitors After $1.8B AML Settlement

TD Bank Hires Monitors After $1.8B AML Settlement

TD Bank hires compliance monitors for its AML overhaul, following a $1.8B penalty. The bank focuses on strengthening its anti-money laundering controls.

Notizie 2024-11-26 14:28

Trump tariffs: President-elect is serious but it\s not about trade

The US president-elect is using tariffs as a weapon of diplomacy, even coercion, says BBC economics editor Faisal Islam.

settore 2024-11-26 13:45
What is an Economic Calendar? How it works

What is an Economic Calendar? How it works

An economic calendar in the forex market is a schedule of upcoming economic events and data releases that can impact the currency market.

Notizie 2024-11-25 19:43
Alleged Concerns with's Trading Practices

Alleged Concerns with's Trading Practices

An individual trader has come forward with allegations of an unfavourable experience while using the services of the broker

Esposizione 2024-11-25 18:08
FTX Sets March 2025 Timeline for Creditor Payouts: What It Means for Investors

FTX Sets March 2025 Timeline for Creditor Payouts: What It Means for Investors

The FTX bankruptcy estate has outlined a timeline for reimbursing creditors and customers, with initial payouts scheduled to begin in March 2025.

Notizie 2024-11-25 17:55
Lured by False Promises: Malaysian Driver Lost RM218K to an Investment Scam

Lured by False Promises: Malaysian Driver Lost RM218K to an Investment Scam

A 49-year-old e-hailing driver in Malaysia fell victim to a fraudulent investment scheme, losing RM218,000 in a matter of weeks. The scheme, which falsely promised returns of 3 to 5 per cent within just three days, left the individual financially devastated.

Notizie 2024-11-25 17:52
SEC Fines Broker-Dealers $275K for Incomplete SAR Filings

SEC Fines Broker-Dealers $275K for Incomplete SAR Filings

SEC fines three broker-dealers $275K for filing deficient Suspicious Activity Reports, highlighting the importance of compliance with SAR filing regulations.

Notizie 2024-11-25 16:58
Mastercard's 2030 Vision: Biometric-Driven, Tokenized Payments

Mastercard's 2030 Vision: Biometric-Driven, Tokenized Payments

Mastercard’s tokenized future will eliminate card numbers and passwords by 2030, ensuring seamless, secure, and biometric-driven online shopping experiences.

Notizie 2024-11-25 16:31
Saxo & Portuguese Bank Partnership

Saxo & Portuguese Bank Partnership

Saxo has collaborated with Novo Banco, a Portuguese bank to offer Novobanco clients access to Saxo's trading platform. Henrik Alsøe, Global Head of Saxo Institutional, Henrik commented, “As a leading digital trading and investment services provider, Saxo is thrilled to expand the relationship with the novobanco Group and contribute to their drive towards improved customer centricity,”

Notizie 2024-11-25 15:36
What Are the Latest Trends and Strategies in Philippine Gold Trading?

What Are the Latest Trends and Strategies in Philippine Gold Trading?

Explore the Philippines’ evolving gold trade in 2024. Learn key trends, BSP strategies, and smart trading approaches for navigating local and global markets.

Notizie 2024-11-25 15:24

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